visual sense

[ˈvɪʒuəl sɛns][ˈviʒuəl sens]


  • Fresco is an art of environment . So there is no special visual sense of beauty until the picture 's formal language is coordinated with the environment harmoniously .

    壁画属于环境艺术,只有当画面的形式语言与环境协调统一,才能展现出特有的 视觉 美感

  • Color is an effect of visual sense as men have the same physical mechanism and visual theory the material element of color terms may have some comments .

    颜色是一种 视觉效果,由于人类具有相同的生理机制和视觉神经,颜色词产生的物质因素也有相似之处。

  • Application of Visual Sense Thinking to Gymnastics Teaching

    浅谈 视觉思维在体操教学中的应用

  • In Kawabata Yasunari 's works the stream of consciousness is realized through audio sense visual sense dream and subconsciousness .

    川端笔下的意识流的实现形式往往是听觉、 视觉、梦境和潜意识。

  • It is also difficult to read and you 'll find you get tired more quickly as you are straining and working harder to make visual sense of the world .

    人们还很难看,你就会觉得你累了更迅速地为你紧张,并加大工作力度,使 视觉 意义 的世界。

  • Objective : To export the visual sense influence the space memory .

    目的:探讨 视觉对空间记忆力的影响。

  • Experiment shows there are great differences in the ability to distinguish three types of exit signs between persons having obstacle of visual sense and persons having no obstacle of visual .

    试验表明,有 视觉障碍者对三类出口标志的识别能力与无 视觉障碍者之间存在很大差距。

  • In this paper the principle of the robot visual sense transducer within near distance is analysed mathematically .

    文中对机器人近距离 视觉传感器的原理进行了数学解析。

  • The visual information is conveyed by visual sense then the aesthetic judgement is decided .

    首先是 视觉 认知产品形态的过程。视觉信息通过人的 感官到达大脑 产生复杂的审美判断。

  • A new season in the fashion of promotional pursue to personality self attachments show a colour as fairy visual sense more and more young people nowadays love .

    新一季宣传片小范冰冰杨棋涵本着对时尚的追求,对个性自我的执著,展现出色彩精灵般的 视觉 ,越来越受到时下年轻人的喜爱。

  • Perspective is a technique theory subject in visual sense art domain .

    透视学是 视觉艺术领域中的技法理论学科。

  • Meanwhile your VISUAL sense was getting stronger and you SAW that the people were SPEAKING .

    依次同时,你的 视觉也越来越棒,能看见人们在说。

  • The veins of white beech combining with the imagination of pure and clean thought clear visual sense combining with the imagination of noble life all make us so quiet .

    白榉木的纹理与 淡远清致的联想,明丽 视界与高尚生活的联想,都让人如此安静。

  • To give users a visual sense of stability the interface defines many standard graphical elements such as the menu bar window controls and so on .

    从而给用户提供了一个 视觉 感知的稳定性,这套界面定义了很多的图像元素标准,如菜单栏、窗口控制等等。

  • Jiang : You once brought up a concept called visual sense of touch . What are your thoughts on that ? How do you determine its outer extensions and inner meanings ?

    江:你曾经提出了一个概念叫“ 触觉”,你是怎么思考的?它的外延和内涵又怎么确定。

  • Accordingly the visual sense of this image society produces a new reading relation between image and society .

    从而这种图像社会的 视觉 又产生了图像与社会的新的阅读关系。

  • Painting is based on visual sense .

    绘画是以 视觉为基础的。

  • Will be the modern people by the visual sense organ3D three-dimensional world by the visual sense organ three Uygur three-dimensional future .

    是现代人以 视觉 感官3D立体世界、以视觉感官三维立体未来。

  • This kind of visual sense is tightly connected with piano-music .

    此类 视觉 意象与钢琴音乐之间有着密切的关系。

  • The lines are the flag of the simple doctrine which can bring us the bursting visual sense immediately when it opens .

    线条仿佛是简约主义的旗帜,一旦张开便一发不可收拾地给予你极 冲击力的 视觉之美。

  • Facing a piece of works I can understand it intrinsically from the visual sense not to express clearly in words .

    面对一幅作品,只能从 视觉进入内在,而不是用文字清晰表述。

  • The capacity for simplicity can improve the aesthetic effect of visual sense ;

    量的简约可以极大提高 视觉审美效果;

  • The method of Graphic Thinking is based on the Visual Thinking the connection of them it is not isolated but is interactive . The visual sense has rational function of thinking .

    图示思维的方法建立在视觉思维基础之上,视觉和思维二者不是孤立的,而是互动的, 视觉具备思维的理性功能。

  • The fundamental requirement and premier function of logo design in visual sense conveying the artistic conception by objective figures and emotional thinking expressed by logo design can affect readers emotionally through imagination and association .

    标志设计在 视觉传达中所描绘的客观图形和所表现的思想感情融合一致所形成的艺术境界,能使读者通过想象和联想,在思想上受到感染和启迪。

  • All perfection and harmony are contained in the visual sense of lentitude grave and stern from natural weathered rocks .

    一切的完美与和谐全部包容在风化自然岩石 舒缓、质朴、冷峻的 视觉之中。

  • The colors of wool enrich visual sense and pattern formulation .

    绒线色彩丰富了 视觉和构成图案。

  • The development status of quality control in the welding process is described . The basic principles of the welding quality control system and the compositions of the visual sense and the control system are introduced .

    本文主要叙述了当前焊接过程质量控制的发展现状,介绍了焊接质量控制系统的基本原理以及 视觉 传感和控制系统的组成。

  • The Figure and Picture Design of Computer and the Design of Visual Sense Transmitting

    计算机图形图像设计与 视觉传达设计

  • The finding suggests that people with similar injuries may be able to recover some crude visual sense with practice .

    这项研究结果表明那些有相似损害的人通过训练或许可以恢复原始 视觉