vision processor

[ˈvɪʒən ˈprɑsˌɛsɚ][ˈviʒən ˈprɔsˌesə]

[计] 图象处理程序,视频处理机

  • This paper presents a robot vision system composed of two main parts : off-line color analyzer and real-time visual data processor .

    本文介绍了一个包括离线颜色分析器和实时视觉信息 处理器两大部分的机器人 视觉系统。

  • Design the panoramic vision unfolding method based on the look-up table . 2 DSP processor is selected for the embedded high-resolution panoramic vision processing system . Design the panorama visual ping-pong buffer based on the characteristics of memory and panoramic vision unfolding algorithm .

    确定嵌入式高分辨率全景视觉处理系统的 处理器,研究各种存储器和全景视觉展开算法的特点,设计基于乒乓缓存的全景 视觉展开方法及系统结构。

  • Briefly presented the Timing Generator 's functions : it generates various kinds of impulse sequence for the focal plane unit and vision processor and acts as the synchronous coordinator for time in the CCD imaging unit .

    简述了线阵CCD相机中CCD成象单元的时序发生器的功能:产生焦平面组件和 视频 处理器所需的各种脉冲序列,在CCD成象单元工作中起着时间上同步协调的作用。

  • To solve the problem a new embedded machine vision system is proposed which takes the USB camera as the image acquisition unit and ARM as central processor .

    针对此问题,本文设计了一个以USB数码摄像头为图像采集设备、ARM为核心 处理器的嵌入式机器 视觉系统。

  • The thesis designs the formula for the shading variation measurement system based on machine vision and introduces the illumination system image sensor and the processor of motion control board .

    规划设计了基于机器 视觉的色差检测系统的总体方案,阐述了照明系统、摄像头和运动控制 处理器的选用原则。