visual efficiency

[ˈvɪʒuəl ɪˈfɪʃənsi][ˈviʒuəl iˈfiʃənsi]


  • Visual spectral luminous efficiency function is a fundamental function which has extensive applications in illuminating engineering .

    视觉光谱光 函数是一个被广泛应用于照明工程学领域的重要函数。

  • This article talks about the importance and function of audio visual education in teaching the ways of using audio visual education to improve the quality and the efficiency of teaching so as to reach the excellence in teaching process .

    论述了电化教育在高校教学中的重要地位和作用;如何运用 电化教学手段提高教学质量和教学 效率,达到教学过程的最优化;

  • The paper evaluates plant communities landscape by selecting 12 evaluation factors from three aspects of visual quality ecological efficiency and social service functions using Analytic Hierarchy Process method .

    对长沙道路绿地植物景观采用12个评价因子,运用层次分析法从 视觉质量、生态 效益二个要素上进行景观综合评价。

  • By studying visual elements in web pages methods were put forward to raise the visual efficiency when different elements were working together .

    通过对网页中视觉元素的研究,提出了如何使不同元素在网页中发挥其 最佳 视觉 传达作用。

  • Conclusion Examining the visual effectiveness in identifying moving targets of different contrast should be an efficient method to evaluate navy pilot 's visual efficiency .

    结论检测对不同对比度运动目标的视觉作业效能是评价海军飞行员 工效的有效方法。

  • Methods : Under the condition of existing or not existing glare the twilight visual performance of 28 naval pilots were measured respectively by use of visual task efficiency testing system . The identification distance correct percentage and reaction time were obtained .

    方法:在有或无眩光状态下,用 视觉运动目标作业 效能测试系统对28名海军飞行员进行暮视视觉工效测定,记录其辨认距离、辨认正确率和反应时。

  • The experimental results show that the information entropy window with the wavelet sub-band method enables to produce favorable visual characteristics and the efficiency of contrast enhancement is 80 % greater than that of the conventional method .

    实验表明,采用信息熵窗的小波分析方法来增强弱目标图像能够产生良好的 效果,对比度增强 效率比传统增强方法提高80%以上。

  • Noises will degrade the visual quality of captured video and affect efficiency of other video-processing device e.g. the noises will degrade the quality of video compression .

    这会严重地影响采集视频的 视觉质量,并 降低了其他后继处理模块的 性能,比如噪声信号会降低视频压缩算法的质量。

  • The results showed that this model can get optimal split scale expediently and fleetly avoid the visual subjectivity improve the efficiency of image segmentation . ( 3 ) The experimental area was segmented by choosing the optimal optimum scale .

    结果表明,此模型计算最优分割尺度方便快捷,避免了 目视的主观性,能提高影像分割 效率

  • Visual Search Processes and Cognitive Efficiency of Statistical Maps

    分区统计地图上符号的 视觉搜寻和认知 工效研究

  • It not only results in the very good visual effect but also improve the efficiency of the filling algorithm .

    不仅在 视觉上达到了较好的效果,而且还提高了算法的填充 效率

  • The mixed denoising method not only can overcome the drawbacks of three PDE models and wiener filtering but also can obtain a better visual effect and enhance efficiency of the algorithm .

    该混合去噪算法能克服偏微分模型和小波变换的不足,在获得理想去 效果的同时能 有效的提高运算 效率

  • Practical application showed that the approach is available for visualization of numerical calculation simulation model simulation interaction maintenance and modification of visual simulation . It can improve actual operation efficiency considerably .

    实际应用证明,该方法有利于 可视化仿真的数值计算可视化、仿真模型可视化和仿真交互可视化的维护管理,极大地提高了实际工作 效率

  • Effect of Visual Aids on Near Visual Efficiency

    近用光学助视器增 效能 测算研究

  • In the 21st century with the rapid development and improvement of modern information technology image has become the most important source of information in today human society because of its accuracy visual high efficiency and wide adaptability .

    进入21世纪,随着现代信息技术水平的迅猛发展和提高,图像以其确切性、 直观性、 高效 和广泛适应性的特点,成为当今人类社会最重要的一种信息来源。

  • Much of the research data on visual search and sports performance has demonstrated close links between visual efficiency perceptual skill and proficiency in sports .

    关于视觉搜寻和运动绩效的关系研究,现在已经证实运动中的 视觉搜寻 效率、知觉技能和熟练性之间密切相关。

  • As Compared with the relative plan at home and abroad adopting the design with ring lens has particular feature of simple structure visual employment and good efficiency .

    同国内外有关的方案相比较,采用环形透镜的设计具有光组结构简单、使用 直观效能良好的特点。

  • In the comparison of the classification results By the comparison in visual interpretation algorithm efficiency and error matrix the comparison shows that algorithm in this paper has greater advantage in execution speed and the accuracy of the classification .

    在分类效果比较方面,本文通过与其他经典分类算法在 目视解译、算法 执行 效率、误差矩阵三个方面来对算法进行评价,比较结果显示本文算法在执行速度以及分类精度具有较大优势。

  • Then the PC software had been developed by Visual C + + . The efficiency of the NC shoe last carving machine has been greatly improved through the application of this research results .

    并在此基础上,应用 Visualc++开发工具实现了上位机软件的开发。本文研究成果的应用,很大程度上提高了数控刻楦机的加工 效率

  • From the development of digital science technology the paper discussed the movie special effect making through function efficiency making process efficency and visual recept efficiency etc concluded that the digital technology had provided the probability and approach for the free exertion of imagination .

    从数字科学技术的发展,对电影特效制作的功能影响、制作流程的影响和 视觉感受 影响等方面进行分析,总结数字技术给人类提供了的思维想象力自由驰骋的可能性和途径。

  • The study was conducted to harmonize the relationship between visual effects and calculation efficiency of crop morphological models .

    协调禾本科作物形态模型的 可视化效果和计算 效率之间的关系。

  • At the present time the defect detection relies chiefly on artificial visual inspection which has a lower defection efficiency and accuracy rate ( about fifty percent ) due to the influences of subjective and objective factors .

    目前,织物疵点检测主要依靠人工 目测来完成,受主客观因素的影响,检测 效率和准确率很低(约50%),严重影响纺织产品的质量。

  • The scientific research indicates that the human has the exceptionally prominent capacity of the data selection and the visual attention guarantees the high efficiency work of human eyes . The attention mechanism provides some reference for distinguishing the target rapidly from the massive image data .

    科学研究表明,人类具有异常突出的数据筛选能力, 视觉选择注意是保证人眼 高效率工作的重要机制,它对如何从大量图像数据中迅速识别出目标等问题提供参考依据。

  • According to the factors of primaries and transmission efficiency of test scheme completed the factors of primary test data visual analysis completed the transmission efficiency variance analysis of test data .

    根据因素初选及传动系统效率试验方案,完成了因素初选试验数据的 直观分析和传动系统 效率试验数据的方差分析。

  • The procedure combines the complete visual effect Objected_Oriented in deed efficiency and performance of the C + + ideally . It makes the calculation process more intuitionistic convenient and made the result analysis easy .

    该程序将完全的 可视化与真正的面向对象及C++的 高效率、高性能完美地结合起来,使得计算过程更直观、便捷,更易于进行结果的分析。