


  • Clinical Analysis of Candidal Vaginitis Caused by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Effects of Ozone Therapy on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

    盆腔炎院内继发念珠菌 阴道炎的临床分析臭氧治疗外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的临床观察

  • CONCLUSIONS Chinese and western medicine combined with significant effect and shorter duration of treatment of candida vaginitis .

    结论中西药结合治疗念珠菌 阴道炎病程缩短,疗效显著。

  • Objective : To explore the mechanism of C.albicans vaginitis on acrosome reaction ( AR ) in human sperm .

    目的探讨白色念珠菌 阴道炎对人精子顶体反应(AR)的影响机制。

  • Objective : To explore the best treatment of candida vaginitis in pregnancy .

    目的:探讨妊娠期念珠菌 阴道炎最佳治疗方法。

  • A related analysis of convey data for cervical erosion vaginitis and myoma of uterus

    宫颈糜烂、 阴道炎和子宫肌瘤的相关性

  • Method : Devidng the patients who are diagnosed as senile vaginitis into blank group and cure group in radios .

    方法:确诊为老年 阴道炎的患者纳入本实验,随机分为对照组和治疗组。

  • Analysis on the Results of Chlamydia Trachomatis of 2252 Patients with Vaginitis

    2252例 阴道炎 患者的沙眼衣原体检测结果分析

  • Objective : To observe the effect of using FJ-008A ozone therapeutic instrument in the treatment of vaginitis .

    观察FJ-008A妇科臭氧治疗仪治疗妇科常见 阴道炎的疗效。

  • The Relevance between Climate and Incidence of Fungous Vaginitis

    气候与真菌 阴道炎发病率的相关性研究

  • Many for mycotic vaginitis 's typical phenomenon often is accompanied by the serious vulva titillation .

    多为霉菌 阴道炎的典型现象,常伴有严重的外阴搔痒。

  • Objective To explore the relationship between the level of estrogen progestin and palindromia of monilial vaginitis and new method on ancillary treatment .

    目的通过研究雌、孕激素水平与复发性念珠菌 阴道炎的相关性,探索辅助治疗疾病的新方法。

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of secnidazole tablet in treatment of trichomonal vaginitis .

    评价口服塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫 阴道炎的有效性和安全性。

  • The vaginitis easy relapse to puzzle the female to live seriously .


  • This kind of mycoplasma may cause the uropoiesis the genital tract infection like non-gonococcus urethritis feminine vaginitis pelvic inflammatory disease masculine prostatitis and so on .

    这类支原体可引起泌尿、生殖道感染,如非淋菌性尿道炎,女性 阴道炎、盆腔炎,男性前列腺炎等。

  • How to treat the infusorium vaginitis ?

    怎么治疗滴虫 阴道炎

  • How to know that oneself suffers from the bacterial vaginitis .

    怎样知道自己患上细菌 阴道炎

  • The relationships between age the state of gential tract and vaginitis cervical erosion and vulvae leukoplakia

    年龄、生殖道状况与 阴道炎、宫颈糜烂和外阴白斑患病的相关性研究

  • Study the mechanism of Candida albicans vaginitis on acrosome reaction in human sperm

    白色念珠菌 阴道炎对人精子顶体反应影响机制的初步探讨

  • OBJECTIVE To study treatment efficacy of Candida vaginitis using Canesten vaginal tablet .

    目的探讨凯妮汀阴道片 治疗 霉菌 阴道炎的治疗效果。

  • Conclusion : Using FJ-008A gynecological ozonic instrument to treat common vaginitis is another method without medicine .

    结论:FJ-008A妇科臭氧治疗仪是非药物治疗妇科常见 阴道炎的一种方法。

  • OBJECTIVE To investigate treatment method and effect of candida vaginitis then to improve the cure rate .

    目的探讨治疗念珠菌 阴道炎的方法和疗效,以提高其治愈率。

  • Below followed xiangtan sig hospital health experts to join us in understanding some protective mould sex vaginitis method !

    下面就跟着湘潭康美医院健康专家一起来了解一些防护霉菌性 阴道炎的方法吧!

  • Objective : To study the cause of Candidal Vaginitis ( CV ) .

    目的:研究念珠菌 阴道炎(CV)的发病原因。

  • Objective To observe the clinical effect of YIQIKANG of treatment on atypical Candidal Vaginitis .

    目的观察药物易启康(国产伊曲康唑)治疗不典型念珠菌 阴道炎的临床疗效。

  • Clinical infective character and susceptibility analysis of candidal vaginitis patients

    念珠菌 阴道炎患者临床感染念珠菌特点和药敏分析

  • Is mould sex vaginitis influential to be pregnant ?

    霉菌性 阴道炎对怀孕有影响吗?

  • Objective To observe the curative effect of the treatment to monilial vaginitis by taking Itraconazole Capsule .

    目的观察斯匹仁诺治疗念珠 阴道炎的疗效。

  • Mould sex vaginitis the hospital sees a doctor .

    霉菌性 阴道炎,医院看病