validity of credit


  • Christine Lagarde the French finance minister was recently quoted as saying : What we are going to take away from this crisis is certainly a second look at the validity solidity of sovereign credit default swaps w_1768 .

    最近媒体援引法国财长克里斯丁拉加德(christineLagarde)的话称:我们从此次危机中获得的教训,肯定是重新审视主权( 信用违约互换)的 有效 和可靠性。

  • Meanwhile due to the direct impact of credit rating on negotiable securities and the importance of credit rating as the reference of investors ' decision on investment the validity and objectivity of credit rating are usually in high profile .

    同时,由于信用评级的结果直接影响着有价证券的定价,也是投资者做投资决策的重要参考,因此 信用 评级 真实 和客观性往往备受关注。

  • It studies that the development of the assets market has positive and negative influence on the validity of the credit transmission mechanism .

    三是研究了资本市场的发展对 信贷传导机制的 有效 的正、负两方面的影响。

  • Focusing on the analyses of the use and its validity of the personal credit evaluation model this article points out its defects and offers some suggestions .

    本文重点对其中的个人 信用评价模型的使用与 有效 进行了剖析,指出其中缺陷,并提出了改进对策。

  • Through the empirical verification it is found that the model applies highly to different samples and its probability of right judgments in validity of credit is much higher than traditional ones .

    通过实证验证,发现模型对不同样本的适应程度很高,将无效授信判断为 有效 授信的概率比传统的 有效衡量模型低很多。

  • The payment transaction task will be based on the status of the validity of the credit card task .

    付款事务需要在 信用有效的状态下进行。

  • Concrete provisions about the way of credit information and the validity of credit information to debtors creditors and the third persons shall be made to perfect the relevant provisions in the Contract Law of China .

    应对债权通知方式、 债权通知对债务人、债权人以及第三人的 效力等问题作具体研究,完善我国《合同法》的相关规定。

  • The Research of Validity of Corporate Credit Evaluating Indicator

    我国企业 信用评价指标 有效 研究

  • For example the check credit card task is modeled as a service task because the validity of the credit card can be checked by invoking a web service .

    例如,将信用卡检查任务建模为服务任务。因为 信用卡的 有效 检查可以通过调用WebService来执行。

  • In the payment protocol based on credit card the payment basal establishment based on credit must be used and the issued institution must authenticate the validity of the credit card and the anonymity of the payment cannot be afforded .

    基于卡的支付协议使用 信用卡的支付基础设施,卡的 有效 需经过发卡机构的认证,不能提供交易的匿名性。

  • In view of the real practice of the business in consumer finance companies the paper analyses the demand structure for clients ' credit information finding out the factors that affect the validity of initial credit extension through a pilot survey integrated with suggestions from experts .

    以消费金融公司授信业务实际情况为出发点,分析了消费金融公司对授信客户的信用信息需求结构。并结合专家意见和试调研确立了影响初次 授信 有效 的影响因素。

  • Since the validity of the letter of credit was to expire in two days there was no time to write for more detailed instructions .

    由于 信用 两天内就要到期,来不及写信要求做出更详细的说明。

  • So how to enhance the credit rating level and the validity of different measures of credit enhancement have become an attention question of the issuers 、 the securities companies and the credit rating agencies .

    如何提升债券信用等级以及各种 增信方式的 有效 已成为发行人、承销商、投资者以及评级机构关注的重要问题。

  • The Transact Payment task checks the validity of the customer 's credit card while the Save Order task saves the order and returns the result of the saving process as the output of the process .

    TransactPayment任务核实客户 信用卡的 有效 ,SaveOrder任务保存订单并返回保存流程的结果,作为流程的输出。

  • The bank should commit to improve the validity of the credit decisions so as to reduce the default risk which comes from the companies .

    银行作为 市场 经济中独立的主体,其应该致力于提高自身 信贷决策的 有效 ,降低自身面临的违约风险。

  • The fourth chapter studies the validity of China 's credit conduct mechanism by means of statistics methods .

    第四章采用回归分析和相关分析的方法 中国 信贷传导机制 有效 进行了实证研究。

  • But currently the major obstacle to ensuring the validity of China 's monetary policy lies in the credit contraction mechanism that still operates within its bank-dominated financial system .

    当前妨碍中国货币政策 有效 的主要因素是中国的银行主导型金融体系内部存在 信贷收缩机制。