viewing transformation

[ˈvjuɪŋ ˌtrænsfɚˈmeʃən][ˈvju:iŋ ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən]


  • Viewing the people-oriented doctrine as its basic characteristic it focuses on the existence of ordinary people during the period of transformation in contemporary China .

    本主义取向是它最基本的品格,关注当代中国 转型期社会中普通民众的生存状态是它的主要职志。

  • This thesis attempts to probe into the pattern selection by viewing Kunming Railway Bureau transformation from railway transportation to the logistics enterprise which will provide references for some railway corporations .

    本文试图通过对 昆明铁路局向现代物流拓展模式的研究,来探讨我国铁路运输企业向现代物流 转变的模式选择问题,对铁路运输企业向现代物流企业拓展具有一定的参考价值。

  • Viewing the Change of the Role of Teacher from the Perspective of Transformation in Knowledge

    建筑 十七 转化浅议知识 转型 视野中的教师角色转变

  • In order to apply 3D viewing transformation in the world scene this paper discusses the theory of the 3D viewing transformation and introduces the realizing methods . Besides it delivers the code segment based on OpenGL .

    为了在世界场景中应用三维 观察 变换,讨论了三维观察变换的原理,详细介绍了实现方法,并在此基础上给出了基于OpenGL的代码程序段。

  • Database users who are being introduced to XML data at times need a tool to assist with tasks related to XML creation viewing editing or transformation .

    遇到XML数据的数据库用户,有时需要工具来协助完成XML创建、 查看、编辑、或者 转换等相关任务。

  • Realization of Three-Dimensional Viewing Transformation in World Scene

    世界场景中三维 观察 变换的实现

  • Viewing from the point of cultural changes establishment of Fengshui among the public of Fujian has been a process of value transformation and meaning rebirth .

    从文化变迁的角度 来看,风水术为民间社会所承认、接受并转变为民俗信仰的过程,乃是种价值 转换及意义再生的过程。

  • Viewing Windows Fourier Transforms and Wavelet Transforms From Equidistant Transformation

    从等距 变换 窗口Fourier变换与小波变换

  • Viewing from relevance theory drama translation is actually a transformation of cognitive environment .

    关联理论的 角度 来看,戏剧翻译实际上就是认知语境的 转换

  • Hegel Marx and Whitehead & Viewing the conflicts between sciences and humanities from the basic transformation of mode of thinking in western philosophy embodied by process

    黑格尔、马克思和怀特海&从过程所体现的西方哲学思维方式的 转变 科学与人文之间的冲突