visual image

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈɪmɪdʒ][ˈviʒuəl ˈimidʒ]


  • Visual Image Segmentation of Mobile Robot Based on Sub-Region Growing

    基于子区生长的移动机器人 视觉 图像分割

  • It is an incredibly powerful visual image .

    这是一个很有威力的 画面

  • When we smile with sincerity we transmit a visual image associated with kindness warmth happiness approachability and trustworthiness .

    当我们真心微笑时,我们传达出了与和善、温暖、幸福、可接近和值得信任相关的 视觉 信号

  • The research on development of the Expo and its image design is to use the visual image to promote a culture of urban Expo culture in order to better enhance citys cultural and economic competi .

    现代城市博览文化中的博览馆及其形象对社会文化与经济的影响深远,对提升城市 形象具有重要的理论和现实意义。

  • National Culture in Design of Olympic Visual Image

    奥林匹克 视觉 形象设计中的民族文化

  • The Research of the Application of Visual Image (ⅵ) Design System for Modern Digital Enterprise

    现代数码企业 形象设计(Ⅵ)系统的应用研究

  • A very powerful visual image .

    非常鲜明的 视觉 形象

  • As the visual image is captured by the eyes and the mind starts to go in overdrive if you can observe very acutely the activity of your mind then at that instant you and your reaction merge .

    视觉 图像被眼睛捕获,心开始快速地转动时,如果你能非常敏锐地观察你内心的活动,那么在那个瞬间,你和你的反应就融合了。

  • Both types cause the rays to form a visual image of the object .

    两种类型都能生成物体 看得见

  • We may distinguish between two types of imaginative process : the one starts with the word and arrives at the visual image and the one starts with the visual image and arrives at its verbal expression .

    我们可以区别两种想象的过程:一种开始于词语而抵达 可视 形象,一种开始于可视的形象而抵达语言的表达。

  • Tourists through visual identification and appreciation of the city tourism landscape on the spot perception formed the visual image perception under the various visual impact factors .

    在视觉影响因素的作用下,旅游者对实地感知的城市旅游景观视觉辨别和鉴赏形成了 视觉 形象感知。

  • Is that not the perfect visual image of life and death ?

    这是不是一 生死交织的完美 画面吗?

  • Every speech needs a strong visual image to stick in people 's minds he says .

    任何演说都需要一个很强,能让观众印象深刻的 视觉讯息。

  • Be sure of it ; give me the ocular proof-shakespeare ; a visual presentation ; a visual image .

    确信一点,给我可见的证据-莎士比亚;视图展示; 视觉 形象

  • Including : design of multimedia presentation system website and webpage visual image of software etc.

    包括:多媒体演示系统、网站网页、软件的 视觉 形象等规划设计。

  • Enlightenment from Region Culture to Visual Image of Modern City Design

    地域文化对现代城市 视觉 形象设计的启示

  • The Functions of the Visual Image of Bird Nest Stadium in the Dissemination of Olympic Culture

    鸟巢 视觉 形象在奥林匹克文化传播中的作用

  • Can music express non-audio objects such as emotional experience visual image philosophic bent and dramatic events ?

    音乐到底能不能表现情感体验、 视觉 景象及哲理性、戏剧性等非听觉性的对象?

  • The device uses application-specific integrated circuits to transform digital images from a camera into electrical signals in the eye that the brain uses to create a visual image .

    该设备使用特定应用集成电路转化为电信号的眼睛从数码相机的图像,大脑用来创建一个 视觉 形象

  • Like a drawing tool a model presents a visual image of the business process .

    与绘图工具一样,模型表示业务流程的 可视 图像

  • For example if you use the Properties view to set an object 's background color to green the visual image and the source code are automatically updated .

    例如,如果您使用Properties视图将一个对象的背景颜色设为绿色,那么 可视化 图像和源代码也会自动更新。

  • The visual image of the letters making up the word is converted into its spoken equivalent .

    组成词的各字母的 视觉 形象被转换成该词的对应发音。

  • The dimensionality of these works should be explained in this way – from any perspective the visual image is0.5 degrees whether the perspective is left center or right .

    在这组作品中对于它的维度应该这样描述,即所有角度,我们 视觉 成像都是0.5维,无论在左、中、右哪个角度。

  • Corporate identity perception consumers have of a company created by its logo design and visual image .

    企业识别。:。消费者通过公司的标识、设计和 视觉 形象确立的对公司的印象。

  • A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen and the source code is at the bottom .

    在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的 可视化 图像,源代码在底端。

  • An optimal algorithm for IR / visual image registration based on Main-Line-Pairs ( MLPs ) is presented .

    提出了一种基于干线对的红外与 可见图像配准算法。

  • Characters as a carrier play a positive role in the function of transmission and visual image in the process of Literature creation .

    文字作为汉文化的载体,它的传达功能和 视觉 冲击 在文学创作中仍起到积极作用。

  • The visual geometric poem in Dieter Jung 's artistic works connects the light drive time and space but only the viewers are the commander of the visual image in the real situation .

    迪特·容格的艺术作品中的几何式视觉诗,是与光、动力、时间和空间有所关联,但是参观者才是“实境中 视觉 影像的指挥”。

  • Distortion : ( 1 ) An undesirable change in the characteristics of a visual image such as those images appearing at the corners of a cathode ray tube .

    畸变:(1) 视觉 影像所产生的不良变化。例如阴极射线管的壁角上的影像。