valid input

[ˈvælɪd ˈɪnˌpʊt][ˈvælid ˈinput]


  • In such a case provide a retry mechanism so users can enter valid input .

    在这种情况下,请提供重试机制以便用户输入 有效 输入

  • The server can then validate that a valid option was selected and redirect the output based on the input received .

    然后服务器可以验证是否选中 有效选项,并根据接收到的 输入重定向输出。

  • The simulation results show that the assumptions of model are reasonable . This dynamic model can provide valid input data for the design verification of the reactor control .

    仿真计算结果表明,模型的假设合理,并为反应堆控制系统设计的验证提供了 有效 输入数据。

  • Employing the methods of descriptive analysis assessment of reliability and validity correlate analysis structural equation modeling and multivariable regression analysis the valid data is input to test relative hypothesises one by one . The empirical results supports most of hypothesises .

    通过对 问卷数据 进行描述性统计分析、信度和效度检验、相关分析、结构方程分析及多元回归分析,本研究逐一验证了相关研究假设,研究结果支持了大部分研究假设。

  • The CreateEvent node converts the valid input messages to the event message format required by Business Events using the ESQL language .

    CreateEvent节点使用ESLQ语言将 有效 输入消息转换为BusinessEvents所需的事件消息格式。

  • The core of any AgaviValidator is the validate () method which performs validation and returns true ( if the input is valid ) or false ( if the input is invalid ) .

    validate()方法是所有AgaviValidator的核心,该方法执行验证并返回true(如果输入 有效)或false(如果 输入无效)。

  • Through the DEA data envelopment analysis method derived that forestry development in our province is completely valid the most important constraint is the capital input .

    通过DEA数据包络实证分析法分析得出我省林业发展是完全 有效的,它进一步发展最重要的制约因素是资金的 投入

  • You must select a valid input data source before using the Query Builder .

    必须选择 有效 输入数据源后才能使用查询生成器。

  • You must specify type names to have valid input to various reflection operations .

    要为各种反射操作提供 有效 输入,必须指定类型名称。

  • Its second job once an expression has been deemed valid is to break the input stream into its component pieces and deliver those to you in some useful fashion .

    一旦认为某个表达式是 有效的,则它的第二项工作是将 输入流分解成其组件块,并以某个有用的方式将它们提供给您。

  • Granted it was only on the client side which amounts to the evil user 's own PC and doesn 't represent a threat to your application in this case but it is certainly not valid input .

    假定,这段代码只位于客户端(不幸用户自己的PC计算在内,并且在这种情况下不表示对应用程序构成威胁),但是它肯定不是 有效 输入

  • Simulation results prove that the proposed closed loop control method is valid to suppress the waveform distortion of the matrix converter output voltages and input currents caused by the distortion of source voltages or the performance difference between the real power switches and ideal power switches .

    仿真结果表明:采用闭环控制,对于抑制因 输入电压畸变或器件性能不理想等因素而导致的矩阵变换器输出电压及 输入电流波形的畸变,具有明显效果。

  • The simulation of a continuous fermenter process also shows that the controller is valid . Thirdly considering the time-delay problem which exists in many chemical processes the nonlinear model predictive controllers for a class of single input single output time-delay nonlinear systems with system uncertainty is proposed .

    连续发酵过程的仿真结果也验证了控制器是 有效的。然后考虑到多数化工系统中存在的时滞问题,提出了针对一类单 输入单输出时滞非线性系统的非线性预测控制算法。

  • Supervised learning is tasked with learning a function from labeled training data in order to predict the value of any valid input .

    监管学习的任务是学习带标签的训练数据的功能,以便预测任何 有效 输入的值。

  • This thesis analyses the public finance financial credit tax policy legislation and so on in developed country and puts forwad some valid paths to establish the input mechanism of our agro-mechanization development .

    通过对发达国家发展 农机化的财政投入、金融信贷、税收保护、法律法规等方面的研究分析,阐述了形成我国农机化发展 投入机制的途径。

  • This mode is only valid with PC / IXF input files .

    该模式只对 PC/IXF 输入文件 有效

  • A new message is created on output so you can use any valid input message .

    新的消息是根据输出创建的,因此您可以使用任何 有效 输入消息。

  • Prompts that expect a response can either provide a list of valid words that are accepted and recognized by the voice recognition system or you can ask for input through the telephone keypad .

    这个提示需要响应提供 有效单词的列表,语音识别系统可以接收并识别这些单词;也可以通过电话键盘进行 输入

  • This is valid only if input and output LO are connected at the same point .

    只有当 输入和输出LO端被连接到相同点时,这种 假设成立

  • The method is simple comparatively and valid for arbitrary input .

    本文所述的方法比较简便、且 适用输入为任意的情形。

  • The net result is not only time savings but also quality increase by providing only valid choices and the ability for validation of input before artifact generation .

    最终不但节省了时间,而且质量也提高了&因为只能在 合理的选项中选择,而且在工件生成之前还会对 输入进行验证。

  • We use the state transition table to form oscillation rings and generate patterns by searching valid states through traversing input sequences .

    而藉由 输入序列来寻找 有效之状态,我们使用状态转换表来建构振荡环及产生图样。

  • The training sample valid sample and test sample were developed taking data of 26 sample plots from May to October of 2001 as input indicators and phytoplankton biomass of each sample site as output factor .

    以2001年5~10月全太湖26个采样点的实测水文、水质、气象等资料作为 输入因子,建立了训练样本、 检验样本和测试样本,并以各采样点的浮游植物量作为输出因子。

  • Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected result with the valid input .

    功能测试是检查使用 有效 输入是否能得到所期望的输出。