visual attribute

[ˈvɪʒuəl əˈtrɪbjut][ˈviʒuəl əˈtribju:t]


  • According to the algorithm of attribute reduction auto-classification system about stellar spectrum data is designed and implemented through using Visual FoxPro 6.0 which automatically extract rules from stellar spectrum .

    依据上述 属性约简算法,采用 VISUALFOXPRO6.0数据库管理系统,设计与实现了恒星光谱数据自动分类系统,实现了恒星光谱分类规则的自动提取。

  • While the thickness of inter-bed is less than λ / 4 we lost visual resolution we can solve this problem through muti - attribute analysis .

    但当地层厚度小于λ/4时, 视觉分辨率消失,可以利用 属性综合分析解决。

  • As a management platform of visual spatial data and attribute data GIS is competent for the planning of transit network .

    地理信息系统(GIS)作为 可视化的空间和 属性数据的管理平台,可以作为公交线网规划的数据管理平台。

  • In this paper we discussed the attribute divided layers addition weighting incorporate method of multiple attribute comprehensive evaluate system . We described the algorithm of addition weighting incorporate of decision matrix with attribute divided layers and edited programs with Visual Foxpro to realize it .

    讨论了按 指标分层决策矩阵的多指标综合评价问题,描述了按指标分层的决策矩阵的求解算法,并采用 VISUALFOXPRO数据库语言编程实现。

  • The second part is the relations between auditory sense and visual sense including material basis physiologic attribute and physiological function .

    第二章,听觉与 视觉的关系,从物质基础、生理 属性、心理作用三大方面分析了听觉与 视觉的相互关系。

  • The author have designed and realized a script language to describe visual attribute and behavior of object .

    作者设计和实现了一种描述对象 可视 属性和行为的脚本语言。

  • Adopting the advantages of GIS technology the engine provides visual expression of spatial information and integration of attribute information with spatial information .

    该引擎在借鉴GIS技术优点的基础上,实现了空间信息的 直观表达及空间信息和 属性信息的融合。

  • The g + + attribute mechanism is suitable for use in porting platform-specific features in Visual C + + code .

    g++ 属性机制非常适合于对 Visualc++代码中的平台特定的特性进行移植。

  • Dynamic Segmentation is a brand-new dynamic analysis technique for linear features . It can effectively solve the problem of dynamic analysis for the linear features of highway and can realize dual-direction dynamic visual query between graphical data and attribute data of highway .

    动态分段是一种全新的线性特征的动态分析技术,可以有效地解决公路线性特征的动态分析问题,实现公路图形和 属性数据间的双向动态 可视化查询。

  • Based on the built spatial and attribute database and the basic plat of Visual Foxpro by the technology of Objected Programming designed and built the land resource dynamic monitor information system ( LRDMIS ) for applied .

    以空间和 属性数据库为基础,以 VISUALFOXPRO为基础平台,采用面向对象的编程方法,设计建立了小流域土地资源动态监测信息系统(LRDMIS)。

  • The article gave the discussion about the widespread rules of the visual characteristic Further it explored the objectivity attribute for the formal artsof the architecture .

    本文试图论述模糊性是建筑美学的重要特性之一,以寻找 视觉特性的普遍规律,进而探索建筑形式美的客观 属性

  • To reduce the semantic gap the image attribute is introduced into the field of image retrieval . Visual attribute is a semantic bridge bridging the gap between high-level semantics and low-level features .

    为缩小语义鸿沟,图像视觉属性被引入到图像检索领域中, 视觉 属性在高层语义和底层特征之间架起了一座语义桥梁。

  • Because of the difference of study visual angle there are many differences in research object content range discipline attribute of the two information sociology .

    由于研究 视角的不同,这两种信息社会学在研究对象的确立、内容范围的框 、所 学科的 属性等方面都有所不同。

  • This paper analyzes the research status and introduces the basic theories . Due to the defect of low-level visual features based traditional action recognition method cannot perform well sometimes we propose an action attribute based recognition method .

    论文介绍了当前行为识别技术的研究现状与基本理论,并针对传统识别方法仅使用底层 视觉特征进行识别的不足,提出了一种基于动作 属性的人体行为识别方法。

  • Compared with the RGB color space the HSI color space is more acceptable in human visual attribute .

    视觉 心理 属性来讲,HSI颜色模型较RGB颜色模型更易被接受。

  • Apart from the earlier examples several parallels exist between Visual C + + and g + + attribute schemes .

    除了前面的一些示例之外, VisualC++和g++ 属性方案之间还存在一些相似的内容。

  • Through the visual analysis of map and attribute helpful information can be provided for the management of wetland .

    通过地图和 属性 交互分析,可对湿地管理提供有效的帮助信息。

  • Binocular Vision is an important branch of robotic visual technologies and it is one of an important attribute of intelligent robot .

    双目立体 视觉是机器人技术的一个重要分支,是智能机器人的重要 标志