visual size

[ˈvɪʒuəl saɪz][ˈviʒuəl saiz]

[电] 视界

  • With the modern teaching technique we can make mini visual size experiment macroscopic static thing dynamic abstract knowledge visual complicated technique concise and cost experiment simulated .

    要积极应用现代教育技术使 微型实验宏观化,静态事物动态化;抽象知识形象化,复杂工艺简洁化,昂贵实验仿真化,实验管理信息化。

  • And whether there is to assembles the material to carry on the examination . ( 4 ) Using Visual C + + 6.0 has developed a two-dimensional size of the assembly materials ( Requirements of testing the thickness of the assembly materials ) detection processing software .

    并对装配材料有无进行检测。(4)采用 Visualc++6.0开发了一套二维装配材料 尺寸(要求检测装配材料的厚度)的检测处理软件。

  • The visual noise is stemmed from irregular distribution of dots attributed to uneven size of dot shape variation and distance among dots .

    视觉噪声源自网点分布的无规则,与网点 大小、形状变化及网点间距离不均匀有关。

  • As the market for smart glasses heats up Google faces the difficult challenge of displaying top-quality visual images on a screen the size of a fingerprint .

    随着智能眼镜市场逐步升温,谷歌公司(Google)开始面临一个棘手难题&如何在指纹 大小的屏幕上显示高品质的 图像

  • The first key technique is ocean application oriented visual modeling and radial accuracy testing for middle and large size sample data sets .

    第一项关键技术是面向海洋应用的中、大 尺寸采样数据集的 可视化建模与径向精度检测。

  • The visual clear artery indicator label and index range help determine the proper size cuff for each patient and ensure correct blood pressure measurement .

    形象清晰的动脉指示标记和 尺寸适用范围标识确保正确的血压测量。

  • Attributing different visual weights to elements-using colors size shape contrast misalignment animation-helps the user navigate a page in the proper order .

    为元素分配不同的 可视量使用颜色、 大小、形状、对比、不对称、动画帮助用户以一定的顺序浏览页面。

  • AIM Peripheral visual field test is often to estimate the size and location of pathological peripheral visual field according to clinical experience which has subjective effect .

    目的:对周边 视野检查常常是根据临床经验判断病眼周边视野病变的 大小及位置,存在主观影响。

  • Aside from the visual spectacle there 's also another lantern lighter in weight and smaller in size .

    除了 灯笼提供 视觉上的享受, 小一点,轻一点的灯笼也很受欢迎。

  • Visual defect in which the shape and size of an ocular image differ in the two eyes .


  • This provides full visual quality when viewing at a screen size less than the original recording .

    较小屏幕上观看时,提供与原始记录完全 相当 视觉质量。

  • A Web application method is proposed which builds ActiveX DLL component with Visual Basic to acquire the image size . It meets the demands of image size in Web application .

    以Web应用系统中对图片尺寸 大小的需求,提出一种用 VISUALBASIC创建ActivexDLL组件实现获取图片 尺寸大小的Web应用方法。

  • Visual object working memory is responsible for storage and processing the object shape color size and other characteristics while the visual-spatial working memory is responsible for storage and processing the spatial location of objects motion characteristics .

    视觉客体工作记忆负责客体的形状、颜色、 大小等特征的存储和加工,而视觉空间工作记忆则负责物体的空间位置、运动等特征的存储和加工。

  • The average visual acuity in their first diagnosis was 0 . 12 . According to the focus size the laser beam spot was 0 . 8 1 . 2 2 . 0 and 3 . 0 mm ;

    初诊时平均 视力为0.12。根据病灶 大小选择光斑直径分别为0.8、1、2、3.0mm;

  • In addition telescope function is realized in the visual system . The author analyses the principle of telescope and gives the relationship between the size of field of view and the zoom factor of telescope .

    系统中实现了望远镜的功能,分析了望远镜的功能原理,并给出了视场角 大小与望远镜放大倍数之间的相互关系。

  • Beginning with analysis on basic features visual form and grain - size distribution of gel particles expansion multiple viscoelasticity and other characteristic parameters were researched . Physical and chemical performance of the particle was evaluated .

