valence bond theory

[ˈveləns bɑnd ˈθiəri][ˈveiləns bɔnd ˈθiəri]


  • Configuration Interaction in Valence Bond Theory


  • So let 's think about methane using valence bond theory .

    让我们用 电子 理论来看一看甲烷。

  • The physical model for anodic bonding is constructed base on valence bond theory and the essence relationship between bond result and circuit character is obtained .

    基于 理论,建立了阳极键合的机理模型,进一步得到键合过程的外电路电学特性与键合质量的内在关系。

  • Yield Strength Calculation of Fully Lamellar TiAl - Nb Alloys with Valence - Bond Theory

    全片层组织TiAl-Nb合金屈服强度的 理论计算

  • Progress in Modern Valence Bond Theory

    现代 理论研究进展

  • In valence bond theory the focus is on discussing the bonds but it should look very familiar to you because there 's two types of bonds that we want to discuss here .

    电子 理论中,所关注的是讨论成键,但这对于你们来说应该很熟悉,因为这是我们要讨论的两种键。

  • Bridging ligands involved in compounds reveals the various valence - bond nature and steric structrue which promote the development of valence - bond theory coordination catalyst as well as biology simulation .

    桥联的出现使化合物表现出花样繁多的 键本性及空间结构,既促进了 化学 理论的发展,也促进了配位催化及生物模拟的发展。

  • So using our simple valence bond theory what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds .

    利用简单的 电子 理论,我们预计,要把所有甲烷中没有配对的电子,和氢原子中没有配对的电子配对来形成键。

  • Valence bond theory analysis on the lattice parameters atomic magnetic moments and characters of specific heat in Fe Co alloys

    Fe-Co合金晶格参量、原子磁矩及比热特性的 理论分析

  • So the idea behind valence bond theory is very easy to understand .

    电子 理论,非常容易理解。

  • The bonding parameter and charge deviation of Fcc base ordered Al Li intermetallic compounds have been calculated by using metal valence bond theory .

    用余氏金属 理论计算了Fcc基有序Al-Li金属间化合物的键参量和原子间成键的电荷偏移量。

  • A new algorithm for inactive orbital optimization in valence bond theory


  • The sequence and the mode in which the proton bundles impact the kerogen cracking in terms of valence bond theory of quantum mechanics are explained ;

    根据量子力学的 理论解释了质子酸束在碰撞干酪根裂解过程中的顺序和方式;

  • And to do this we 're going to introduce valence bond theory and the idea of hybridization of orbitals .

    在这之前我们要引入 电子 理论,和杂化轨道的概念。

  • A New Algorithm for the Permanent Approach to Valence Bond Theory


  • In the preceding section we discussed the valence bond ( vb ) or electron-pair theory of bonding .

    在前面一节,我讨论了 法&电子配对 理论

  • In the present paper a brief review is given to some important approaches of modern valence bond theory .

    概述现代 理论的几个主要方法,以及它们的特点和发展现状。

  • The main causes of the ambiguity are ( 1 ) some molecules can be represented by more than one chemical structures which all obey rules of Valence Bond Theory and ( 2 ) certain structures are not mathematically graphs .

    结构歧义性产生的主要原因,是有些化合物能够用多种都满足 理论的结构式来表示和有的歧义结构不能用数学上的图来明确表示。

  • Unitarity of valence bond theory and crystal field theory

    试论 理论和晶体场理论的统一性

  • Based on the valence bond theory a general molecular formula for organic com - pounds is derived .

    本文根据 理论导出了一个有机化合物的分子总通式。

  • It has been pointed out that Pauling 's valence bond theory of metals has been developed to a quantitative and accurate level due to the establishment of a new potential function with many atom interactions and advance of principles of construction for atomic states in solids .

    由于固体中多原子相互作用势能函数的建立和原子状态构造原则的提出,Pauling的金属 理论已发展到一个定量的精确化的水平。

  • All right so that 's really all there is to thinking about valence bond theory in terms of the most simple explanation here .

    好了,这就是, 电子 轨道 理论的,最简单的解释。

  • Theory of hybrid atomic orbital is part of modern valence bond theory and a difficult point in inorganic chemistry teaching .

    杂化轨道理论是现代 理论的一部分,也是大学无机化学教学的一个难点。本文从原子轨道为什么需要杂化;

  • LFT ( ligand field theory ) and VBT ( valence bond theory ) are applied to elucidate why Cr-Al complexes is not enough stable in solution .

    并结合配位场理论和 理论解释了Cr-Al异金属配合物不稳定的原因。

  • So we can think about now how do we describe this bond in valence bond theory .

    我们现在可以考虑,怎么在 电子 理论中描述这个键。