valuation basis

[ˌvæljuˈeʃən ˈbesɪs][ˌvælju:ˈeɪʃən ˈbeisis]


  • The article outlines the various methods of real estate valuation in the basis of the existing methods BP neural network is adopted in real estate valuation .

    阐述了各种房地产 估价的方法,在比较各种现有方法的 基础 ,采用BP神经网络法进行房产估价。

  • The valuation of ball players is the basis of human resource accounting in soccer clubs . With the development of China soccer economy and the professional soccer club system more and more attention wall be paid to the research in this area .

    球员的 价值 计量是整个足球俱乐部人力资源会计核算的 基础,伴随着中国足球产业经济的不断发展和足球俱乐部制的日趋完善,将会越来越重视对这一领域的研究。

  • Effective and objective valuation based on the basis of the remuneration of the job performance combined with the concept of broadband pay to establish a new salary distribution system in order to establish dynamic adjustment mechanism between pay and performance .

    在客观有效的 价值 评价基础上,以岗位绩效薪酬为 基础,辅以宽带薪酬的概念,确立了新的薪酬分配体系,从而建立起薪酬与绩效之间的动态调整机制。

  • This author puts forward his own views on concept of liability type of liability valuation theoretical basis of liability valuation .

    并对 资产 评估中负债的概念、负债 评估的类型、负债 价值 评估的理论 基础、负债会计计量和价值评估的主要差异以及负债价值的评估方法提出了作者的观点。

  • Since the sector trough last November BHP 's valuation has more than tripled on a price / sales basis while others have merely doubled .

    按市销率(股价/销售额) 计算,自去年11月的行业低谷以来,必和必拓的 估值已上涨两倍多,而其它企业仅上涨一倍。

  • Then the article analyses the principles the valuation and the related theories basis of the service governments . At last the article puts forward the suggestions of the construction of the service government .

    接着文章分析了服务型政府的基本理念、服务型政府建构的 价值基础以及相关的理论 基础

  • Through analyzing and sorting out the classifications and valuation methods of the economic value of crops germplasm resources the thesis establishes valuation model for the economic value of crops germplasm resources on the basis of valuation purposes principles and methods of economic value .

    通过剖析梳理农作物种质资源经济价值的分类和评估方法,在经济价值评估目的、原则和方法的 基础 ,本文建立了农作物种质资源经济价值 评估模型。

  • The criteria price valuation of sea area use is the basis of computing standardization of marine fees .

    海域使用基准 是海域使用金征收标准科学制定的 基础

  • Copyright is the core and foundation of the copyright industries the valuation towards commercial value of copyright is the precondition and basis of copyright trade .

    版权是版权产业的核心和基础,版权商业价值的 评估是版权交易的前提和 依据

  • The verified results of valuation shall be used as the basis for pricing the equities to be altered .

    经确认的 评估结果应作为变更股权的作价 依据

  • The effect of total moisture and hydrogen value on valuation was discussed through practice operation of net calorific value as received basis valuation in 10 coal-fired power plants of Guizhou Province .

    通过对贵州省内10家火电厂汽车煤应用 低位发热量计价的实际运作,讨论煤中全水分、氢值在 计价中的作用。

  • At the option valuation method and discounted cash flow method on the basis of comparison extraction methods and real options in corporate mergers and acquisitions in the application of value assessment framework and accordingly high-tech mergers and acquisitions of start-up cases for analysis .

    在期权 估价法和现金流折现法的比较 基础 ,引出实物期权方法及其在企业并购中价值评估的应用框架,并据此对初创高科技企业并购案例进行分析。

  • In the valuation of assets and liabilities the Directive adopted the IFRS definition of fair value as the valuation basis in order to avoid the unfair competition caused by the difference in the valuation principle in Member States .

    在资产与负债的估值方面,欧Ⅱ采用了IFRS关于公允价值的定义作为 估值 基础,以避免由于估值规则的不同而造成不同成员国保险机构竞争的不公平。

  • A decision to change its valuation basis increased losses on the credit default swap portfolio from $ 1bn to almost $ 5bn for October and November .

