validation attribute

[计] 证实属性

  • The validation arguments'values can either be static using the value attribute or dynamic by linking it to a form field using the sourcefield attribute .

    验证参数的值可以使用value 属性规定为静态的,也可以通过使用sourcefield属性将其链接到表单字段,将值规定为动态的。

  • This paper realizes attribute certification with XML to predigest the generation of certification and process of validation to guarantee the uniform of attribute certification and SAML in disposal ways to simplify the realization of system and to improve the reliability and expansibility .

    本文用XML来实现属性证书,简化了证书生成、 验证过程,保证 属性证书和SAML在处理方式上的一致,简化了系统实现,提高了可靠性、扩展性。

  • The required attribute is used during form validation ( more on that below ) and the autofocus attribute lets you pick the element on the page too get focus .

    required属性用于表单 验证(下面将详细介绍)过程中,autofocus 属性允许选择页面上的元素以获取焦点。

  • These attributes are not validated but because we are using XML schema rather than a DTD we can still retain all other validation .

    这些 attribute不会被验证,但因为我们使用的是XMLschema,而不是DTD,我们仍然可以保留所有其他的 验证

  • This tag displays the value of the message attribute of a validation tag that detected a validation failure .

    这个标签显示了检测有效性验证失败的 validation标签的message 属性的值。