


  • After the decision was announced on Friday it said it was confident the US courts would vindicate the company 's rights under the law and the US Constitution .

    在上周五宣布了这一决定后,该公司表示它有信心美国法院将会在法律和美国宪法内 维护其公司的权利。

  • There are other arguments I might adduce to vindicate shakespeare 's authorship .

    我还可以引用其他论据 证明莎士比亚为原作者。

  • Bear market offer the buying opportunity while bull market vindicate his bear market investments with big profits .

    熊市提供了买进的机会,牛市是用巨大的 收获 证明他在的熊市时的投资(的 正确性)。

  • For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants .

    耶和华要为他的百姓 伸冤,为他的仆人后悔。

  • The verdict not guilty vindicate him .

    无罪的判决 证明了他的无罪。

  • Recent observations vindicate the assumption : a direct velocity-mass correlation is even tighter than the velocity-luminosity correlation .

    最近的观测 证实了这项假设:速度与质量的直接关系甚至比速度与光度的关系更为紧密。

  • I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness .

    我得 些哲理性的思考了。

  • Not to vindicate their politicians though because it is probable that they are the same belligerent hawkish egotistical and self serving politicians as we have here in the Western world .

    他们没有为 中国的政客们辩护,可能是因为那里的政客和西方的一样好斗、强硬、自负和自私。

  • They said they welcomed the trial as a chance to vindicate themselves .

    他们说欢迎审判,那是 证明他们 无辜的机会。

  • These findings vindicate my theory .

    这些发现 证明了我的理论的 合理性

  • He has at least done something to vindicate the beauty of the office as well as the justness of the title .

    他起码做了一件 无愧于公正 人头衔和这个美好职业的事情。

  • The development of national area is significant to vindicate mother country 's unification social stabilization and realize countrywide modernization .

    民族地区的发展对 维护祖国统一和社会稳定、实现全国的现代化有着至关重要的作用。

  • The director said he had been vindicated by the experts ' report

    主任说专家们的报告 证明了他是 正确的。

  • Prior elections seem to vindicate him .

    以往的选举似乎 证明了他的 说法 有理

  • Ministers and officials are confident their decision will be vindicated .

    部长们和官员们相信他们的决定会被 证明 正确的。

  • Our place in the Council was used throughout our term to champion the role and to vindicate the principles and purposes of the United nations .

    在任职期间,我们在联合国的工作就是支持联合国的工作,并 维护其原则和目的。

  • Better lock it said the officer more to vindicate his authority than anything else .

    最好锁上, 警官说,他主要是为了显示他自己的权威, 不是为了别的。

  • The 2010 harvest did not seem to vindicate his judgment .

    但2010年的收成却似乎不能 佐证其判断。

  • The success of the operation completely vindicate my faith in the doctor .

    手术的成功完全 证明我对这大夫的信任是 正确的。

  • He 's more worried about his legacy and he believes a championship without Shaq will vindicate him too .

    他更注重的是他的成就,而且他也相信在没有鲨鱼的条件下拿到总冠军可以 证明 自己 能力

  • Vindicate communal order respect other people .


  • But how much confidence should we have that the Europeans will vindicate their own judgment ?

    但是,我们应该在多大程度上相信欧洲人会 证明自己的判断是正确的呢?

  • But we must not on that account forget expressly to vindicate for mechanism the right and import of a general logical category .

    但另一方面我们又须明白 承认机械性具有一种普遍逻辑范畴的权利和意义。

  • How would you vindicate your failure to your family ?

    你将如何向你家人 解释你的失败?

  • Pigpen : Does the premise of this book vindicate your preference for messiness ?

    把周围搞得象猪圈的人:这本书的论述是不是 维护了你对杂乱的偏好?

  • He wanted Einstein to know boy did we vindicate you boy did we show that Eddington was right despite what all the scoff was foreseeing .

    他希望爱因斯坦知道,我们的确 证明你是对的,我们的确表明,爱丁顿是正确的,尽管预见到所有的嘲笑和讥讽。

  • Then why - since the choice was with himself - should the individual whose connection with the fallen woman had been the most intimate and sacred of them all come forward to vindicate his claim to an inheritance so little desirable ?

    那么,作为与这个堕落的女人关系最亲密和最神圣的一个人,既然他还有选挥的 余地,何必前来 公开要求 这份 并非 求之不得的遗产呢?

  • He tried hard to vindicate his honor .

    他拼命 维护自己的名誉。

  • Vindicate me in your righteousness O Lord my god ; do not let them gloat over me .

    耶和华我的上帝啊,求你按你的公义 判断我,不容他们向我夸耀!