validity check


  • Based on MATLAB / PST the validity of building a Four - machines and Two Phase Region-Power System Model has been approved by Check Simulation .

    基于 MATLAB/PST建立一个四机两区域电力系统模型,通过仿真验证了此方法的 有效

  • Finally through validity check verified the accuracy of simulation results .

    最后经过 有效 检查,验证了本文仿真研究结果的正确性。

  • This project is just to design and implement a high speed and secure electronic payment validity check card .

    本课题的主要任务就是设计一块安全、高速的电子支付 核验卡。

  • In political entrustment relationship lack of the conditions for stimulation validity leads to the lack of stimulation check validity and the lack of stimulation reward validity .

    在政治委托代理关系中,由于满足激励 有效 的条件难以具备,导致激励 考核有效性缺乏和激励奖励有效性缺乏。

  • Validity Check of Data Entry in EXCEL with VBA

    VBA实现EXCEL数据录入 有效 检查

  • It includes element validity check element quality check and element size check .

    单元 检查包括单元 合法条件的 检查,单元质量条件检查和单元尺寸检查。

  • This accident reveals that setting several reliable drop-preventers raising the validity of the daily check and maintenance for wire ropes and tightening up the fatigue degree monitoring for the wire ropes are the important guarantee of safely running of wire ropes .

    事故启示为:设置多道高可靠性的防坠设施,提高日常钢丝绳维护 检查 有效 ,加强对钢丝绳疲劳程度的监测,是其安全运行的重要保证。

  • The process of feature recognition is decomposed to validity check of feature model and feature extract the extracted features can be directly used in downstream applications .

    在此基础上,将特征识别的过程分解为模型 有效 检查和基于图匹配的特征提取,所识别出的特征,可根据后续应用的需要重构出新的特征模型。

  • An analysis of the validity check about increasing rainfall in a strong precipitation with rockets within a small field

    一次小尺度强降水火箭增雨 作业 效果 检验分析

  • A robust and refined triangular element formation approach is presented which proceeds directly in three dimensions and then mapped into parametric space in order to carry out succeeding tasks in two-dimensional space such as validity check of elements and convergence check of triangulation procedure .

    提出了一种新的节点生成方法,直接在三维空间中生成节点,然后映射到参数平面,使得在平面上进行节点及单元的 合法 检查成为可能。

  • With load the validity check of negative-sequence power direction component for generator stator inter-turn protection the measurements of third-harmonic voltages of generator ports and neutral point and the measurements of differential currents of differential protections should be carried out .

    在负荷工况下应进行发电机定子匝间保护负序功率方向元件 正确 检查、机端及中性点三次谐波电压的测量、各差动保护差流的测量;

  • The mathematical principle for sweeping solids the valid sweeping solid defining rules the principle of validity check and the discretization procedure are discussed .

    本文着重研究Sweeping体的数学原理,合法Sweeping形体的定义法则, 合法 检验原理及离散化过程。

  • Two technologies are used in this method : high speed parallel string match based on pipeline and high speed message ( validity ) check based on ABNF ( Augmented Backus Naur Form ) .

    这种方法采用基于流水线的高速并行字符串匹配结构和基于ABNF(AugmentedBackusNaurForm)范式定义的高速域值 合法 检查

  • Finally it passes the validity check under the environment of Windows 2000 and Windows XP and acquired favorable effect in practice .

    在Windows2000和WindowsXP下通过 验证,并且在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。

  • Study on the validity of the Symptom Check - List - 90 of Chinese version

    中国版 SCL-90 效度研究

  • Testing must have the quality of validity and reliability so as to have the objective evaluation on learners ' ability and check the teaching result effectively .

    测试应具备 有效 和可靠性才能达到客观评价学习者能力和 检验教学结果的目的。

  • Technical Innovation and Validity Check of Ventilator KZS № 28

    KZS№28型风机技术改造与 效果 检验

  • The validity check of zero-sequence operating direction for transformer directional over-current protection is also essential .

    另外还需要进行变压器零序方向过电流保护动作方向 正确 检查

  • High-precision simulation of star map and its validity check

    高精度星图模拟及 有效 验证新方法

  • Secondly four key issues dominating the effectiveness and efficiency of AFT are addressed . They are node spacing function definition element validity check front management and kernel polyhedron triangulation .

    其次,解决了AFT方法应用在三维实体四面体单元有限元网格生成中存在的单元尺寸函数定义、单元 合法 条件 检查、前沿数据管理和内核多面体三角剖分四个关键问题。

  • The criteria of validity check are presented simultaneously .

    同时提出块体 搜索 正确 检验标准。

  • Validity check ( Default : basic validity check ): The validity check verifies that the data model follows the semantic rules for the model format

    Validity check(默认值:basicvaliditycheck):有效性检查,验证数据模型是否遵从模型格式的语义规则

  • Element check is a key part in the implementation of AFT. It includes element validity check element quality check and element size check .

    在AFT方法实现中,对新生成单元的检查是关键过程。单元 检查包括单元 合法条件的 检查,单元质量条件检查和单元尺寸检查。

  • In addition to a general description of all related data but also correlation exploratory factor analysis reliability analysis validity analysis Kappa consistency check have been used for the performance evaluation of screening form and evaluation form . 3 .

    除了对相关的数据资料进行一般的描述性分析外,还运用相关分析、探索性因子分析、信度分析、 效度分析、Kappa一致性 检验对筛查表和评估表进行了效能评价。

  • The scale and its dimensions had satisfactory reliability and validity and they could apply to check the organizational harmony in corporate .

    分量表与总量表具有较好的 效度指标,可以直接用于 考察企业的组织和谐水平。

  • In order to ensure the reliability and validity of the communication between the wireless remote controller and the welding source the short frame technology cyclic redundancy check ( CRC ) automatic request retransmission ( ARQ ) and overtime retransmission mechanism is used in the communication protocol .

    为了确保通信的可靠性和 有效 ,协议采用了短帧技术,循环冗余 校验(CRC),自动请求重传(ARQ)和超时重传机制。

  • Called to perform a validity check on an object by checking its internal state

    调用以通过检查对象的内部状态在该对象上执行 有效 检查

  • Electronic controller not only can control the rotating speed stable but also have enough logic multiple control monitor and protective functions . It fulfills all requirements of multiple FADEC control . The designed electronic controller has been carried through robust validity check on the engine semi-hardware-in-loop simulation platform .

    设计的电子控制器在发动机半实物仿真平台上进行了鲁棒性能的 验证,实现了电子控制器的等转速调节功能和逻辑监控保护功能,满足涡喷发动机多功能FADEC控制要求。