


  • No statements made by an arrested person or evidence obtained therefrom maybe introduced at trial unless the person was advised of or validly waived his Miranda right .

    除非被逮捕人被告知了(保持沉默的)权利或 主动放弃了米兰达权利,其作出的任何陈述或从其处获得的任何证据均不得在庭审中展示。

  • Therefore the research for estimating the condition of bridges validly has became a hotspot .

    因此 如何对现有桥梁的状况进行 有效的评估成为了研究的热点。

  • It is a systematic study that defense and control moral hazard in the technical contract validly . First we should perfect the relevant regulation in the market of technical trade and the law of technical contracts .


  • However because of the intrinsic limitation of LIU Xie 's idea he did not criticize the mistake validly .

    但是,由于刘勰思想的内在局限性 致使他未能 真正 批其纰

  • The results show that the algorithm can accurately and validly detect different objects with different velocities in static background .

    实验结果表明在静止背景的图像 序列中,该方法比传统方法能更好 检测出以不同速度运动的目标。

  • All these support each functional module of digital assembly system validly .

    它们 有效 支持了数字化装配系统的各功能模块。

  • Therefore how to make use of current data resources of enterprise to proceed to subdivide the market accurately and validly then become a important lesson .

    因此如何利用企业现有的数据资源对市场进行准确、 有效的细分便成了一个重要的研究课题。

  • If you know a state in which the perceiver is perceiving himself without bringing in other objects of perception then only can you validly speak of the perceiver .

    如果你知道一种只有感受者,没有感受对象的状态,只有这时你 有理由谈到感受者。

  • Validly derived from each other ; deducible .

    可推断的可以 有效 相互推出。

  • These tests must be extensively checked be-fore they can be validly applied .

    这些试验必须经过广泛检验之后,才能 合法应用。

  • If two people claimed they had exchanged marital vows even out alone by the haystack the Catholic Church accepted that they were validly married .

    如果两人宣布他们已经交换了婚姻誓言,即使是在房外柴草垛边上独自交换誓言,天主教会也要承认他们是 合法婚姻。

  • Our company is an ~ duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction indicated in this Agreement .

    本公司是按本协议所示辖区的法律而正式建立并 有效存在的公司。

  • It is found in the simulation results that the proposed shunt APF can compensate the harmonic and reactive current validly caused by nonlinear loads as well as the performance is well .

    仿真结果表明,该并联型APF系统能够 有效 补偿非线性负载引起的谐波和无功电流,性能良好。

  • If any step fails ( for example you fail to successfully mark the message as processed ) you can rollback the JTA transaction and that message can be validly processed again .

    如果任一步骤失败(例如,您没有成功将消息标记为“已处理”),您可以回滚到JTA事务,该消息可以被再次 有效处理。

  • Otherwise in some case all the standards are not so enough to evaluate argument validly .

    在有些情况下,国外 学者提出的上述标准仍不能对论证进行 有效的评估。

  • Cobalt-based alloys were being validly used as pot hardware in hot-dip galvanizing for their superior performance .

    钴基合金以其优越的性能在 热浸镀锌沉没件上得到了广泛的应用。

  • It can be operated validly by senior PE teachers .

    情绪 调节体育教学模式能被中学体育教师 有效操作。

  • It 's the key to the success of university moral education that practical variable is controlled validly and its positive effect is maximized .


  • As a precondition to solve the problem of urban transportation evaluating transportation performance validly also becomes more significant .

    作为解决城市交通问题的前提&交通运营状态的 合理评价,也 由此变得愈发重要。

  • Party A is a company duly organized validly existing and in good standing as a legal person under the laws of prc .

    甲方是依据中国法律正式成立、 有效存续和资格完备的法人公司。

  • In order to dispose the ground to air radar jammers validly for point air defense it is necessary to simulate the effective jamming area under different dispositions of one jammer and more .

    为了解决地对空雷达干扰系统在对 要地 实施防空时干扰站应如何合理配置的问题,对单部干扰站及多部干扰站在不同配置情况下的有效干扰区进行了仿真。

  • The results showed that ACF could work validly for long time with low concentration of NO 2 ;

    结果表明:NO2在低浓度下, ACF能长时间高效工作;

  • The contract had been validly drawn up .

    这份合同已 依据 法律草拟 妥当

  • The test results show the experimental system has better performance and can validly implement signal bandwidth-matched digital receiving .

    测试结果显示实验平台具有较好的性能,能 正确 有效的实现信号通带匹配数字侦察接收。

  • The result of this paper can be used validly when the fatigue performance of bolster spring is studied .

    其结果可供深入研究枕簧的疲劳性能时 参考

  • Finally using the matched method the uniform validly asymptotic solution to the original singularly perturbed problem is given .

    最后利用匹配方法给出了 原奇摄动问题的一致 有效的渐近解。

  • Stored and be read validly .

    仿真 数据 如何有效的存储和读取。

  • Consider establishing an appropriate mechanism whereby where only one candidate is validly nominated election proceedings shall continue .

    考虑设立适当机制,规定在只有一名 行政 长官候选人获 有效提名的情况下,仍须继续进行选举程序。