    从凝胶颗粒的基本特征、 外观形态、粒 分布分析入手,研究了膨胀倍数及粘弹性等特征参数,评价了颗粒的物理化学性能。

  • Also the analysis of visual point and visual range makes the relation between the size of perspective view and it effect more obvious easy to control and adjust .

    通过对视点、 视距的分析,使透视图的 大小与效果之间的关系清晰明了,易于控制和调整。

  • The ideal image acquisition and processing units of the distributed visual inspection system are demanded as small size low power low cost high ability of anti-jamming and the ability of data pretreatment .

    理想的分布式 视觉检测系统要求其图像采集处理单元 体积小,功耗低,抗干扰能力强,能够完成数据预处理。

  • Image sequences are the input of visual tracking system and the system returns some attributes ( size position velocity and so on ) of the object .

    视频跟踪系统以图像序列为输入,输出则是图像中目标的各种属性,如目标 大小,位置,速度等。

  • On application of blemish removal the visual inspection includes the judgment on the size of a blemish .

    在祛除斑点的应用上, 视觉分析有如斑点的 大小判断。

  • The visual information has been acquired by mean of researching some characteristics of single corn kernel such as its size shape color and luster .

    近年来,通过对玉米籽粒的 尺寸、外形、色泽等方面的研究,已获得了一些必要的单籽粒的 视觉信息。

  • Then the research confirmed this assumptions through the experiment one . Secondly this study explores two factors : the visual contrast and the amount of abrupt-onset object ( quantity and size of abrupt onset objects ) .

    本研究通过实验一证实了这个假设。其次,本研究探讨了在变化盲视现象中突现效应的两个影响因素:突现客体的 视觉对比度和突现客体的量(面积和 数量)。

  • The specific practice is to solve the maximum ejection coefficient the may exist in the given condition by using gas dynamic functional method and program with visual basic and get the corresponding structural size .

    具体做法为采用气体动力学函数法,运用 VB语言编写程序,求出在给定工况下喷射器可能存在的最大喷射系数,同时获得与之相对应的结构 尺寸

  • The paper presents a computer drawing method programming with the Visual Basic language for the optimal reactive power compensation time and size determination of 6 ~ 35kV substations . This is a new way for the reactive power optimization of 6 ~ 35kV substations .

    通过计算机作图法来确定6~35kV变电站的最佳无功补偿时间和最佳补偿 容量,并利用 VISUALBASIC语言编写了作图求解软件,为电力系统6~35kV变电站无功优化作出了新的尝试。

  • This technique provides a rapid method for directly obtaining measurement of visual porosity and the size of pores and throats from thin section .

    该法的优点:1.可直接测量和 观察到2μm左右 大小的孔喉。

  • We analyzed the visual expressions of these two ad forms from nine aspects such as quantity and content form and size ad language font figure color technique link and the whole subjective opinion .

    从广告数量与内容、形式与 尺寸、广告语、字体、图形、色彩、技术运用、链接、整体主观评价这九个方面,对两种广告形式的 视觉表现分别进行了分析。

  • However the author ( or a visual tool ) defines sizes for dialogue windows according to the size of the text in the original language .

    但是,作者(或者 可视化工具)根据原始语言中文本的 长度定义了对话窗口的大小。

  • Tag clouds allow for instant visual recognition of popular tags by distinguishing the importance of particular terms by increasing font size or using color .

    标签群通过加大 字号或者使用不同的颜色来区分词语的重要性,因此能够 直观地看到标签的结果。

  • The average visual field reduced with the reduction of light spot brightness when its size and color was fixed .

    在光标 大小、颜色一定的情况下,光标亮度由大变小,在各个子午线方向上的正常平均周边 视野均递减;

  • The Visual C + + was adopted to simulate the change of sintered neck some factors such as the size of particle sintered time sintered temperature dihedral angle and sintered mechanisms were considered during the simulation .

    采用 Visualc++模拟这三种模型下的颈长变化,在模拟时主要考虑颗粒 大小、烧结时间、烧结温度、二面角、烧结机制等因素。