
[化] V型缺(切)口

  • The influence of phosphorus and grain size on yield strength and Charp V-notch toughness of low carbon steels have been investigated .

    研究了磷含量和晶粒尺寸对低碳钢的屈服强度、冲击韧性和 脆转变温度的影响。

  • The extra-cryogenic impact toughness and influence factors of the high-Mn austenitic steel are studied by means of the Charpy V-notch impact test and the SEM fractured appearance analysis .

    本文通过在超低温下的 V 缺口 夏比冲击试验和SEM断口分析研究了高锰奥氏体钢的冲击韧性及其影响因素。

  • Problem of elastoplastic stress singularity near V-notch tip

    V 切口尖端的弹塑性应力奇异性问题

  • Linear elastic solution of stress and displacement distribution at the tip of a V-notch is given in the form of a power series for plane problems ( for cracks of type ⅰ and ⅱ ) .

    本文求解了 V 切口尖端在面内 加载(Ⅰ、Ⅱ型裂纹)时应力场和位移场的线弹性幂级数解答。

  • Based on the Variation Principle the formula of stress intensity factor of hybrid-element were obtained the stress intersity factor of the beams with V-notch K ⅰ and K ⅱ calculated by the hybrid-element method .

    根据变分法推导出了杂交有限元中奇异元应力强度因子的计算公式,并用杂交有限元法计算了 V 切口顶端的应力强度因子KⅠ和KⅡ。

  • Check the shape and dimension of the V-notch impact samples by a universal tool maker 's microscope

    用万能工具显微镜检验 V 缺口冲击试样的形状及尺寸

  • Research on Stress Singularities about V-notch and Interface in Orthotropic Materials

    正交各向异性材料 V 切口及界面问题的应力奇异性研究

  • The results show that the structural characteristics of throttling grooves have direct influences on pressure distribution cavitation and noise inside the valve . Pressure overshoot inside U-notch is much higher than V-notch and can restraint the inception and development of cavitation .

    结果表明,节流槽结构特征对阀内压力分布、气穴与噪声特性有直接的影响,U形槽内部压力超调量明显高于 V形槽,可以显著抑制气穴的析出与生长。

  • Expressions of major parameters are obtained by studying the blast parameters in the case of uncoupled explosive loading on the basis of research on the mechanism of spiral V-notch blasting .

    在螺旋 槽孔 松动爆破机理研究的基础上,采用不耦合装药方式,对爆破参数加以分析研究,得到主要参数的理论表达式。

  • According to the V-notch mixed fracture criterion the initial fracture angle of dam heel is determined .

    根据 混凝土 V 切口复合型断裂准则确定了坝踵初裂方向,在此基础上。

  • Thermal fatigue behaviors of superalloy GH230 was studied in the temperature ranges of700 and1000 ℃ to20 ℃ using V-notch plate specimens .

    利用开有 V 缺口的平板试样,研究了GH230合金在试验最高温度分别为700、800、900和1000℃,最低温度为20℃的热循环下的热疲劳行为。

  • This paper presents a theoretical basis for solving the problems of V-notch both in fracture design by crack-technique and safe design .

    本文的结果,为解决安全设计和裂纹技术的断裂设计中 有关 V 切口的问题提供了理论依据。

  • The shape and dimension of the V-notch impact samples were checked by a universal tool maker 's microscope . The checking data can be used to direct the adjustment of the V-notch broacher so as to process the qualified samples .

    利用万能工具显微镜对 V 缺口冲击试样的形状及尺寸进行检查,并以此数据指导V型缺口拉床的调整,加工出合格的试样。

  • The stress intensity factor of the beam with V-notch K ⅰ、 K ⅱ and the heel of gravity dam were calculated by the hybrid-element method .

    采用杂交模型有限元法计算了带 V 切口梁试件的应力强度因子,计算了重力坝坝踵区纯Ⅰ 、纯Ⅱ 和Ⅰ&Ⅱ 复合 问题的应力强度因子。

  • Using hybrid-element method based on the variation principle to determine the stress intensity factor of V-notch

    用基于变分原理的杂交有限元法求 切口顶端的应力强度因子

  • In this paper an approach is made to the influence of stress concentration in the vicinity of loaded column side V-notch on its load bearing ability and furthermore a simple calculation method is put forward which gives the calculated results in good agreement with practice .

    本文探讨了 偏心载荷柱侧边 V 切口附近应力集中对柱承载能力的影响,并提出了一种简便的计算方法,其计算结果比较符合实际。

  • Based on two main hypotheses the maximum circumferential stress criterion of brittle fracture is proposed for the V-notch problem with the combined model of I and II .

    最大周向应力随着 摩擦 因数 增大减小。基于2个基本假设,建立了 I-II复合型 V 切口脆性断裂的最大周向应力准则。

  • Beam impact test ( V-notch ) for steel ?

    钢的梁式冲击试验( v 切口

  • Firstly the V-notched structure is divided into two parts a small sector around the V-notch tip and the other .

    将含V形切口结构分成围绕 切口尖端的小扇形和剩余结构两部分。

  • This new method reflects the completely analytic character of the singular stress field near the V-notch tip .

    这一新方法完整符合了 切口尖端奇异应力场的解析规律。

  • Numerical Study of Effect of Coating Materials on Fracture of V-notch

    涂层对 V 切口断裂影响的数值研究

  • Numerical analysis of the stress field on reinforced concrete fracture specimen with a V-notch

    增强钢筋混凝土 缺口试件应力场数值分析

  • The growth of cavitation is determined by the pressure distribution inside different throttling grooves . Bubble size inside V-notch is bigger than that of U-notch and the bubble dimension is the major factor affecting cavitation noise in the throttling grooves .

    不同类型节流槽通过压力分布决定了气泡的成长过程,与U形槽相比, V 槽内部气泡尺寸较大,气泡尺度大小是影响节流槽气穴噪声的主要因素。

  • In this paper the approximate expressions have been found for the stress and displacement field in the vicinity of V-notch as well as the concrete dam heel under the action of ⅰ and ⅲ mode loading .

    本文首先求出在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型荷载作用下, V 缺口及混凝土坝坝踵区附近的应力场和位移场的近似表达式;

  • Based on the finite element method the maximum circumferential stress and stress intensity factor near the tip of mode I V-notch added coating are analyzed numerically .

    基于有限元法,对添加涂层后的I V 切口尖端附近的最大周向应力和应力强度因子进行了数值分析。

  • The multiple singularity orders of the V-notch can be obtained simultaneously in the present method .

    这一新方法 避免了在 切口 尖端 布置 细密 单元,并可同时求出多阶应力奇性 指数