Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look .
现在一个 美艳的女演员比起外表聪明伶俐更受欢迎。
He led a voluptuous life .
他过的是 酒色的生活。
She stood as majestically as ever a voluptuous creature with blonde hair .
她,一个 性感的金发女郎,像以往一样雍容华贵地站着。
Captivating and caressing Jasmin Noir is a rich mix of voluptuous floral and precious woody notes with accents of almond and licorice .
迷人和爱抚,茉莉比诺是一个 妖娆的花卉和珍贵的木香调与杏仁和甘草口音丰富的组合。
It 's a simply voluptuous example I think .
我想那是 关于 艳丽的一个很简单的例子。
The dancer 's movements were slow and voluptuous .
舞女的动作缓慢而 富 挑逗性。
Voluptuous thoughts caresses smiles
刺激 感官的想法、抚摸、微笑
Whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man and inordinate ; The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in project management .
这 两个人 之中前者确是一个 好色 而 无度的人;应征者最好在项目管理方面有出色记录。
Beyond all question this is the most voluptuous scene we have yet looked upon .
毫无疑问,我们从未见过 这么 娇媚的景致。
Men in particular will choose more voluptuous women if they have missed a meal while women go for larger heavier set men .
当男性错过了用餐时间时,他们更 容易 看上 身材 丰满的女性,而女人在这种情况下也更 倾向于选择 体型高大,吨位较重的男性。
Whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man and inordinate ;
这 两个人 之中前者确是一个 好色 而 无度的人;
Is she voluptuous average slim or skinny ?
他 体型 如何?她是 身材 丰满、 适中、苗条还是瘦得皮包骨头?
For chefs however it is precisely the combination of voluptuous texture subtle taste and unfamiliarity that makes brains such a desirable ingredient .
然而,对大厨来说,正是这种 曼妙的口感、无以名状的滋味和新奇感结合在一起,才让脑花成为了一种理想的食材。
With a sort of voluptuous creaking in his joints he climbed the stair above Mr charrington 's shop .
他爬上却 林顿先生铺子楼梯时,全身关节 咯咯作响。
There was an almost voluptuous feeling to being clean again after having had a shower .
冲了澡之后人又 变得 干干净净,感觉 太 棒了。
Several decades ago Barbie 's creator Ruth Handler saw a Swiss doll called Lilli voluptuous and wearing heels .
几十年前,芭比的创造者RuthHandler看到一个瑞士的叫做 Lilli的玩具,穿着 艳丽,脚踩高跟鞋。
' Opium ' is a provocative sensual and voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate .
“鸦片”是一种刺激性的、能引起感官 快感的香料,能使你所有的感官兴奋起来。
Renoir 's voluptuous nudes She tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir .
雷诺阿作的体态 丰满的裸体画.她试图用那幅画冒充雷诺阿原作出售。
She had a very strong feminine body more voluptuous than the girls I liked and watched .
她有着非常结实的、女性的躯体,比我所喜欢和观看到过的那些女孩子们更加 性感 迷人。
Oneday I was invited to have a look that 's a piece of lividity was the quite enchanting put beside voluptuous Jin Lian so conspicuous !
突然有天,他让我去看,一整张原来那样的青黑,变成杨红的妩媚,放在他清 玄 撩人的“ 金莲”旁,这般惹眼。
Every woman listed claims to be at least voluptuous .
列出来的每个女人都至少宣称是 艳丽的。
The voluptuous life of the Romans in ancient times
古时候罗马人 骄奢淫逸的生活
Your color scheme radiates the rays of the summer sun so make it a point to wear yellow orange and gold and consider having golden highlights put into your voluptuous mane of hair .
颜色上,你希望用黄、橙、金来展现你 如夏日阳光 般 的 热情。 当然,狮子的鬃毛 还是要用金色来 配才最显尊贵了。
Indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life .
沉湎于不 负责 的 活着 奢华的生活方式。
In an indulgently voluptuous manner .
以一种放纵的 、 逸乐的方式。
In a shapely and voluptuous manner .
以身材匀称、 性感的方式。
At certain moments that pure brow and that voluptuous smile presented a singular contrast .
有时,那真是一种奇特的对比,额头高洁而笑容 富于 肉感。
I sank into the bed 's voluptuous warmth .
我睡到了 舒适温暖的床上。
Those dark Oriental eyes he thought how full they are of passion of voluptuous longing !
那些黑色的东方眼睛,他想,它们充满了怎样的激情,怎样的 撩人的欲望啊!