This reform is bound to vigorously promote sustained rapid and healthy development of socialist economy of our country .
这次改革必将 有力 地促进我国社会主义经济的持续、快速、健康发展。
Still the fantasy of the strategic visionary is vigorously promoted by management consultants investment bankers and analysts .
尽管如此,战略空想家的幻想得到了管理顾问、投资银行家和分析师的 推波助澜。
Doctrinal differences were vigorously debated among religious leaders .
宗教领袖之间就教义分歧问题问题争论 激烈。
Effectively organize and arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of employees and vigorously conduct marketing ;
有效的组织和调动部门内员工的积极性和创造性, 积极开展销售工作;
The orator gestured vigorously while speaking .
这位演讲者讲话时 用力 地做手势。
Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community
波兰和捷克斯洛伐克已经 积极寻求加入欧共体。
As soon as he finished his supporters applauded vigorously but most of the masses were taken aback and exchanged doubtful glances .
他的话完了,他的几个支持者拼命 地鼓掌,而更多的人却噤若寒蝉,面面相觑。
China will continue to vigorously develop its foreign trade .
中国将继续 大力发展对外贸易。
As a society we should vigorously celebrate success welcome capital and applaud entrepreneurship .
作为一个社会,我们应 大力颂扬成功、欢迎资本并为创业精神喝彩。
Reform of the cultural system and the development of cultural undertakings were vigorously promoted .
New things are springing up vigorously .
新生事物 蓬勃兴起。
They talked for several minutes frederick smiling broadly and nodding his head vigorously every so often .
他们交谈了几分钟,弗雷德里克偶尔笑一笑并 用力 点头。
Vigorously promote better quality management and continuously improve product quality .
大力推行品质的 精益管理,不断改进和提升产品的品质。
They fell on the enemy vigorously .
他们勇敢 地向敌人攻击。
Take two nails and scrape them together vigorously .
以两个钉子和他们一起 大力刮。
We should vigorously develop modern services and tourism .
He shook the amber bottle vigorously .
他 用力摇晃这个琥珀色的瓶子。
We should vigorously work to open up agricultural machinery and consumer goods to meet demands in the rural areas .
China will vigorously promote development and prosperity in both Asia and the world .
我们将 大力促进亚洲和世界发展繁荣。
The movement is developing vigorously .
运动正在 蓬勃开展。
Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be vulnerable to disease .
生命力强的植物不容易 得病。
We must carry forward the spirit of development through cooperation and vigorously strengthen economic and technical cooperation .
弘扬合作发展精神, 大力加强经济技术合作。
Developed countries should act more vigorously to promote development .
发达国家在发展问题上应有更 积极的作为。
Vigorously develop rapid tooling and rapid prototyping technology ( RPM );
In order to solves this problem well our country is researching and developing the stored energy battery vigorously .
为了更好地解决此问题,我国正在 大力研发储能电池。
Some women work vigorously just like men .
有些妇女干 起 活来,如同男子汉。
We will vigorously develop science and technology .