value call

[ˈvælju kɔl][ˈvælju kɔ:l]


  • As you can see the template refers to a variable that gets a real value during the call to initalizeStrings which uses the getString method in order to get the proper internationalized content .

    正如您所见,此模板引用了一个变量,该变量在initalizeStrings 调用期间获得一个“real” ,为了得到正确的国际化内容,initalizeStrings调用使用了getString方法。

  • In both cases each line of output equates to the application executing one function call and shows the arguments to the function and the return value of the function call .

    在这两个输出中,每个输出行对应于应用程序执行的一个函数调用,其中显示函数的参数和函数 调用的返回

  • As the underlying price increases the value of a call warrant should increase .

    相关资产 价格上升, 认购权证价格亦会上升。

  • On the contrary the company should expand the scale of stock to raising the real value degree of call option .

    反之,则应扩大股权的规模来提高 看涨期权的 实值程度。

  • Even sugar-packed fizzy drinks proclaim their electrolytic value and call themselves sports drinks .

    即使添加大量糖分的碳酸饮料居然也称具有“电解 功效”,并 自称 “运动饮料”。

  • If no messages are received by the timeout value this call will stop dispatching messages and return .

    如果经过超时 时没有收到消息,该 调用将停止发送消息并返回。

  • This multiple call problem can even cause the macro to return the wrong value if one of the functions returns a different value each call .

    如果这些函数每次 调用时所返回的 结果都不相同,那么这种“多次调用”的问题甚至会让这个宏返回错误的结果。

  • Once we have a particular attribute name we wish to get the associated value for we allocate a ByteBuffer of the right size for the value and then call the view 's read ( String ByteBuffer ) method

    一旦我们拥有了想得到相关值的特定属性名,就为该 分配一个大小合适的ByteBuffer,然后 调用视图的read(String,ByteBuffer)方法

  • Retval is the return value of the system call .

    retval是系统 调用的返回

  • The return value of the write call is the number of bytes written before the interruption and the errno will be set to success .

    write的返回 是在被中断前已写的字节数,全局变量errno设置为成功。

  • If it is easier to check a return value or call an API to change a setting then go deep * and stop messing around on the surface .

    如果检查一个返回 或者 调用一个API来改变设置会更简单,那么就深入下去,停止在UI上浪费时间了。

  • 8 % preferred stock $ 10 par value call price $ 11 per share authorized and issued 20 shares

    8%优先股, 面值10美元, 赎回价每股11美元,核定并发行20股

  • Above the fold ( 768 pixels high ) it shows a large screenshot tagline value proposition call to action client list videos and short feature list with images .

    折叠线以上(768像素高),它显示一个巨大的截图、标语、有 价值的主张、行为 召唤、客户列表、视频和使用图片展示的简短特性列表。

  • From your studies so far you know that Groovy closures are code blocks that can be referenced parameterized passed as a method parameter and delivered as the return value from a method call .

    学习至今,您知道了Groovy闭包是代码块,可以被引用、带参数、作为方法参数传递、作为返回 从方法 调用返回。

  • Each time the method called itself the saved start time value from the last call would be overwritten and lost .

    每次方法调用自身时, 上次保存的开始时间 就会被覆盖并且丢失。

  • When a remote method is called the response encapsulates the return value of the method call .

    当远端方法被调用时,响应就会将此方法 调用的返回 封装起来。

  • But do sift through the jargon to determine the real value of the call and the rather direct feedback on the issues raised and whether they contributed to your understanding of the business strategy .

    但请务必看透行话,确定 电话 会议的真实 价值,以及会上提出的事项所得到的颇为直接的反馈,看它们是否增进了你对业务战略的理解。

  • The return value from each method call is assigned to an instance variable for the class .

    将每个方法 调用的返回 赋给该类的一个实例变量。

  • The value returned is the success / failure value of the call to writefile () .

    返回的值为对writefile() 调用的success/failure

  • If one is not seen the dummy value of-999.99F is sent back to the method consumer which interprets the dummy value as a call for an invalid stock symbol .

    如果没有发现一个输出,则将dummy值-999.99F返回给方法使用方,将dummy 解释为对无效股票代码的 调用

  • If the call to the service is successful then onSuccess () is invoked with the return value of the service call .

    如果对服务的调用成功,则用服务 调用的返回 调用onSuccess()。

  • To access this value call $ media - > group - > thumbnail 0 w_136 - > attributes () and access the url key of the resulting attribute array .

    要访问这个 需要 调用$media->group->thumbnail0]->attributes(),并访问结果属性数组的url键。

  • When the user makes a selection from the listbox JSF makes an Ajax call to the server and updates the text input 's value when the Ajax call returns .

    当用户从列表框中进行选择时,JSF会向服务器发起一个Ajax调用,并在Ajax 调用返回时更新文本输入的

  • When interest rate is constant I have put forward option price formula of the discounted value of the European call option .

    讨论了当利率是常数时, 欧式看涨期权价格折现 所满足的微分方程。

  • From real options perspective through the BOT highway bilateral guarantee the government access to two real options value : a put option value and a call option value .

    以实物期权的观点看,政府通过对BOT高速公路的双边保证,获得两个实物期权价值:看跌期权 价值看涨期权价值。

  • In addition bond funds investment varieties include convertible bonds and a small amount of stocks convertible bonds besides has the value of their bonds also contains the value of the call option .

    除此之外,债券型基金的投资品种还包括可转换债券和少量股票,可转换债券除有债券价值外,还包含 看涨期权 价值

  • The second value discipline we call product leadership .

    第二种 价值类型我们 产品领先型。

  • The argument to the success method is the return value of the call in the interface and implementation .

    成功方法的参数是接口和实现中的 调用的返回

  • As a newly developed derivative convertible bond is characterized by its high value of call option and low value of investment risks which is not fully understood by Chinese investors yet .

    可转换公司债券在中国证券市场上还是一种新兴的衍生金融工具,中国的部分投资者尚未充分认识其 看涨期权 价值空间的广阔性及其投资风险的有限性。

  • The return value of an asynchronous call can be recovered by calling the EndInvoke method .

    异步 调用的返回 可以通过EndInvoke方法回收。