

  • At the same time the systematics of vitaceae was also discussed . Main findings are as follows : 1 . Partial of the wild grape genetic resources in Yunnan is collected and preserved .

    本研究系统调查了云南部分地区的 葡萄 野生资源,并收集 材料 构建资源圃,同时探讨了 葡萄 植物的系统学 关系,主要研究结果如下:1、收集和保存云南野生葡萄种质资源。

  • The type genus of the family Vitaceae ; woody vines with simple leaves and small flowers ; includes a wide variety of grapes .

    葡萄 模式 有单叶和小花木质藤本植物;包括许多的不同的葡萄树。

  • Piant of Vitaceae which have their origin in North Africa and Asia with 10 species available in Chin .

    植物共 13种,产于北美洲、亚洲,我国有10种。

  • On the Utilization of Wild Vitaceae Fruit Plants Resources in the Eastern Region of Guangdong Province

    粤东地区野生 葡萄植物资源及其开发利用

  • They belong to vitaceae including 4 genera 17 species and 1 variety .

    全省 野生 葡萄 隶属 葡萄 4属17种和1个变种。

  • The results showed that the perennial weeds of Compositae Vitaceae and Gramineae had high glyphosate tolerance . The tolerance of adult weeds was higher than at seedling stage .

    结果发现,多年生的菊科、 蓼科葡萄科和 部分多年生禾本科杂草对草甘膦具有较强的耐药性,同种杂草成 耐药 程度明显高于苗期。

  • Determination of Superoxide Dismutase ( SOD ) - like Activity of Proanthocyanidins in Seeds and Peels of Vitaceae amurensis