    这种 估值 基础的变动使得在信用违约掉期资产组合 的损失从10月份的10亿美元增至11月份时的近50亿美元。

  • Based on different economic and historical conditions the two systems have many differences regarding the principle of valuation the basis of valuation and also the basic elements of price .

    两种 海关估价制度,由于产生的历史条件不同,在主要的 估价 概念、估价定义、价格准则以及价格调整因素等方面存在很大区别。

  • It is available to accumulate the achievement and experience of the diesel engine running-in study by developing the diesel engine running-in quality synthesis valuation system . This offers better basis for the future study .

    研发柴油机台架磨合质量 评价综合系统有利于柴油机磨合技术研究成果和经验的积累,并为进一步研究提供更好的 基础条件。

  • From 2000 Land Cadastre Service of Russia ( federal ) assigned clear responsibility for developing mass valuation basis and methods for the nation .

    自2000年,俄罗斯联邦地籍管理部门负责建立全国批量 评估 基础和方法。

  • Many valuation agencies advance a lot of valuation methods and provides valuation basis for hotel merger .

    各国估价机构先后提出一系列估价方法,为饭店交易提供 定价 依据

  • Chapter 2 : Valuation Basis for Group Annuity .

    第二章:团体年金保险责任准备金的 评估 基础

  • This thesis is evaluated through a variety of methods for risk investment institutions to find out the valuation of the company that have reference significance provides a strong basis for investment decision .

    本论文对于风险投资机构的意义在于通过多种方法的评估,找出了有参考意义的公司 估值,为投资决策提供了有力的 依据

  • Therefore a brief introduction to financial option valuation theory is given first . On the basis of this the chapter presents detailed analyses of the application of the Binomial Option Valuation Model and the Black-Scholes Valuation Model in real options .

    因此,在对金融期权 定价理论进行基本介绍的 基础 ,重点分析了二项式方法和Black-Scholes定价模型在实物期权中的应用。

  • The purpose of examining and approving manuscripts is to give manuscripts an overall and impartial examination and valuation so that it can provide a basis whether they can be published by the editorial department .

    审稿是对论文稿件质量的全面审查和 评价,目的是对论文稿件作出公正、准确的评价,给编辑部门提供文稿取舍的 依据

  • And analysis the valuation technology of the security with embedded options on the basis of scene generation of interest rate which is essential to implementing the strategies of control over interest rate risk under embedded options .

    分析了实施利率风险控制策略所需要的 基于利率情景制造的隐含期权的证券 估价技术。

  • Consistent set of assessment guidelines to establish uniform valuation basis for revaluation .

    统一的评估导则,保证再 评估的统一 基础

  • Valuation Basis of Guangdong Provincial Gardening and Building Landscaping Projects ( 2006 ) tailored to building market demand of our province is a valuation basis close to market and in line with the time .

    为适应广东省建筑市场需要而产生的广东省园林建筑绿化工程 计价 依据(2006),是一部贴近市场、计价依据。

  • At the same time this paper discussed the ecological compensation mechanism by applying the contingent valuation method in Xinfeng County to provide government reference basis to formulate relevant policies about ecological compensation .

    同时,结合条件 价值法,对信丰县生态补偿机制进行了探讨,以期为信丰县政府制定相关生态补偿政策提供参考 依据

  • In accordance with the material of training some rules of the Valuation Basis will be analysed and interpreted deepgoingly .

    针对 交底培训资料做了进一步分析并解释了若干规则。

  • This article describes in three aspects including historic breakthrough of this valuation basis adjustment of rated labor fee scientific valuation of safety protection and ethical construction fees .

    本文从本次 计价 依据的历史突破、对定额人工费的调整、对安全防护、文明施工措施费的计取方式的科学合理三个方面进行阐述。

  • Business valuation is the basis and premise for mergers and acquisitions as well as other investment and management practice .

    企业 价值 评估是企业兼并,收购,租赁及其他投资行为的 依据和前提。