A needle valve with a threaded spindle is unscrewed to open a passage for the liquid to escape to the reservoir from the cylinder when the jack is required to be lowered .
当千斤顶需要下降时,一个带 锭子的针型 阀门被放松来使液体通过圆筒流回储备液箱。
Primary uses for wrot brass are for ball valve stems and balls and iron valve stems . a forging grade of brass is used in ball valve bodies and pieces . Dynamic Analysis of a Spindle of Pilot-operated Solenoid Valve
黄铜的主要用途是球阀阀杆和球体,和铸铁阀门的阀杆。可锻黄铜可用于 球阀 阀体和断口部件。两级先导式电磁阀 主 阀芯动力学分析
The corrosion resistance at high temperature of 4Cr_9Si_2 valve spindle used in ship diesel engine has been studied . The corrosion layers was analysed by metallograph EMA and PES .
为了解船用柴油机排气 阀材料 4Cr9Si2的抗热腐蚀性能,用金相显微镜、电子探针和能谱对其腐蚀进行分析。
One 6L48 / 60 exhaust valve spindle used on marine engine has completely broken at stem 100 mm from disk in operation .
6L48/60型船用柴油机主排气 阀运行中在距 阀盘100mm的阀杆处发生完全破断。
Application of numerically controlled lathe in the machining of control valve spindle with multiple throttling
数控车床在调节 阀多级节流 阀杆加工中的应用
The main valve spindle incorporates an inner spindle for double regulation memory stop and valve position setting . The bottom bearing applies both labyrinth seal and frame seal which have good performance of sealing . The main shaft is anticorrosive .
主 阀 轴配置一个内轴,适用于双重调节止动记忆和阀门位置设置。下轴承端盖密封采用双重密封,可确保密封效果,主轴采用防腐新技术,能保护主轴免受腐蚀。
Study on Aeration Valve for Spindle Hole of Turbine
水轮机 主轴 中心孔 补气 装置的研究
Rupture Failure Analysis of Marine Diesel Exhaust Valve Spindle
船用柴油机 排气 阀的断裂失效分析
The paper analyses and introduces the calculation of programmers and its problems in the machining of control valve spindle with multiple throttling using numerically controlled lathe .
介绍了应用数控车床加工调节 阀多级节流 阀杆时程序的计算及编程中应注意的问题。
Bi metal exhaust valve spindle by electric beam welding
双金属排气 阀的电子束焊接
The valve spindle is bent and twisted because it is misaligned .
阀 轴弯曲且摇摆,因为未对中。
Investigation on Vibration of Steam Regulation Valve Spindle System on 125 MW Units and Measures for Its Elimination
125MW汽轮机调节 阀杆系统振动的试验分析与消振措施
Through the redesign and revamp of the valve disk and body of rotary spindle the technology is simplified the cost is reduced and a large amount of foreign exchange is saved for our country .
回转 接头 的 阀芯 和 阀套经重新设计和改造后,简化了工艺,降低了成本,为国家节省了大量外汇。
美[vælv ˈspɪndl:]英[vælv ˈspɪndl]