visual angle

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈæŋɡəl][ˈviʒuəl ˈæŋɡl]


  • Comparative Study on the Translation of English and Chinese Idioms from Cultural Visual Angle

    基于文化 视角的英汉成语翻译比较研究

  • The risk society not only offers a new visual angle for understanding and mastering modern criminal law but also provides an important theoretical tool for re & thinking traditional criminal law .

    风险社会为理解和把握现代刑法提供了全新的 观察 视角,也为反思传统刑法提供了重要的理论工具。

  • On the realism and feminine visual angle in the novels by Jane Austen

    试论简·奥斯汀的现实主义和女性 视角

  • The mounting bracket is convenient for installation the visual angle is adjustable .

    自带安装支架,便于安装调试, 仰视 可调。

  • This thesis studied Marguerite Duras'oriental complex and oriental writing from visual angle of bestraddle culture .

    这是一篇从跨文化的 视角来研究玛格丽特·杜拉斯的东方情结与东方书写的论文。

  • As an important theory in the todays field of learning theories research the situational learning theory provides a new visual angle for us to explore adult learning .

    作为当代学习理论研究的一个重要取向,情境学习理论为成人学习研究提供了新的 视角

  • We can provide high quality design services according clients'goals through professional design progress and creative visual angle .

    我们通过专业的流程与创新的 视角为客户提供高品质的定制化设计服务。

  • The Public Policy Quality Problems with Discourse Theory Visual Angle

    话语理论 视角中的公共政策质量问题&提升公共政策质量的第三条道路及其对当代中国的借鉴

  • There is not only theoretic rationality and realistic necessity but also realistic maneuverability in government transformation under the visual angle of harmonious society .

    社会 视角下的政府转型不仅具有理论上的公道性、现实中的必然性、而且具有现实中的可操纵性。

  • Cooperation Predicament Anatomy in Process Local Government Competition & Analysis Visual Angle of Game Theory

    可持续发展背景下地方政府竞争过程中的合作困境剖析&博弈论的分析 视角

  • This paper reviews the location of the role of teacher from the visual angle of new course reform holds that the role of teacher should progress with the times develop and perfect continuously .

    文章从新课程改革之 视角,对教师角色定位进行反思,认为教师角色应与时俱进,不断发展和完善。

  • The rise and development of policy science provided a new visual angle and analysis framework for studying urban planning .

    政策科学的兴起和发展,为我们认识城市规划提供了一种新的 视角和分析框架。

  • Paying close attention to the effect of dialect grammar for common language may supply us a new visual angle for better research of the variation phenomenon in the contemporary syntax of Chinese .

    关注方言语法对普通话语法的影响,为人们更好地研究当代汉语语法的变异现象提供了一个新的 视角

  • To love or not to love in literature and I is a problem of literary utility from individual visual angle .

    “我与文学”的“爱”与“不爱”的瓜葛,本质上是个人 视角的文学功利性问题。

  • On the Standpoint and Method in Studying Confucian Legal Thought & From the Visual Angle of the Rule of Law

    论孔子法律思想研究的立场与方法&以法治为 视角

  • An Analysis on Position of University in Law & A Visual Angle of Researching the Relationship between University and Government

    大学的法律地位分析&研究大学与政府关系的一种 视角

  • Study on the Reform of Personnel Files System under the Visual Angle of Credit Economy Construction

    信用经济建设 视角下我国人事档案制度改革研究

  • Analyzing the special relationship of the shadow places and predominant places offers a new visual angle to the theory of the shadow places'development .

    从博弈论的 角度研究旅游阴影区和旅游优势区的空间关系,为旅游阴影区的发展提供了一个全新的 视角

  • Lovelorn Process : a Visual Angle of Sociological Analysis

    失恋过程:一个社会学的分析 视角

  • Reduce the side visual angle of the display effectively protect privacy .

    有效减少显示器侧面 可视 角度,保护隐私。

  • Library Information Service in the Visual Angle of Social Software

    社会性软件 视角下的图书馆信息服务

  • This paper discusses the basic stand and visual angle of the feminist anthropology and its impact on the research of the anthropological kinsfolk system .

    本文论述了妇女人类学的基本立场和 视角,以及它对人类学的亲属制度研究领域所造成的冲击。

  • The study of official functional morality is a visual angle that differs from that of the professional morality .

    官员的角色道德研究是一个有别于官员职业道德研究的 理论 视角

  • A discussion was made on the function and the training mechanism of forestry entrepreneurs from visual angle of regional environment .

    摘要从区域环境的 视角探讨了东北林业企业家的作用和培养机制。

  • Finally study conclusion and production is cleared up and further study direction is presented from visual angle of continuing the dissertation .

    最后,对本文研究结论和成果进行了整理,从延续本研究的 角度,提出了进一步的研究方向。

  • Before studying on business most of people are based on the choice of business however they neglect a visual angle which is the process of business development .

    过去,在业务的研究中,人们更多的是从业务选择来分析问题,而忽视了一个 重要 视角:业务本身的发展过程。