value in exchange

[ˈvælju ɪn ɪksˈtʃendʒ][ˈvælju in iksˈtʃeindʒ]


  • The banks that participate will be compensated for the securities ' full or par value in exchange for allowing AIG to unwind the credit-default swaps it wrote . '

    参与的银行将按照 CDO全价或票面 价值获得补偿,条件是允许AIG解除此前发行的信贷违约掉期。

  • And happy fatigue enriching excited failure / lost and sad that the six emotional experience is higher score than the average experience value object in different activities activity place different exchange .

    而快乐、疲劳、充实、兴奋、失败、空落和难过这六个情绪体验 不同活动、不同活动地点、不同 交流对象中的平均体验 比较高。

  • The theory of labor value in the classical political economy of england refers to the law which decides the exchange rate of ancient trade pby barter .

    英国古典政治经济学的劳动 价值论是指原始实物交换条件下的 交换比例的决定法则,它必然同资本主义自由竞争条件下的商品价格决定和变动规律相抵触。

  • The exchange characteristics of PP based anion exchange fiber for palladium in a hydrochloric acid solution are investigated and the effects of pH value solution temperature the concentration of Cl - in the solution and exchange time on the adsorption and recovery are discussed .

    研究聚丙烯(PP)基阴离子交换纤维对盐酸溶液中钯的交换性能.讨论溶液pH 、温度、氯离子浓度、 交换时间等对钯吸附率的影响。

  • At the same time it is discussed in this chapter that how to deal with the increasing in value in the crime of accepting bribes in exchange .

    同时本章也讨论了 交易型受贿 增值 收益的处理问题,以进一步方便对此类犯罪的查处。

  • Consumers have now figured out that they can expect indeed demand value in exchange for their data .

    消费者们已经意识到他们的数据是有 价值的,因此他们可以期望、甚至是要求对方用某种 价值交换他们的数据。

  • A finned tube is the key component of a finned tube heat exchanger and the fin efficiency is one of the main parameters in designing a finned tube heat exchanger and it also has certain applicable value in the comparison of heat exchange surface .

    翅片管是翅片管换热器中的核心和关键元件,翅片效率是设计翅片管换热器过程中的主要参数之一, 热表面的比较方面也具有一定的实用 价值

  • The principle of equal-value exchange which stresses equal value in exchange is a common law in commercial and economic activities .

    等价交换原则是商品经济活动领域通行的原则,强调 交换 等价性。

  • Emissivity is a parameter to describe the emission ability of the object also called emission rate which has important application value in the reaction of thermal exchange and surface temperature feature of the objects .

    发射率是描述物体发射本领的参数,又称辐射率,该参数 反应物体间热辐射 交换及物体表面温度特性方面具有重要的应用 价值

  • Effect on the value of routine blood in the different time of infusion of plasma during neonatal exchange transfusion

    新生儿 换血中不同时间输注血浆对血常规 的影响

  • This document has more practical value in postal electric exchange system networks technology applys networks technologic studying results to direct practice . It makes the practical sense system to accomplish .

    本论文 邮政电子 汇兑系统的网络实现的技术上具有较大的实用 价值,应用网络技术的研究成果给实践以指导,使得该具有实际意义的系统得以实现。

  • The specific situation in China has decided the present exchange rate policy of RMB 's value stabilization and in the case of more supply of foreign exchange than demand governmental market intervention becomes an effective policy tool .

    我国国情的基本状况决定了应实行目前人民币 币值稳定的汇率政策, 外汇供过于求的情况下, 汇率政策目标实现较为有效的工具则为政府的市场干预行为。

  • It follows that both value and utility value are involved in the exchange process which influences the formation of exchange values .

    因此,事实是使用价值与 价值共同 参与交换的过程,并影响交换价值的形成。

  • Rural citizens in China have started to realise the real value of land and so are increasingly unwilling to give up their land rights in exchange for permanent residence in the cities .

