value of assessment

[ˈvælju ʌv əˈsɛsmənt][ˈvælju ɔv əˈsesmənt]


  • What is the value of an assessment ?

    什么是 评估 价值

  • The Value of AKA Assessment in Distinguishing Polymyalgia Rheumatica from Early Elderly onset Rheumatoid Arthritis

    抗角蛋白抗体在风湿 肌痛与老年类风湿关节炎鉴别 诊断 意义

  • Value Orientation of the Assessment on the Public Service Capability of Township People 's Government

    乡镇政府公共服务能力 评价 价值取向 研究

  • The main value of the assessment methods are : the ratio of valuation method discounted cash flow options pricing and market value sdded method and enterprise value and the mainly related to the theory efficient market theory MM theory and asset pricing theory .

    现行主要的 价值 评估方法有:比值价值评估法,现金流折现法,期权定价法和市场增加值法,与企业价值相关的理论主要有,有效市场理论,MM理论和资产定价理论。

  • This paper discussed on the meaning characteristics and value of informal assessment . Practical problems needed to be attention were also brought out .

    本文对非正式 评价的含义、特点、 价值 实践中应注意的问题进行了讨论。

  • Objective of this thesis is the value of investment projects for effective risk assessment of investment projects to the value of risk assessment the role of better ideas .

    本论文目的是对风险投资项目价值进行有效的评估,以期 风险投资项目 价值 评估起到抛砖引玉的作用。

  • Value of Echocardiographic Assessment of Epicardial Coronary Artery Reactive Hyperemia in Anesthetized Dogs

    超声心动图 检测犬冠状动脉反应性充血

  • Preliminary Analysis on Value of Risk Assessment Criteria

    风险 评价标准 初探

  • Objectives : To evaluate the value of catecholamine assessment in urine in predicting clinical efficacy of beta-blockers in the patients with vasovagal syncope .

    目的: 评价血管迷走性晕厥患者尿儿茶酚胺在β-阻滞剂疗效预测中的 价值

  • Therefore people should make a correct understanding of the value of 360-degree feedback assessment and attach great importance to the decisive function of the senior leadership of the enterprise and the cultural differences .

    有鉴于此,我们应正确理解360 反馈 评价 价值,重视企业高层领导的决定作用,注意使用360度反馈的文化差异问题。

  • The Competitive Advantage Period ( CAP ) is the sustainable time during which the business investment income exceeds the capital cost . This concept joints together effectively the theory of stock value of assessment and the theory of business competitive advantage appraisal .

    竞争优势持续期是企业投资收益率超过资本成本的可持续时间,这一概念有效联结了股票 估值理论与企业竞争优势评价理论。

  • People rely on the value of assessment value activities and value of options to build their own survival .

    人们不可剥离地依赖着 价值活动,进行价值的 评价和价值的选择,用以构建自己的生存方式。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical value of MRI quantitative assessment with gadolinium enhancement in detecting the bone marrow infiltration of acute leukemia .

    目的:运用磁共振成像(MRI)定量 检测骨髓增强前后强化率,研究急性白血病患者骨髓浸润性病变,探讨MR成像在诊断急性白血病骨髓浸润中的应用 价值

  • The context of the introduction of the new school curriculum for language learning the value of formative assessment .

    新课改背景下引入中学语文学习形成性 评价 价值

  • The value of assessment centre has been widely discovered and accepted in the human resource field .

    评价中心在人力资源领域中的 价值已经被广为发现和接受。

  • The processive learning assessment can be understood from five dimensionality : the value tropism of assessment the time of assessment the space of assessment the content of assessment and the method of assessment .

    过程性学习评价可以从五个维度来理解: 评价 价值取向、 评价发生的时间、评价发生的空间、评价指向的内容以及评价使用的方法。

  • International practices of the firm estimate of value method has a lot of freedom cash flows turn now eva value of the assessment method is in a foreign firm estimate of value in practice has been relatively mature and in the application has been developed .

    国际通行的企业估值方法有很多,自由现金流、股权现金流量折现法、EVA 价值 评估方法在国外公司估值实践中的已经很成熟,而在我国的实际应用还在有待提高。

  • But the limitation should not overshadow the value of risk management theory for controlling the applicable rate of pre-trial detention and the positive significance and practical value of risk assessment for limiting discretion in the pre-trail detention procedure and protecting the legitimacy of pre-trail detention .

    然而,这种局限性不应当掩盖风险管理理论对于逮捕适用控制的价值,不应当掩盖风险 评估对于限制审查逮捕程序中的自由裁量权,保障逮捕正当性的积极意义和实践 价值

  • Objective To investigate the value of postoperative hearing assessment by using the free field audiometre in patients with multi-channel cochlear implant .

    目的探讨声场测试对多通道人工耳蜗植入术后听觉 评估 意义

  • This article aims to find the qualitative 、 localizing diagnostic value aswell as the value of assessment of the degree in acute intestinal obstruction .

    本文旨在研究CT对急性肠梗阻的定位、定性诊断,以及对肠梗阻程度的 判定 价值

  • Third the option value of law is the assessment of the variance of smaller indicating the value of options assessment method is more stable than the market value .

    第三、期权法得到的评估价值的方差较小,说明期权法的 评估 价值比市场价值更加稳定。

  • This text studied the role and value of health technology assessment ( HTA ) as it is applied to hospital management .

    笔者探讨了卫生技术 评估在医院管理应用中的作用与 价值

  • Objective To investigate the clinical value of quantitative assessment of myocardial blood flow ( MBF ) in patients with coronary artery disease ( CAD ) using real time contrast echocardiography and global acoustic density technique ( GAD ) .

    目的探讨实时声学造影以及全功能声学密度定量技术(globalacousticdensity,GAD) 评价冠心病患者心肌血流量(myocardialbloodflow,MBF)的临床应用 价值

  • Serum leptin expression in the critically ill patients and value of nutrition assessment markers

    危重病患者血清瘦素表达及营养 评价指标的 作用

  • Really reflect the value of Web-based online assessment system .

    真正体现出基于Web的网上 系统的 价值

  • Dynamic Changes Analysis and Value of Ecosystem Services Assessment Grassland of the Western Jilin

    吉林西部草地动态变化分析与生态系统服务功能 价值 评价

  • The Prognostic Value of Combined Assessment of Preoperative and Postoperative Plasma Levels of Osteopontin in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    联合 检测术前、术后血浆骨桥蛋白表达预测肝细胞癌切除术 预后

  • In the present paper I also explored many basic concepts and their differences related to environmental risk assessment such as environmental risk indication value of risk assessment criteria risk assessment methods probability of risk accidents and so on .

    论文还探讨了环境风险 评价领域的诸多基本问题。在环境风险评价相关基本概念及其区别、风险表征、风险标准 、风险评价方法、风险事故概率等方面作了较为深入的理论阐述与说明。

  • As a result using real options thinking can calculate the value of flexibility which traditional assessment methods often ignores which makes the assessment even more practical and reasonable .

    而实物期权能够很好地的与战略投资特点相适应,故而采用实物期权思维能够计算出传统 评估方法所忽略的灵活性 价值,从而使得其评价具有更现实更合理的意义。