The positive rate of AVP in patients with rheumatic valvulitis is higher than that of ESR and CRP ( P0 05 ) .
风湿性 心 瓣膜 炎组AVP阳性率高于ESR及CRP。
Objective : To evaluate the significance of the antibody to group A streptococcal polysaccharide ( ASP ) in the diagnosis of rheumatic valvulitis .
目的:探讨抗A组溶血性链球菌壁多糖抗体(ASP)在风湿性 心 瓣膜 炎中的意义及诊断价值。
Objective To investigate the diagnosis and surgical intervention of malformation of heart with infectious valvulitis .
目的探讨心脏内畸形合并感染性 心 瓣膜 炎的诊断及外科治疗 特点。
Significance of anti valvular protein antibody in rheumatic valvulitis
抗心瓣膜蛋白抗体在风湿性 心 瓣膜 炎中的意义
Recurrent valvulitis and valve dysfunction in repaired or biovalve replacement need re-operation .
瓣膜成形术后易再发 瓣膜 炎,生物瓣膜置换术后可再发瓣膜 炎 致 瓣膜 穿孔、瓣周漏而需要再次手术。
Surgical intervention of malformation of heart with infectious valvulitis
心脏 内畸形合并感染性 心 瓣膜 炎的外科治疗
Of the case s 23 had congenital anomalies of the heart and 1 had rheumatic valvulitis .
有 明确 感染诱因的 21例,先天性心 内 结构畸形23例,风湿性 瓣膜 病1例。