    中国农村居民已开始认识到土地的真正 价值,也因此越来越不愿意为了在城市 常住而放弃土地。

  • Fiat money has not only no particular value in use it doesn 't even really hxdye a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would hxdye .

    名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别的价值,而且 商品的 交换 它本身根本没有 价值。它拥有的只是法律所赋予它的 价值

  • In Japan where the economy grew 0.6 per cent in the June quarter demand for diamonds fell 25.6 per cent in value in June according to the International Diamond Exchange .

    国际钻石 交易所 数据显示,日本第二季度经济增长0.6%,6月钻石需求 总额则下降了25.6%。

  • Give a little get a lot back in return & a pretty compelling value proposition and one that frequently results in a payment from the data contributor in exchange for receiving enriched aggregated data .

    抛砖引玉&一个十分诱人的 价值主张,用户非常愿意为此掏腰包来 换取更加翔实的数据信息汇总。

  • This paper analyze the ethics moral standard and value orientation in the activities of medical economic from resource allocation exchange and hospital marketing operation three aspects . It had been explored how to achieve the ethics moral standard and value orientation in the market .

    该文从医疗资源分配, 交换以及医院的市场经营等三个方面对医疗经济活动 涉及的伦理道德标准和 价值取向进行分析,并对市场中如何获得相应伦理道德标准和价值取向进行探讨。

  • On Requirements for Fair Value Measurements in Non-monetary Property Exchange

    非货币性资产 交换 公允 价值计量的条件应用

  • The value of the usemapirichtextformat parameter that is specified for a mail user or mail contact in the exchange organization .

    exchange组织 的邮件用户或邮件联系人指定的usemapirichtextformat参数的

  • The category of value has the paired functions of value in exchange and social core value .

    价值范畴具有 商品 价值和社会核心价值双重功能。

  • Take RMB as an example I estimated the value of variables in the model and calculated the level of RMB exchange rate pass-through .

    并以人民币汇率为例,估计了 汇率传递效应决定模型 相关变量的 取值,计算了人民币 汇率传递效应水平。

  • While the theory of labor value has the concept of sparsity it can not only state the value relation in the commodity production and exchange of commodities but also explain a lot of new problems and new phenomena in transform of socialist market economy system .

    劳动价值论有了稀少性的概念,就不仅能说明商品生产和商品 交换 价值关系,而且还能够解释社会主义市场经济制度变革中的许多新问题和新现象。

  • Compared in the situation that the value of Bit-product is transformed into monetary exchange value in a single exchange this way of accumulating opportunity value may increase the total money at last .

    相比在单次 交换 比特产品的价值全部转化为货币形式的交换 价值,这种先积累机会价值的方式有可能会增大最终产品能够换回的货币形式的 交换价值量。

  • However the traditional GDP calculation system neglects the cost of natural resources and the environment . The obvious limitation of the system that takes product and service market value in exchange as the only assessment criteria results in the false increase of the GDP indicators .

    然而,这种传统GDP核算体系忽视自然资源与环境成本,仅以产品与劳务的市场 交易 价值作为评价标准的明显弊端,造成GDP指标的虚拟增大,因此对其修正刻不容缓。

  • That value ( the price of the dollar ) might fluctuate in foreign exchange markets but only within a narrow band and will not affect the ability of the customer to buy the candy bar in real time .

    尽管这种 价值(即美元的价格) 外汇市场上或许会波动,但只会在一个狭窄的区间内变化,不会影响这位顾客实时购买方糖块的能力。

  • How to establish the value standard of socialist morality in the exchange of morality and law between Chinese traditional culture and the Western modern culture is a key problem of building the socialist moral concept in China at present .

    如何在中国传统文化与西方现代文化的道德法律资源 交流 ,确立起社会主义道德建设的 价值 取向,是当前我国道德建设的一个关键性问题。

  • The sociality exchangeability and compen - sation of the abstract work form the properties of commodity value in the courses of production and exchange .

    抽象劳动的社会性、补偿性和 交换生产过程和 交换过程 形成商品 价值性质。