validated user

[计] 有效用户,经批准的用户

  • After validated the requisition from user RA submits it to CA.

    RA 验证 客户证书申请后提交CA。

  • These credentials will be validated on the target server ( for example user ID and password ) .

    将在目标服务器上对这些凭据(例如, 用户ID和密码) 进行 验证

  • User scenarios are no longer pure conjectures but have been derived from the business process and validated with the user community .

    用户场景不再是纯粹的推测,而是源自于业务过程,并由 用户团体 验证

  • This means that once a scheduler is validated in user space it 's quite simple then to migrate this scheduler into the kernel for use .

    这意味着一旦在 用户空间中 验证 调度器,将此调度器迁移到内核以供使用会非常简单。

  • The access control components implements security access to the system and prevents the illegal user from entering the system keeping the validated user from the illegal using of system resource .

    访问控制组件用来实现对系统的安全访问,防止非法用户进入系统以及 合法 用户对系统资源的非法操作。

  • The WS-UNT is validated and removed from message but a security subject ( user 's identity ) takes place

    虽然可从消息 验证和删除WS-UNT,但安全主体( 用户身份)会发生

  • In the meantime the validated portion of the model will go through the design phase and begin providing benefits to the user .

    同时,模型的 有效部分将通过设计阶段,并开始向 用户提供好处。

  • The routing method is validated by experiments well . Finally the Intelligent Meter reading System based on WSN is carried out by programming the embedded knot OS and the user management platform . The reliability and the practicability are verified by amounts of atopic experiments .

    最后,通过编制嵌入式节点操作系统和 用户管理平台程序实现了文中提出的基于WSN的智能抄表系统,并通过大量的现场实验, 验证了系统的可靠性和实用性。

  • The authenticated information of users is saved into the background database of the LDAP . Validated by LDAP server the user will be provided accessible operation purview and displayed individual page by Portal Server .

    用户的认证信息保存在LDAP服务器的后台数据库中,经过LDAP服务器 验证后,PortalServer将对 用户提供 用户进行访问的操作权限,显示个性化页面。

  • The logon account cannot be validated . Verify that the user name and password entered are correct .

    无法 验证登录帐号。请检查输入的 用户名和密码是否正确。