video integration

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˌɪntɪˈɡreʃən][ˈvidiəu ˌɪntɪˈgreɪʃən]


  • Research of Video Resource Integration Based on Portal

    基于PORTAL技术的 视频资源 整合研究

  • In this paper a 3-dimension semi-Markov process model is introduced to describe the packet video / voice integration .

    本文引入了描述分组 图象/话音 综合的三维的半马尔可夫过程模型。

  • Its major functions include digital pulse compression weighting in various forms moving target indication Doppler filtering constant false-alarm rate detection video integration threshold detection etc.

    它可以进行数字式脉冲压缩,多种形式的加权、动目标显示、多卜勒滤波、恒虚警检测、 视频 积累、门限检测等处理功能。

  • Summarized in the form of examples of video resources and the secondary language curriculum integration of the three methods concluded that the language of video resources and the secondary school curriculum integration in the concept and actual operation should pay attention to some problems .

    以例证的形式归纳了 影视资源与中学语文课程 整合的三种方法,最后指出了影视资源与中学语文课程整合在观念和实际操作上应该注意的一些问题。

  • Methods : Varied concentration amylum suspensions from 0 1 % to 2 % as the simulator were used for analysis of video intensity and backscatter integration .

    方法:测定0.1%到2.0%不同浓度淀粉悬液的 视频强度和背向散射 积分

  • The principle and course of calculating absolute value video integration and CFAR detection algorithm based on FPGA are introduced . The advantages of FPGA are shown by simulation results of radar signal processing .

    详细介绍了求模、 视频 积累以及恒虚警算法在FPGA芯片上实现的原理和过程,并结合仿真结果说明了利用FPGA进行雷达视频信号处理的优势。

  • Analytic solution of video / voice integration performances

    流体流法分析 图像/话音 综合性能的解析解

  • Video surveillance integration of these technologies have been widely used .

    视频监控 融合了这些技术,得到了广泛的应用。

  • Scheme design of mine filling system reformation project is introduced induding instrument electricity control system and industrial video integration .

    主要介绍矿山充填系统项目改造的方案设计,具体包括仪表、电气、控制、工业 视频 一体化设计系统。

  • Video Phone System for Integration of PSTN and Internet Based on DSP

    基于DSP的二网 融合 可视电话系统

  • Experimental results show that the algorithm has the following three major advantages which are low complexity real-time video content and close integration with the videos .

    通过实验验证,该算法具有复杂度低、实时性好且与 视频内容紧密 结合三大优点,适合作为P2P流媒体内容实时监管的水印方案。

  • The research of network adaptation of digital video signal will quicken the integration of broadcasting cable network telecom network and computer network .

    对数字 电视信号网络适配技术的研究,有助于加快有线电视网、电信网和计算机网络三网 一的发展 进程

  • The system consists of five functional modules : the video capture module image processing module the actual situation registration module the message processing module and video integration module .

    该系统包含五个功能模块:视频采集模块、图像处理模块、虚实配准模块、消息处理模块和 视频 融合模块。

  • In this paper the fluid-flow approximation method is introduced to analyse the performance of a packet video / voice / data integration communication system .

    本文用流体流法分析了分组 图象/话音/数据 综合通信系统的排队性能。

  • In this paper active infrared image capturing system has been designed and built it mainly makes up of infrared light low-luminance CCD camera infrared filter video capture integration block and computer .

    文中构建了针对红外 探照灯应用场合以及符合红外图像摄取具体要求的主动式红外图像采集系统,该系统主要由红外探照灯、低照度CCD摄像头、红外滤光片、 视频采集卡和计算机构成。

  • A Novel Video Caption Detection Approach Using Multi-Frame Integration

    一种新的利用多帧 结合检测 视频标题文字的算法

  • Looking over the horizon you can envision a much broader use of the technology that includes video automatic update integration of remote IP-based devices and global positioning systems ( GPS ) .

    展望未来,可以看到这些技术的更为广阔的应用,包括 视频、自动更新、基于IP的远程设备的 集成和全球定位系统(GPS)。

  • Real-time Video Signal Processing System with Integration of Sample and Display

    采集显示 一体化的实时 视频信号处理系统

  • With the development of the present technology of communication the video compression arithmetic and the Large Scale Integration digital video connecting with PACS and breaking the present status that only static digital images can be stored in PACS will become reality sooner or later .

    随着现代通信技术、 视频压缩算法、及大规模 集成电路的发展,数字视频加入PACS系统,打破PACS系统只存储静态数字图片的现状只是迟早的事情。

  • The distributed CFAR detection is studied under the condition of noncoherent integration of multiple pulse . The analytic expression of detection performance of the distributed OS-CFAR detection is derived for video integration of multiple pulse in nonhomogenous background .

    @研究了分布式 CFAN检测在多脉冲非相干积累条件下的性能,推导出了分布式OS-CFn检测在多脉冲 视频积累条件下在非均匀杂波背景中检测性能的解析表达式。

  • Design and Implementation of Life Detect and Orientation Measurement System through Sound and Video Integration

    声光 一体生命搜索与定位探测仪设计与实现

  • Results show that these new schemes obtain improvement over the binary integration and video integration .

    结果表明,新方案可以获得相对于二元积累和 视频 积累的性能改善。

  • It mainly involves these technologies : the detraction of synchronizing signal from video signal the integration of video signal the pulse width measurement computer interface and software programming etc.

    它主要涉及到 视频信号同步分离技术、视频信号 合成技术、脉冲宽度测量技术、计算机接口技术以及计算机程序设计技术等。

  • Excellent overall Zhengzhou smart home audio video systems integration service provider

    视听 影音 集成系统服务商

  • The current study found that some sports video upload site extensive use of audio and video information to enable the integration of data text sound and image in the digital environment .

    有些体育视频网站的上传者,大量使用音频、 视频资料,使数据、文本、声音及各种图像在数字化环境中 一体化

  • Technology of Mobile Video Surveillance Based on Integration of 3G and Wire-networks

    基于3G和固网的 融合 视频监控技术

  • Main describe the design and implementation process of networking and video surveillance 、 data integration and prediction model . ( 4 ) Developed large-scale reservoirs in Shaanxi Province real-time monitoring and pre-warning system of the 10 business applications based on two platforms .

    重点阐述了组网及 视频监视、数据 集成以及预测预报模型的设计方案和实施过程。(4)以两个平台为基础,开发了陕西省大型水库实时监测预警系统的10个业务应用。

  • Queueing Analysis of a Packet Video / Voice Integration Communication System

    分组 图象/话音 综合通信系统的排队分析

  • The Optimum IF Integration Time Length for Binary Phase coded Signals Detection Based on Segment Correlation Video Integration Method

    二相编码信号分段相关- 视频 积累检测的最优中频积累时间

  • The camera and HD quality video and deep integration with Ovi services will make this an entertainment powerhouse .

    通过照相、高清 视频和深度 整合的Ovi服务,诺基亚N8将是你的个人娱乐中心。