



  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the yeast recombinant hepatitis B vaccine .

    本次研究目的为评价国产重组酵母 疫苗的安全性和免疫效果。

  • They will not have enough time to identify it and produce a vaccine .

    他们将没有足够的时间来鉴定 新型 流感和生产 疫苗

  • Anti-malarial vaccines are now undergoing trials

    抗疟疾的 疫苗正在试验阶段。

  • Schistosome genes research provides the basis for study of schistosomiasis diagnosis vaccine and drug targets .

    深入探索血吸虫功能基因可为该病的诊断、 疫苗和药物靶点研究提供基础和依据。

  • Development of new technology and tools for potential use for vaccine virus selection ;

    可能用于 疫苗病毒挑选的新技术和工具的开发问题;

  • There is no cure or approved vaccine for either Marburg or Ebola virus .

    现在马尔堡和埃博拉病毒都没有治疗方法和已证明 有效 疫苗

  • The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique


  • Vaccine manufacturers have already been donating their H5N1 pandemic flu vaccines to a WHO stockpile .


  • McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine

    麦卡锡被要求对第一阶段 疫苗试验的数据作出分析。

  • There is no vaccine against HIV infection .

    现在还没有防艾滋病病毒传染的 疫苗

  • The researchers hope that such a vaccine could be available in about ten years ' time

    研究人员期望能在大约10年内 研制出这样的 疫苗

  • Looking to the future though we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place .

    不过,展望未来,我们问到他研制出防止感染的 疫苗究竟有多大的可能性。

  • When he tested an early vaccine on himself some described the act as foolhardy

    当他在自己身上试验还处在初级阶段的 疫苗时,有些人说他的行为是蛮干。

  • Seven million doses of vaccine are annually given to British children .

    英国孩子每年要 接种7百万剂 疫苗

  • The DNA vaccine was found safe and well-tolerated .

    DNA 疫苗表现出了良好的安全性和耐受性。

  • The study is aimed at developing a new vaccine for the East Coast fever parasite .

    这项研究的目的是开发一个新的东海岸热寄生虫 疫苗

  • The evidence on the safety of the7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and other pneumococcal conjugate vaccines is reassuring .

    关于7价肺炎球菌结合 疫苗和其他肺炎球菌结合疫苗的安全性证据是可靠的。

  • The new vaccine may rid the world of one of its most terrifying diseases .

    这种新 疫苗可能会消除世界上最可怕的一种疾病。

  • Researchers are even fine-tuning when to give a cancer vaccine .

    研究人员还在精细地调整给予癌症 疫苗的时机。

  • I am in dialogue with development partners and with executives from all the leading influenza vaccine companies .

    我与发展伙伴以及各大流感 疫苗公司的行政主管人员进行了对话。

  • I hear you have some vaccine to sell .

    我听说你手上有点 疫苗要卖。

  • The infant receives three injections of pertussis vaccine at one-month intervals .

    婴儿以一个月为间隔,接受三次百日咳 疫苗的注射。

  • We need to coordinate research and accelerate the development of pandemic vaccine .

    我们必须协调研究和加快研制大流行 疫苗

  • How do I know which mumps vaccine I or my child should be vaccinated with ?

    如何知道我或我的孩子该接种何种流行性腮腺炎 疫苗

  • Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria .

    盼望有一天有人会研制出一种能有效预防疟疾的 疫苗

  • The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare

    这种 疫苗 问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。

  • It should also be noted that hepatitis B vaccine can not be mixed with other vaccine injection ;

    此外还应注意,乙肝 疫苗不能与其他疫苗混合后注射;

  • Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine

    自从发明了口服 疫苗后,令人痛苦的伤寒 疫苗注射就成为了过去。

  • There have been problems with the formulation of the vaccine
