


  • Wretched hives of scum and villainy always have the best music .

    人渣 恶棍 混迹 肮脏 场所 总有最好的音乐。

  • The villainy you teach me I will execute .

    你们教会我的 罪恶,我都会施行。

  • We can be thankful that carbon dioxide is keeping us comfortably warm but the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going up steadily and that is where the villainy comes in .

    我们该感到欣慰,二氧化碳给我们温暖使我们舒舒服服,但是大气中二氧化碳的浓度正在稳步升高,其 也就 由此而生。

  • In the name of the Commons of England I charge all this villainy upon Warren Hastings in this last moment of my application to you .

    以英国下院的名义,在向你们 提出 请求的这个最后时刻对 沃伦·哈斯丁 恶行提出指控。

  • One is the theory of humanistic villainy as its basic another is the essential content that contain severe penalty capture the criminal and publicize the law .

    商鞅的刑罚 目的理论,以人性 犯罪理论为基础,以重刑、必得、 法为基本内容,通过 有机结合来实现预防犯罪。

  • I wouldn 't have Thoutght she was capable of such villainy .

    我怎么也想不到她居然会干这种 恶行

  • Charlie strongly denied the acts of villainy of which he was accused such as forcing people to watch while he smashed up their homes .

    查里被指控犯有 流氓行为,如捣毁人家家园时还逼人家看看,对此他强烈否认。

  • The great godfather was admired for his easy and natural spirit in the villainy and rascal conducts . Furthermore Cao Cao was one of the founders of Wei-Jin style .

    他最让人羡慕的地方就是他 坏事洒脱 无赖 演绎 很自然,是魏晋风度的创始者之一。

  • You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy .

    你再也找不到 这儿,更是 龙蛇混杂

  • In the real world federal funding is a fast-dwindling resource and populist pandering a bigger drag on problem-solving than any individual villainy .

    在现实世界里,联邦资金是一个迅速减少的资源,迎合的民粹主义者比起个别 恶棍在解决问题上的更拖拉。

  • Of course we will never give in to villainy .

    当然,我们永远不会向 邪恶 屈服

  • They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals .

    他们打着 实现远大理想的 幌子为他们的每 恶行 开脱