visible region

[ˈvɪzəbəl ˈridʒən][ˈvizəbl ˈri:dʒən]


  • Scrolls the visible region of the content area horizontally and vertically .

    水平和垂直滚动内容区域的 可见 区域

  • It was found that abundant up-conversion emission bands of Er3 + from ultraviolet to visible region were observed .

    结果观察到了Er3+的从紫外光到 可见 范围的丰富的上转换发光谱带。

  • The transmittance of the film can be more than 90 % in the visible region . 3 .

    透射谱分析得到薄膜在 可见 范围 的透过率达到90%以上。

  • The transmittance and reflectivity in the visible region of these films lowed with the increasing of the substrate temperature .

    可见 区域薄膜透射率和反射率随着基板温度的提高均有所下降。

  • Resonance characteristics of sub-wavelength gratings in the visible region are studied .

    研究亚波长光栅的 可见 共振特性。

  • Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the ultraviolet and visible region can be absorbed by molecules .

    分子能吸收频率在紫外和 可见 光区的电磁辐射。

  • The transmittance in the visible region of films is more than 80 % .

    薄膜在 可见 光区的平均透光率均在80%以上。

  • Molecular spectroscopy using stark and Zeeman modulation in the visible region

    可见 波段的斯塔克和塞曼调制分子光谱

  • This could be explained by better absorption in visible region the appropriate crystallite size high surface area stronger pre-adsorption of target contaminant and more efficient separation of electrons and holes . 2 .

    这归因于催化剂对 可见 的良好吸收,合适的晶粒大小和高的比表面积,对目标污染物的良好的预吸附以及电子和空穴的有效分离。

  • Transparent conducting films are extensively used for a variety of applications due to high transparency in the visible region and low resistivity .

    由于在 可见 区域的高透过率和良好的导电性能,透明导电薄膜在很多微电子领域得到了广泛应用。

  • The high-pressure processing to improve the sample response to the visible region .

    说明高压处理提高了样品对 可见 光区的响应度。

  • Based on the reconstructed Raman microprobe a new method of observing the high resolution visible region absorption spectra is presented .

    本文介绍了如何在拉曼探针上获得稀土样品的高分辨 可见 吸收谱的方法。

  • A measure method for laser mirror scattering in the visible region and its results are described in this paper .

    本文介绍在 可见 光区 对激光反射镜进行光谱散射测量的方法和测量的一些结果。

  • The optical absorbance of metal ion doped TiO-2 nanoclusters in UV and visible region was determined at room temperature .

    实验测量掺杂不同金属离子的TiO2纳米晶簇在UV和 可见 波段的室温光吸收谱。

  • Research of The optical properties show that these polymers have a broad absorption spectrum covering the visible region from 300 to 800 nm .

    光学性质研究表明这些聚合物都具有宽的吸收光谱,可覆盖300-800nm的整个 可见 光区

  • Its transmission coefficient is over 0.9 in the visible region and strongly decreases in the infrared region .

    可见 范围 透过系数大于0.9,在红外区受到强吸收。

  • The result shows that after loading rare earth element Ce the reflective spectral characteristic of nano-TiO_2 moves to the visible region with a red shift to 500 nm and the obvious change takes place in the absorbance in the visible spectral range with a three-fold enhancement .

    结果发现稀土元素铈负载后,纳米TiO2的反射光谱特性向 可见 方向移动,红移到了500nm;并且在可见光区域的吸光率也发生了明显变化,提高了3倍。

  • The absorption spectrum of iodine was recorded in the visible region using a HRD1 Double Grating Monochromator .

    我们用HRD-1型双光栅单色仪记录了碘分子在 可见 区域的吸收光谱。

  • Electron spin resonance ( ESR ) spectra and optical absorption spectra in the visible region are determined .

    测定了玻璃的顺磁共振谱(ESR)和 可见吸收光谱。

  • The results show that the quantum dot size distribution is homogeneous the UV absorption spectrum is broad and continuous the fluorescence emission peaks are narrow and symmetric and the emission range covers almost the entire visible region ( 480-760nm ) .

    结果表明,所制备的量子点粒径分布均一,紫外吸收谱宽而连续,荧光发射峰窄且对称,发射范围几乎覆盖了整个 可见 (480-760nm)。

  • And for thin TiN films they were semitransparent in visible region and high reflectance in infrared region .

    希望利用氮化钛薄膜的良好的导电性、其光性能与金、银等贵金属薄膜的很相似:膜较薄时,在 可见 光区半透明及红外光区的高反射的特点。

  • We have studied the processes of separation and recombination of the photo-generated charges in the heterogeneous films in the visible region by surface photovoltage and transient photovoltage measurements .

    利用表面光伏技术包括稳态和瞬态光伏研究了异质薄膜在 可见 光区的光生电荷分离和复合过程。

  • The optical transmittance of Al doped AZO is as high as85 % in the visible region the UV absorption edge is blue shifted greatly with increasing Al doping concentration .

    AZO透明导电材料的光学透过率在 可见 范围内高达85%,紫外吸收限随着掺杂浓度的增加而发生蓝移。

  • A New Method of observing the High Resolution Visible Region Absorption Spectra

    一种获得高分辨 可见 吸收谱的新方法

  • According to the research above it found and analyzed the important visible region clusters in the city narrative spatial structure of historic region of Suzhou .

    通过上述研究,找出并研究了苏州旧城区叙事空间中重要的 可视 群。

  • The absorption edge of all doped-rutile shows a small red-shift . The absorbance is enhanced in the ultraviolet and visible region .

    Co、Cu金属离子掺杂后,紫外-可见漫反射吸收光谱的吸收边均有较小红移,提高了对 可见 的响应;在紫外和 可见 区域的吸收均增强了。

  • ZnO is an important photoelectric material with high tranmission in the visible region .

    ZnO是一种重要的半导体光电材料,在 可见 光区有很高的透过率,是一种新型的透明半导体材料。

  • As electron donor materials of conjugated polymer solar cells the goal is to have wide spectrum and strong absorption in the visible region high hole mobility good solubility and easy processing performance good film and thermal stability .

    作为共轭聚合物太阳能电池的电子给体材料,要求在 可见 光区具有宽光谱和强吸收、高空穴迁移率、良好的溶解性能和易于加工性能、好的成膜性和热稳定性等。