valid program

[ˈvælɪd ˈproˌɡræm][ˈvælid ˈprəuɡræm]

[电] 有效程序

  • The arithmetic of assembling between multi parts is proposed and valid through the test in my program . Finally Arithmetic of part area and volume calculation is introduced in detail . Works of this thesis are summarized and further research work is put forward .

    最后,提出了零件表面积与 体积计算的相关 算法,对论文的相关工作做了总结,并提出下一步工作的方向。

  • Identify and Cultivate Valid Customers in Loyalty Program

    忠诚 计划及其 有效顾客的识别与培育

  • In fact the example parse tree you looked at previously is almost a valid Scheme program .

    实际上,前面所研究的解析树示例几乎就是一个 合法的Scheme 程序

  • Results of this paper indicate that identifying the valid customers and cultivating their loyalty is the key of a successful loyalty program .

    本文的研究结论是,只有通过对 有效顾客的识别,培育 有效顾客的忠诚,才是忠诚 计划成功的关键所在。

  • Based on this B-rep model bring forward the arithmetic of machining state transforming and parts assembling which is valid through the test of program . First the research and relative subject on 3D reconstruction form 2D engineering drawings is summarized .

    基于此三维模型,提出零件加工状态变换与装配的相关算法,并通过 程序予以 验证。首先,讨论目前工程图样三维重建相关方面的研究现状,阐述了本文的研究内容和主要工作。

  • It might be very difficult to ensure that an aspect implemented for very valid reasons does not have unwanted effects on existing program functionality .

    要保证一个为非常 有效推断所实现的方面不会对现存 程序功能带来多余的效果是非常困难的。

  • The valid of the calculating program and the selection calculating parameters were tested . The dynamic reaction of underground structure was obtained under the earthquake waves . 4 .

    静力问题的收敛性,验证了计算 程序和计算参数选取的 正确性,给出了地下结构在地震波作用下的位移反应。

  • Without a doubt it is valid and the program has put its foot in its mouth .

    毫无疑问它是 有效的, 程序已经陷入混乱之中。

  • ' % 1 ' contains valid data and program settings prevent overwrite .

    %1包含 有效的数据,同时 程序的设置会防止被覆盖。

  • The revolutions of the computational power and memory capacity of modern computing technology offer us a valid implement to calculate more complicated problems only and the high efficiency of program is our perpetual seek .

    现代计算技术在计算能力和存储容量上的革命仅仅提供了计算更复杂问题的 有效工具,而 程序的高效性是我们永恒的追求。

  • Anomaly detection can be divided into network-based and host-based anomaly detection and this paper mainly discusses anomaly detection based on a particular host which is particularly a server host providing network services on the Internet . A valid monitoring methodology can precisely describe program behavior profile .

    异常检测可以分为基于网络和基于主机的异常检测,本文讨论主要是基于特定主机尤其是在网络上提供网络服务的服务器 主机的异常检测。

  • After the user releases the mouse button over a valid target the program draws a more permanent line or arrow between the two objects .

    用户在 有效的目标对象上释放鼠标键后, 程序会在两个对象之间绘制一条永久的线或者箭头。

  • With the analysis of Remote requiring process and the study of remote requiring resource cooperation tools and the member of design group a valid method is carried out and executed by the program .

    针对带传动设计远程调用过程的特点,对设计过程中的资源的获取、协同工具和设计小组成员进行了研究,提出了 具体实施方法并通过 程序来实现;

  • You must have a valid email address and valid Alertpay or Paypal address to register with our program .

    你必须拥有一个有效的邮箱地址和有限的 Alertpay或Paypal地址才能注册我们的网站。

  • Breakpoint conditions can be any valid C expression when debugging C programs indeed any valid expression in the language your program is using .

    调试C程序时,断点条件可以是任何有效的C表达式,一定要是 程序所使用语言的任意 有效表达式。

  • The application path must point to a valid program or shortcut file .

    应用程序路径必须指定 有效 程序或快捷方式文件。

  • Improve the agriculture television produces the environment 、 abundant form of television program 、 Prolong time of the television program the valid adjustment the dissemination environment of television program .

    重视改善农业电视制作环境和机制、丰富电视节目的形式,延长电视节目的播放时间,来 有效的调整电视 节目的传播环境;

  • Given unsafe configurations that describe the goals of an attack we then find behaviors allowed as valid execution by the program model that produce the unsafe configurations .

    给定一个可以描述攻击目的的操作系统的不安全配置,发现被 进程模型所允许的 有效的执行行为也会产生不安全的操作系统配置。

  • To solve it you have to create one valid license key for999 users of this program .

    要解决它,你必须创建用户999本 方案的一个 有效的许可证密钥。

  • PHP technology is a valid tool to develop dynamic Web application program .

    PHP技术是开发动态Web应用 程序 有效工具。

  • If you are a post-secondary student with a valid study permit you do not need to submit an application if you want to change your program of study or the institution where you are studying .

    是不是意味着,我拿的 学习许可可以和 实际去上学的学校不同而不用再提交申请?

  • Indicates command line arguments to be called when running the program . This option is valid when ' Debug Mode ' is set to ' Project ' or ' Program ' .

    指示在运行程序时调用的命令行参数。此选项在调试模式设置为项目或 程序有效

  • A race condition is benign if all outcomes are valid but frequently one outcome of a race condition leaves the program in an unstable or invalid state .

    如果所有结果都是 有效的,则争用条件是良性的,但是通常争用条件的一个结果使 程序处于一种不稳定或无效的状态。

  • If a student is subject to a check today that check will normally be valid for the length of the academic program .

    如果一个学生今天结束调查,那么调查的结果将在他赠个赴 学习期间 有效