value on exchange

[ˈvælju ɑn ɪksˈtʃendʒ][ˈvælju ɔn iksˈtʃeindʒ]

[经] 市场价值, 交换价值

  • It accepts stocks that are lower in market value and traded less often than shares on the New York Stock Exchange .

    它接收低于市场 价值的股票,而且交易频率低于纽约股票 交易市场。

  • Effects of pH Value on Adsorption of Basic Ion Exchange Resin on Fumaric Acid

    pH 碱性离子 交换树脂吸附富马酸的影响

  • Value based on historical exchange rate ;

    实际 汇率计算的 价值

  • Japanese companies and financial institutions together own half of the shares by value on the Tokyo Stock Exchange .

    日本公司和财务机构合在一起有东京 证交 一半的股权。

  • But in the long run RMB Real Exchange Rate is continuously increasing in value . Finally the paper puts forward solving approaches and relevant countermeasures on RMB Real Exchange Rate misalignment .

    但是有一点不能 忽视:从长期来看,人民币实际汇率存在 升值的趋势。最后,提出了解决人民币 汇率失调的途径及 对策建议。

  • The UN called on governments to take joint action to avoid a possible steep and abrupt decline in the value of the US currency calling for multilateral agreement on a realignment of exchange rates .

    联合国呼吁各国政府联合行动,避免美元可能出现的“急剧和突然” 贬值,并呼吁各国 汇率调整方面达成多边协议。

  • Marginal productivity distribution form and equilibrium price distribution belong to factor value theory and they are based on market exchange institution .

    边际生产力分配形式与均衡价格分配形式属于要素 价值理论的范畴,它们是以市场 交换作为前提而展开的。

  • Although the exchange rate is related to the parity of a country 's purchasing power it is the value of commodities traded and the supply and demand on the exchange market that determine the exchange rate .

    套价,套汇 汇率,裁定外汇行情虽然汇率跟一国的购买力平价有关,但是决定汇率的是贸易商品的 价值 外汇市场的供求。

  • By means of statistic analysis of exchange price and CS value on typical commercial dwelling the functional relation between exchange price and CS value is built and then sensitive analysis is carried out .

    通过典型商品住宅小区的交换价格与CS 统计分析,建立了城市商品住宅 交换价格与CS值的函数关系,并进行了敏感性分析。

  • Study on Efficacy Added Value of Shenyang Subway Facilities Based on the Exchange Theory

    基于 互换论的沈阳地铁设施效能增加 研究

  • Aiming at pursuing comparative advantages and value - added the producer of commodity desires to exclude the impact on exchange from non - labor factors thus forming a monistic basis of benefit for labor as an entity of value .

    商品生产者追求比较利益和 价值增殖,要求排除非劳动因素 交换的影响,这是劳动作为价值实体的一元性的利益基础。

  • As dollars became readily available the dollar 's value declined significantly on the world 's foreign exchange markets .

    由于世界 外汇市场 美元供应充足,美元的 汇率大幅度降低。

  • Marx stresses not only the influence of domestic labor value but also the influence of international labor value on exchange rates .

    马克思不仅强调国内劳动价值 汇率的决定影响,而且还强调国际劳动 价值 汇率决定的影响。

  • The dollar dropped in value on the foreign exchange markets last week .

    美元在上周的 外汇市场 价值下跌了。

  • As to how to measure foreign exchange rate risk Value at Risk ( VaR ) method and the Monte Carlo simulation are introduced . Research on foreign exchange rate risk management is the kernel of the thesis .

    衡量 外汇风险,主要介绍了风险 (VaR)法,并利用MonteCarlo法 VaR进行了模拟计算。

  • Commodity that contains use value and exchange value will come forth inevitably on the basis of division of labor and exchange of labor .

    社会分工和劳动 交换的基础 ,必然出现商品,商品又可解析为使用价值和交换 价值

  • Effect of pH Value on Exchange Equilibrium of Taurine on Anion Exchange Resins

    pH 牛磺酸在阴离子交换树脂上 交换平衡的影响

  • Tax price is not a simple simulation of economic activities but a vector of specific value . Tax is rooted on economic activities which follows the market principle of exchange of equal values and is confined by economic development situation .

    所谓价格是市场活动的最基本表现手段,税收价格不是对经济活动的简单模拟,而是具体 价值的矢量,税收既是根 基于经济活动,也是应遵循市场等价 交换的原则,受到经济发展状况的制约。

  • Indeed on Tuesday last week the third day of trading the value of stock index futures traded on the China Financial Futures Exchange exceeded the value of stocks traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

    事实上,上周二,也就是交易启动后的第三天,中国金融期货交易所( cffe)的股指期货成交量已经超过了上海 证交 (sse)的股票成交量。

  • Network marketing is usually the power enterprises through the creation of other people or organizations need power output or value and carries on the exchange in order to meet the demand of a management and social services .

    电网营销通常是电力企业通过创造他人或组织需要的电力产品或 价值,并与其进行 交换,以满足其需求的一种管理与社会服务过程。

  • As a commissary of exchange theory he combined basic economic concepts such as cost reward value with psychology and built up five propositions . Which basing on those Homans had established exchange theory .

    霍曼斯作为交换理论的主要代表。他把斯金纳的心理学与经济学中的基本概念(如成本、 价值)结合起来,提出了5个基本命题并 在此基础 建立了 交换理论。

  • Function relations between exchange rates and multinational enterprises ' value is deduced on the basis of exchange rates / multinational enterprises ' value model .

    根据跨国经营企业 价值/ 汇率弹性模型,得出了企业价值与汇率的函数关系;