


  • Classic aggressively expands customer relations and will not vilify rivals or never reveal customer information and commercial secrets to the third party .

    经典积极进取地拓展客户关系,绝不 诋毁竞争对手,也决不对外泄露客户资料及公司商业秘密。

  • This time opponents of the war do not oppose or vilify the troops .

    这一次,反战者没有反对或 辱骂军队。

  • These fellows vilify our provincial Party committees as mummies we say they are not and the two views stand opposed to each other .

    省委 僵尸 我们说省委不是僵尸,也是对立的。

  • He was vilified hounded and forced into exile by the FBI .

    他遭到了联邦调查局的 诬蔑和追捕,被迫流亡国外。

  • The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs

    该机构因对救生药物的审批速度太慢而备受一些医生的 诟病

  • Don 't vilify the image of public servants .

    不要 丑化公职人员形象。

  • The politicians in Washington can get more votes by holding televised hearings where they vilify the oil companies .

    华盛顿的政客们却要举行电视听证会,在会上 中伤石油公司,以获得更多的选票。

  • While many Chinese vilify Mao for his brutality he is also admired for his power and his role as one of the most influential historical figures in the20th century .

    中国人 诋毁其无情的同时,他仍然是20世纪最有影响力的人物,受到人民的钦佩。

  • The Black leader Malcom X complained that White men 's dictionaries glorify white and Whites but vilify black and Blacks as tainted and evil .

    黑人领袖马尔科姆曾经抱怨说:白人的词典赞美白色和白人,而 黑色和黑人 诋毁成下流、邪恶。

  • With expanding desire producers overlook the spiritual value and the overall development of human nature and vilify the pursuit of moral and spirit .

    恶性膨胀的欲望无视人的精神价值和人性的全面发展, 诋毁对道德思想和人文精神的追求, 最终 必然 导致道德的 、伦理的 失衡和人性的 失态

  • Taking care that anti-terrorist efforts do not vilify Muslims in Western countries is self-evidently sensible .

    另外要清醒地意识到,反恐怖主义行动并不 意味着西方国家的穆斯林也会 随之 受到公正的待遇。

  • You can quote them disagree with them glorify or vilify them .

    你尽可以引用他们,否定他们,赞美或者 贬损他们。

  • But in fact she does not exclude or vilify any black men on the contrary she bestows multiple personalities on them .

    而实际上,沃克并没有排斥和 丑化黑人男性。

  • How will we make progress on the big system challenges of our time if every time someone tries something transformational and fails we vilify them ?

    如果每当有人尝试变革性的新事物却失败之后,我们 会进行 恶意中伤,又如何能在当今巨大的体制挑战中取得进步?