vitamin A

维生素A维生素 A抗干眼醇

  • It also provides vitamin A which is essential for healthy skin and good eyesight .

    同时它也 含有丰富的 维生素 A,是皮肤和眼睛视力健康的基本元素。

  • Liver and kidney are particularly rich in vitamin A

    肝脏和肾脏的 维生素 A 含量尤其丰富。

  • Vitamin A treatment and measles immunization were protective .

    维生素 A治疗和麻疹免疫接种可以预防麻疹。

  • A good antidote is beta carotene a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables .

    胡萝卜素是很好的解毒剂, 维生素 A,在深绿和橙色蔬菜中也都含有。

  • The international research team reviewed the published evidence on beta carotene vitamin A vitamin E Vitamin C and selenium .

    国际研究小组公布了一些对于β胡萝卜素, 维生素 A,维生素E,C和硒的研究数据。

  • It has everything containing zinc beta carotene vitamin A vitamin C and selenium .

    它什么都包括,含锌,含β胡萝卜素、 命c和硒。

  • The interest stemmed from studies showing vitamin A deficient animals and humans were abnormally susceptible to respiratory infections .

    这种关注来自于一些研究证明了缺乏 维生素 A的动物和人类对呼吸疾病感染具有不正常的易感性。

  • The company manufactures a low-cost vitamin A and mineral-enriched rice kernel product that can be mixed with regular rice .

    该公司生产了一种低价的富含 维生素 A和微量元素的大米谷粒产品,能与普通大米互混。

  • Some studies have shown that high doses of vitamin A during pregnancy can be harmful to an unborn child .

    一些研究表明,孕期使用高剂量的 维生素 A对尚未出生的宝宝有害。

  • Sweet potatoes contain fiber vitamin A and calcium .

    甜土豆富含纤维, 维生素 a和钙。

  • Vitamin A which is essential for eye health and normal vision .

    维生素 A,有利于眼睛健康和视力。

  • Vitamin A supplements have been shown to reduce the number of deaths from measles by50 % .

    此外,已证实,补充 维生素 A可将麻疹造成的死亡人数减少50%。

  • In addition to omega-3 fatty acids krill oil also contains vitamin A & E and astaxanthin .

    除了奥美加-3脂肪酸,磷虾油也含有 维生素 A维生素E及虾红素。

  • Cherry also contains a lot of vitamin A B and a number of phenolic antioxidants .

    樱桃中还含有大量的 维生素 A、B以及多酚类抗氧化物质。

  • The cream contains vitamin A to nourish the skin .

    这种面霜中富含 维生素 A,能够滋养肌肤。

  • Some of the added nutrients include iron vitamin A iodine and folic acid .

    添加的营养物包括铁、 维生素 A、碘及维生素B。

  • Further analysis showed that only vitamin A vitamin E and beta carotene seemed to increase the risk of death not vitamin C or selenium .

    更进一步的分析表明,只有 维生素 A、维生素E和β-胡萝卜素似乎可增加死亡风险,而维生素C和硒则无此作用。

  • This paper summarizes the effect of vitamin A on the swine reproductive performance especially early embryo development .

    综述了 维生素 A对母猪繁殖性能,尤其是早期胚胎发育的影响。

  • Well ! Kiwi fruit is the most rich in vitamin A but do not eat too much .

    好!猕猴桃在水果中 维生素是最丰富的 ,但不要吃得太多。

  • Effect of Vitamin A Deficiency on Liver Iron Metabolism and Its Mechanic Research

    维生素 A缺乏对肝脏铁代谢的影响及机制研究

  • Black currant and vitamin A to help maintain healthy eyes .

    红醋栗和 维他命 A帮助维持健康的眼睛。

  • Liver and liver products as they can contain too much vitamin A which can harm your baby .

    肝和肝产品包含太多的 维他命 A,能够伤害宝宝。

  • It contains vitamin A and vitamin C.

    它里面含 维生素 A和维生素C。

  • Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil .

    维生素 A发现在鱼肝油中含有。

  • Vitamin A is important for healthy skin and eyes .

    维他命 a对皮肤的健康和眼睛非常有益。

  • If you have a vitamin A deficiency you will develop nyctalopia or night blindness .

    如果你缺少 维生素 A,你可能会形成夜盲症。

  • Antioxidant Effects of Vitamin a and Budesonide on the Persistent Asthma Rats

    维生素 A和布地奈德对持续性哮喘大鼠的抗氧化作用

  • And vitamin A and C are both antioxidants which can protect our cells and have anti carcinogenic properties .

    富含 维他命 A跟C是抗氧化 营养 ,它可以保护我们的细胞,具有防癌的作用。

  • Besides potential risks the bioavailability of this precursor of vitamin A from rice is unknown up to now .

    目前为止,除了未知的潜在的风险,这种首次面世的水稻中 维生素 A的生物利用度到还处于不为所知。

  • There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake .

    没有确凿证据证明,摄取 维生素 A会导致出生缺陷。