valve body

[vælv ˈbɑdi][vælv ˈbɔdi]


  • Install valve in the direction of the flow arrows on the valve body .

    按照 阀体上的箭头方向安装阀门。

  • Push spacer sleeve No.11 onto the valve body .

    将隔套编号11推到 阀体上。

  • At the same time the stress analysis of the control valve body was shown by considering the fluid-structure interaction .

    同时,在考虑流固耦合作用下对控制 阀体进行了应力分析。

  • The interface between the valve core and the valve body is a conical soft metal interface .

    所述的阀芯与 阀体之间接触面为锥面软金属接触面。

  • Is suitable for through flange valve sealing pressure and valve body intensity pressure performance test .

    适用于直通法兰式阀门的密封压力和 阀体强度压力性能试验。

  • The globe valve valve body can be whole as well as be sectional .

    球阀 阀体可以是整体的,也可以是组合式的。

  • The valve body has been designed to handle the weight of the pump on vertical in-line installations .

    这种 阀体适用于承受垂直直线安装的泵的重量。

  • Material of valve body shall be forged or cast steel and provide sufficient weldability .


  • The valve body and disc of valve shall be made of ductile cast iron .

    阀门 阀体、阀板制造材料应该是球墨铸铁。

  • The wellhead throttle valve is made up of nozzle plunger-shaped spool throttle value valve body and valve rod etc.

    该井口节流阀由喷嘴、柱塞形阀芯、节流轴、 阀体、阀杆等组成。

  • Install new retainer module assembly into valve body by aligning U shaped cutout in retainer with the valve outlet .

    通过对齐护圈上和阀门出口的“u”形切口,将新的护圈模块总成装配到 体内

  • The valve body acts as a built-in actuator eliminating costly hydraulic pneumatic or electric operators .


  • The valve body of the valve is provided with upper and lower two valve cores .

    阀体 配有上、下两个阀芯。

  • Do not allow any pipe dope into valve body in order to avoid damage to disc and seat .

    不要让任何管道粘接剂流入 体内,以避免损坏阀瓣和阀座。

  • The check valve by adopting the seal structure has great sealing effect and the leakage between the valve body and the valve clack can be effectively prevented .

    采用上述密封结构的止回阀有良好的密封效果,能有效地防止 阀体和阀瓣之间的泄漏。

  • The combined type valve body is divided into an outer type valve body or a built-in type valve body .

    上述组合式 阀体分外装型阀体或内装型阀体。

  • Diaphragm valve body flow smoothly cutting components for the elastic diaphragm valve cover stuffing .

    隔膜 阀体流通平滑、节流元件为弹性隔膜阀,阀盖上无填料函。

  • Both the retainer side and the body side seats are locked into the valve body .

    定位装置的侧面和阀体侧面阀座都锁定在 阀体

  • Bellows assembly is welded to the valve seat and the bonnet assembly to isolates the fluid stream inside the valve body from the atmosphere outside the valve body .

    焊接于阀座和阀帽之间的波纹结构使 阀门内流体和阀门外大气隔绝。

  • The top of retainer must drop just below threads in the valve body .

    固定器的顶部必须刚好位于 阀体 螺纹下方。

  • Research on Technique of Electrochemical Deburring Machining for Injector Orifice of Needle Valve Body


  • Vent the piping and test valve body cavity to remove air or steam .

    排放管道和试验 阀门 体腔内的空气或蒸汽。

  • Check modules are installed in the valve body with the seats facing the valve inlet .

    安装在 阀门 的止回模块其阀座应该面对阀门进口。

  • The thimble and valve body has the thread connection the place around the thimble has the flange .

    顶针与 阀体用螺纹连接,顶针的周边做有凸缘。

  • What usually happens is that the spring corrodes to the stem and valve body and becomes immovable .

    通常发生的是弹簧同阀杆和 阀体腐蚀在一起,变得无法移动。

  • Typically a control valve body has a close resonance frequency to the pipe system .

    通常,控制 阀体的共振频率和管道系统比较接近。

  • Valve body and internal parts : anodized aluminum alloy copper .
