vitamin k1


  • This thesis mainly investigated two kinds of processes for extracting caffeine from tea polyphenols and vitamin K1 respectively with supercritical carbon dioxide .

    论文对超临界二氧化碳脱除茶多酚中的咖啡因及用连续 逆流超临界萃取& 精馏 提纯 维生素 K1进行了实验研究。

  • Objective To discuss stability of mixture of Vitamin K1 and VitaminC et in the glucose injection .

    目的研究 维生素 K1注射液与注射用维生素C(唯西)、注射用肌苷(奇方能)等在葡萄糖(葡萄糖氯化钠)注射液中配伍的稳定性;

  • Nursing about cerebral spinal fluid releasing treatment on delayed Vitamin K deficiency intracranial hemorrhage

    释放脑脊液治疗迟发性 维生素 K1缺乏性颅内出血的护理

  • Concentration of vitamin K_1 by supercritical carbon dioxide with two continuous countercurrent columns was performed .

    文中研究了用连续逆流式超临界双塔浓缩和精制 维生素 K1的工艺方法。

  • Conclusion The mixture of glycyrrhizic acid diammonium salt injection mixing with reduced glutathione injection and vitamin K1 injection in 5 % xylitol injection is stable in quality within 6 h.

    结论GA注射液分别与注射用还原型谷胱甘肽、 维生素 K1注射液配伍后在5%木糖醇注射液中6h内性质稳定;

  • Objective To study the stability of glycyrrhizic acid diammonium salt injection mixing with reduced glutathione injection and vitamin K1 injection in 5 % glucose injection and 5 % xylitol injection .

    目的考察甘草酸二铵(GA)注射液分别与注射用还原型谷胱甘肽、 维生素 K1注射液配伍后在5%葡萄糖注射液 GS 和5%木糖醇注射液中的稳定性。

  • The bidens bipinnata contains vitamin K1 and the content is change in different period of growth .

    鬼针草含有 维生素 K1,含量随生长阶段的不同有变化。

  • Conclusion : The incidence rate of delayed vitamin K deficiency is high in infants on pure breastfeeding and it could be prevented by periodical administration of supplementary vitamin K_1 in small doses to all infants from birth to 3 months .

    结论:单纯母乳喂养婴儿本病发生率高,对所有新生儿从出生至生后3个月定期小剂量补充 维生素 K1可预防本病发生。

  • Objective To study the effects of ultrasonic scaling associated with vitamin K1 in the treatment of hepatocirrhosis gingival bleeding .

    目的研究超声洁治术联合 维生素 K1治疗肝硬化牙龈出血的近期疗效。

  • Study on security of oral vitamin K1 to newborn infants

    口服 维生素 K 1在新生儿的安全性研究

  • Methods By vitamin K supplementation of pregnant women to observe whether the vitamin K status of their newborns can be improved .

    方法通过孕妇口服维生素 K1,观察能否改善其新生儿的 维生素K营养状况。

  • The vitamin K 1 should be injected in newborns . That can decrease the ocurrence rate of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in neonate .

    对全部活产婴儿出生后立即肌注 维生素 K1,可明显减少新生儿消化道出血的发生率。

  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① Comparison of content of vitamin K in mother 's milk between intervention group of lactating mother taking vitamin K1 orally and controls ;

    主要观察指标:①乳母口服 维生素 K1干预组与对照组乳汁维生素K含量比较。

  • Objective To discuss that the delayed vitamin K1 deficiency and internal hemorrhage were the important causes of infants'death and disability .

    目的讨论迟发性 维生素 K1缺乏合并颅内出血是 1~3个月乳儿早期死亡或导致伤残的重要原因。

  • Intramuscular injection of vitamin K 1 1 mg is the proper dosage to prevent and treat vitamin K deficiency .

    维生素 K1预防及治疗其缺乏最适宜剂量为1mg肌注。

  • An observation of vitamin K1 united heparin 's treatment effect to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    维生素 K 1与肝素治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的疗效观察

  • Case was Vitamin K1 deficiency ;

    维生素 K1缺乏症1例;

  • Objective To investigate the influence of liver lesions and vitamin K1 on bleeding after liver biopsy in patients with chronic renal failure and hepatitis virus infection .

    目的探讨肝脏病变程度及 维生素 K1对慢性肾功能衰竭病人肝活检术后出血的影响。

  • The first four agent medicines were antibacterials vitamin K1 nicholin and radix salviae miltiorrhizae the frequences of use were 97.7 % 94.6 % 93.0 % and 92.3 % .

    药物使用前4位为抗菌药物、 维生素 K1、胞二磷胆碱、丹参,使用频率分别为97.7%、94.6%、93.0%、92.3%。

  • Methods 102 patients with gingival bleeding were divided into three groups and patients in group A were treated by using ultrasonic scaling combined with vitamin K1 in B by ultrasonic scaling and in C by vitamin K1 therapy .

    方法将肝硬化牙龈出血患者102例,按就诊顺序随机分为A、B、C三组,分别采用超声洁治术联合 维生素 K1、超声洁治术和维生素K1治疗,观察各组疗效。

  • Ingredients : vitamin K1 vitamin E aloe stem cells hyaluronic acid heparin sodium water soluble hesperidin cells regenerating essence etc.

    成份: 维生素 K1、维生素E、芦荟干细胞、透明质酸、肝素钠、水溶橘皮苷、细胞再生素等。

  • Objective : To investigate the vitamin K_1 intake in elders .

    目的:了解老年人膳食中 维生素 K1的摄入量和主要来源。

  • All the patients were given vitamin K1 for 3 to 5 days . Coagulation disturbance was quickly corrected .

    本组均给予 维生素 K 1治疗, 大部分3~5天,血障碍迅速改善。

  • Vitamin K Supplementation to Pregnant Women Improved Vitamin K Nutritional Status of their Newborns

    孕妇口服维生素 K1改善新生儿 维生素K营养状况

  • Vitamin K1 had no effect on the acute toxicity .

    维生素 K 1急性中毒无 救治效果。

  • Whereas plasma APT level of PHC almost unchanged after vitamin K1 administration . Positive rate of APT was 80.00 % ( 16 / 20 ) in PHC with negative AFP .

    在AFP阴性PHC中APT的阳性率为80.00%( 16/20)。