view point

[vju pɔɪnt][vju: pɔint]

[计] 观察点

  • This article has taken some view point about multi-culture influence in brand translating together with some famous brand .

    本文结合当今世界上的一些知名品牌,就跨文化因素对品牌翻译的影响 提出了一些 看法

  • And finally we will explain action from the physicalist view and point out its difficulties .

    最后我们将从物理主义的 观点來說明行动,并 指出其困难所在。

  • By view point of planar affine coordinates the geometric significance of weight coefficients in multiple objectives programming has been interpreted .

    格赖斯的自然意义与非自然意义解析本文用平面仿射坐标的 观点,解释了目标规划中权系数的几何意义。

  • Each car is subtly angled so that the vehicle can be seen by the customer from a slightly different view point creating interest .

    每一辆车的角度都非常巧妙,所以客户能从一个稍微不同的 角度 看待该车辆,产生兴趣。

  • If you don 't see the drawing toolbar on the view menu point to toolbars and then click drawing .

    如果没有看到“绘图”工具栏,请在“ 视图”菜单上, 指向“工具栏”,然后单击“绘图”。

  • In order to add an additional protection from the view point of nuclear safety defence in depth the secondary containment is adopted .

    从核安全纵深防御的 角度,为了再多增加一道安全屏障,设置了二次安全壳。

  • To open the master page toolbar on the view menu point to toolbars and then click master page .

    若要打开“母版页”工具栏,请在“ 查看”菜单上, 指向“工具栏”,然后单击“母版页”。

  • Those that oppose such view point argue that such a law is shameful and unfairly targets the most vulnerable .

    那些反对的人称这一法律是可耻的,对于弱者 来说是不公的。

  • This paper systematically analyzes the influential factors of knowledge transfer from the view point of the user and puts forward some countermeasures .

    本文从用户方的 角度对企业信息化中知识转移的影响因素进行了系统分析、进而提出了促进知识转移的对策。

  • Institutional evolution in Chinese stock market : View Point of public choice

    中国股票市场政策演进:公共选择 视角

  • In this article is discussed the design skill of quilted and patchwork-like jacquard fabric from view point of fabric weave yarn match and shape and arrangement of patchwork .

    文章从织物组织、原料配合、拼块形状及排列形式等方面对具有仿绗线、仿 拼缝工艺效果的大提花织物的设计技法作了一些探讨和研究。

  • In outlook contacts on the view menu point to current view and then click phone list .

    在outlook联系人的“ 视图”菜单上, 指向“当前视图”,然后单击“电话列表”。

  • This view point is certain alternative and I am aware of that ;

    我深知这样的 观点是不寻常的。

  • Of course because internal point of view is one kind of theoretical attitude it is not one of two practical attitudes : bad mans point of view or participants point of view .

    “内在 观点”是哈特实证主义理论中的重要概念,因为它是解读哈特理论的关键线索之一。

  • On the view menu point to table and then click entry or any other table to which the custom skills field has been added .


  • It is instructive to realize the movement of the Tan Lu Fault System and its influence on the Hefei Basin from the view point of basin research .

    从盆地研究的 角度来进一步认识郯庐断裂的活动及对合肥盆地的油气勘探均具有借鉴及指导意义。

  • The author gives his view point on the promotion and speeding up of these processes with referencing foreign experiences .

    结合全球涂料行业并购竞争的形势、 针对国内涂料企业的现状和问题,提出如何加快联合、重组的建议。

  • From the theoretical view point his history of social power is the continuation of Marx Weber 's Social Prototype study .

    他的社会权力史别出心裁、心独具,理论上 马克思·伯社会理想型研究方法的延续。

  • The Forming of China 's Housing Accumulation Fund System Based on the View of Game Point

    基于博弈的 角度论我国住房公积金制度的生成

  • Help-Seeking and Assistance-Providing in China : A view point of cultures and institutes

    中国社会的求助关系制度与文化的 视角

  • From the view point of design the flat logical structure of simulation systems is presented .

    接着,论文深入地研究仿真系统框架的设计与 实现 关键技术。

  • About the Technical and Society 's Harmony & The View Point of Technology Sociology

    简论技术与社会的和谐&技术社会学 视角

  • The article presents the relevant operation technology in flue gas de-nitration technology in collaboration with STEULER Company of Germany from the view point of SCR technology principle .

    本文从SCR工艺的原理 出发,介绍了与德国 STEULER公司在烟气脱硝技术方面合作的相关运行工艺。

  • Fundamentally from the view point of their own class the fashionable writers were correct .

    从根本上看,从他们本阶级的 观点 ,这些流行作家是正确的。

  • By studying of the concept and connotation of the visual communication design this paper proposes a view point about generalized visual communication design .

    从视觉信息传达设计的概念及内涵展开研究,提出广义视觉传达设计的 观点

  • Discussion on the Behavior of university Students under the Influence of the Psychology of Following the Crowd On the Cultivation of Youth Sports Spectators from the View Point of the Behaviors of Watching the 29th Olympic Games

    对从众心理影响下大学生行为的探讨从奥运会 观赛行为透视青少年体育观众的培养

  • The view point of this article is unique and its description is direct and penetrating at one time .

    这篇文章的 视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。

  • From the view point of all three stages in China 's War of Resistance Against Japan guerrilla warfare is definitely indispensable .

    从三个阶段 来看,中国抗日战争中的游击战,决不是可有可无的。