


  • While politically the Jeffersonians won power in letters the conservative Federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented .

    在政治上取得权势的是杰斐逊派,在文学上保守的 联邦主义者似乎人才辈出。

  • This article expounds the viewpoint by taking the study of conservation planning of the Potala Palace as the example .

    本文以布达拉宫地区保护规划研究的例子阐述了这一 观点

  • The whole of human history disproves this viewpoint .

    全部的人类历史否定了这一 观点

  • My viewpoint is that I should go now .


  • I believe you also have and my same viewpoint .

    我相信,你也有和我的相同 观点

  • To include as many viewpoints as possible the editor reserves the right to shorten letters .

    为了能包括尽可能多的 观点,编辑保留对信件进行删节的权力。

  • The paper try to analyze intensive use of land based on system viewpoint .

    文章尝试基于系统 观点对土地集约利用进行分析。

  • This kind of change contains his much more viewpoint and persistence .

    这种转变夹带了他的许许多多的 想法和坚持。

  • You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint .

    你得知道站在哪里观察 角度比较理想。

  • This is a traditional hermeneutic viewpoint .

    这是传统阐释学 观点

  • On the function of the harmonious development of human and nature in carrying out the scientific development viewpoint ;

    作为以心和、人和、天和为特征和指向的发展模式的和谐发展,是科技发展与人文发展的 天作之合

  • In this field the importance of radium from the viewpoint of general theories has been decisive .

    在这一领域中,从一般理论的 观点 来看,镭的重要性是具有决定性的。

  • Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint .

    大多数科学家可能会倾向于这个 观点

  • This is entirely wrong from my viewpoint .

    在我 看来,此事全错了。

  • A detailed analysis of the design from the viewpoint of the system 's realization is given .

    从系统技术实现 角度,对信息管理系统作出详细的设计与分析。

  • My viewpoint is in coincidence with you .

    我的 观点与你的一致。

  • Corresponding proposed own viewpoint and the countermeasure regarding these loopholes and the question .

    对于这些漏洞和问题相应的提出了自己的 观点和对策。

  • On basis of this we put forward our own viewpoint and cognition .

    在总结前人研究的基础上作者提出了自己的 认识 看法

  • The overall principle and approach of Mark 's and Engel 's literary criticism is esthetical and historical viewpoint .

    马克思恩格斯文艺批评的总体原则和方法是美学 观点和历史 观点

  • Honestly I saw your mother 's viewpoint and quite sympathized with her .

    老实讲,我明白你母亲的 想法,也很同情她。

  • To understand the different aspects of cultural life anthropologists use a holistic viewpoint and systematic research methods .

    为理解文化生活的不同方面,人类学者采用整体的 视野与系统的研究方法。

  • He explained his viewpoint that taxes should be increased .

    他解释了他 认为应该增加税收的 观点

  • I am bringing forward a viewpoint here that the method of idealization actually has been employed in Capital .

    在这里,我要提出一个 观点:《资本论》中实际运用了理想方法。

  • The novel is shown from the girl 's viewpoint

    这部小说是从这个女孩的 视角来叙述的。

  • Relational assets is the new viewpoint along with the development of relationship marketing theory and practice .

    摘要关系资产是近年来随着关系营销理论和实践的发展所出现的一种新 观点

  • The viewpoint of scientific development realizes the integration of scientific idea and value demand .

    科学发展 实现了科学理念与价值诉求的有机统一。

  • While this is a seductive viewpoint other presidential couples have been both loving and respectful .

    尽管这是一个很有诱惑力的 观点,但其他总统伉俪也有既相亲相爱又相敬如宾的。

  • Now research provides some support for this philosophical viewpoint .

    如今有一项研究为这项哲学 观点提供了依据。

  • From a spiritual perspective this viewpoint is false and distorted .

    从灵性的视角来看,这种 观点是错误和扭曲的。

  • The interorganizational network theory based on cooperation offers a new viewpoint to the management of the project .

    以协作为基石的组织间网络理论无疑为工程的运行管理提供了一个新的 视角