view body

[vju ˈbɑdi][vju: ˈbɔdi]

[法] 验尸

  • Ancient China view for human body believed that human body is a outcome and an organic composite part of nature based on Theory of vital essence and vital Qi .

    中国古代的 人体 以“精气论”为思路,认为人是自然界的产物和有机组成部分。

  • Science arrange public public finance is implementation prop up and enhance the government science to develop the view of direct body now .

    科学安排公共财政是落实、支撑与强化政府科学发展 的直接 体现

  • It is under the influence of this dualistic view of the body and mind that the concept of neurasthenia and depression shift to an emphasis on psychological symptoms by emphasizing the physical symptoms .

    正是在这种 身心二元对立 观点的影响下,在神经衰弱和抑郁症的概念的变迁中,就出现了由强调躯体症状到强调心理症状的转变。

  • View the message body and hide the addresses

    查看消息 正文并隐藏地址

  • Though there is much difference between his view of body and the survival phenomenology it still develops in the dual process of the soul body and the physical spirit .

    虽然说他的 身体 与生存现象学有不少区别,但它依然是在心灵的肉身化和身体的灵性化双重进程中得以展开的。

  • Western sports culture comes from ancient Greek civilization . It is a sports cultural phenomenon formed in an industrial economic background which takes the modern scientific view of body and life as its theoretical basis and competitive sports as its major external manifestations .

    西方体育文化则是由古希腊文明演化而成,在工业经济背景下,以西方近代科学的 身体 、生命 为理论依据,以特殊的竞技运动为主要外在表现形式的体育文化。

  • To return to normal or print layout view from header / footer view double-click the body text .

    双击 正文即可从页眉/页脚 视图返回到普通或页面视图。

  • Views : soul view body view personality view .

    角度,灵魂, 肉体,和人格。

  • In the light of some view of system about body energy super session this article makes study on the double anaerobic exercises with the tool of resisting air which put in exercisers ' mouth .

    依据 人体能量代谢的系统论 观点,通过运用阻氧嘴进行双重缺氧训练的研究。

  • Cutting edge technology is giving doctors a view of the body they 've never seen before .

    当今的前沿科技使医生能够 看到他们以前无法看到的 人体 景象

  • Transform us in the view concerning Your Body Your church which is Your heart 's desire .

    求你变化我们,使我们 看见你的 身体,你的召会,就是你心头的愿望。

  • Facing the problems coming from educational research and practice the dissertation is to reconsider body and to probe into the necessity and possibility to study education in the view of body in order to understand educants ' spirit-construction better .

    面对教育研究中及教育实践中存在的身体问题,本研究旨在重新 审视 身体,探求教育研究显身的必要性与可能性,以便于更好地理解受教育者的精神建构与生成。

  • Thai soldiers learn about AIDS by grim example as they view a victim 's body at a hospice run by a Buddhist monastery .

    艾滋病图片。泰国士兵了解艾滋病的严峻例如,他们 认为受害者的 尸体在一个安宁收容所一个佛教修道院。

  • At last the paper raises some measure advices to solve the problem of industrial structure convergence from the view of game body game payoff and game circumstance .

    最后,文章从博弈 主体、博弈收益、博弈环境等方面 出发提出解决地区产业结构同构化问题的措施构想。

  • Random formation of schematic section view of ore body

    矿体示意 剖面的随机生成

  • Twenty-five thousand mourners passed to view the body .

    2.5万名送葬者前来 瞻仰死者 遗容

  • A View of Truck Body Welding Process

    载货车 车身焊接工艺的现状与 展望

  • Employing the questionnaires one of structuralism thinking logicality to the urban residents as the research method the author combines the quantity analysis with a view of health body protection space to probe into quality of urban social life and its structure .

    在研究方法上用结构主义思维逻辑采用对居民认知问卷调查,在此基础上结合定量分析的手段,力图从城市 康体保护空间的 角度揭示西安城市社会生活空间质量及其结构。

  • This teaching is the exact opposite of the common view that the body is put off to free the immortal soul with-in .

    这个教训与普通的 观点 认为 身体解脱就能释放出内在不朽灵魂的大众观点是恰恰相背的。

  • In view of from the body vaccine the treatment virus wart the herpes our province authoritative skin venereal diseases expert accepted newspaper reporter to interview .


  • Insights from this new view of the body 's on-board defenses against cancer may open the way for improved immunotherapies to treat the disease .

    机体防御肿瘤的新 观察能开辟一条新道路,改进对肿瘤的免疫治疗。

  • Inter-text writing view body writing in the era of consumerism ; and re-writing of Chinese cultural identity in the era of globalization .

    主要讨论了白色写作与零度写作 ,文本间性的写作 ,消费时代的 身体写作,最后探讨全球化时代中国身份的重新书写。

  • Though anything could be the symbol to decode the whole world ; in the general point of view body body will or the problem of to be or not is in a prominent position to interpret the comparability of primordial thoughts as a symbol .

    虽然,世界上的任何事物都可以作为揭示整个世界的记号,但从普遍性的角度 来说身体、生死问题作为把握原始思维相似性的一个记号显得更为突出。

  • View a Free Body Diagram of all the forces ( including gravitational and normal forces ) .

    所有力的自由 受力图(包括重力和正向力)。

  • No matter from the view of the body of the investigation or the value and function of it the powers of the investigation have the obvious characteristics of the administrative powers .

    无论是从 侦查 主体、侦查程序的运作、侦查的价值和功能方面看,侦查权都应归属行政权。

  • The photographers drew back to let us view the body

    摄影师往后退开,好让我们 查看 尸体

  • It is argued that a reductionist view of the human body as digital data over-looks the limits of digital ontology and gives up one basis for ethical orientation .

    文章认为,简化论者 人体作为数字数据的观点忽视了数字本体论的局限性,抛弃了伦理定位的基础。

  • In view of the body self-esteem research is still at the exploratory stage the mechanism of social comparison is still not deepgoing . This research adapted the experimental method .


  • The textual purpose is to try to inquire into what the body ethic narration is and further deeply expound the unique life and death view radiated by body and the contemporary meaning of the body and soul conflicts .

    探讨这一身体伦理叙事是什么,并进一步深度阐释由 身体辐射出的独特生死 和灵与肉冲突在当代的意义。