



  • Capacity building in science and engineering is something that member states see as vitally important for Africa 's sustainable development and economic growth .

    成员国认为科学和工程的能力建设对非洲可持续发展以及经济增长的 非常 重要

  • It is vitally significant to elevate level of movement training and promote health of entire people .

    这对提高运动训练水平,促进全民健康,具有 重要的现实意义。

  • The government had decided on a change in their policy which vitally affected the future of the Empire .

    政府决定对政策进行一次 将会对帝国的未来发生 极大影响的改变。

  • It is vitally important that we find him .

    我们要找到他。这是 重要的。

  • Talk of historic partnerships is one thing and US-Japanese relations are vitally important for both sides .

    谈论历史伙伴关系是一回事,美日关系也确实对双方都 举足轻重

  • It is vitally important that they receive all the help available .


  • Education is vitally important for the country 's future .

    教育对国家的未来是 至关重要的。

  • Today 's decision will vitally affect the environment .

    今天的决定将会对环境造成 重大影响。

  • Studies on migration play a vitally important role in western geographical research system .

    人口迁移研究在西方人文地理学研究体系中 一直 占据 重要地位。

  • The in-built confidence in possession and comfort with the ball is vitally important to Meulensteen 's programme .

    慢慢建立 的信心和球感在 穆沦斯汀的计划中占有重要位置。

  • And were starting to realize how vitally important it is to embrace a smile .

    我们开始意识到怀拥微笑是多么 至关重要

  • It 's not vitally important that we get extra funding for the project but it would help .

    为此项目争取额外的投资不是 极其重要,但将会有帮助。

  • Lighting is a vitally important aspect of film-making .

    灯光是电影制作中 重要的一个方面。

  • And you realize that who you actually are is much more vitally there than anything you can think about .

    你意识到,你真正所是,比你所能想到的任何事物都要 重要得多。

  • Both sides are committed to pushing forward this vitally important relationship between our two countries .

    双方都承诺致力于推进两国间这一 至关重要的关系。

  • These may be laudable aims but by enforcing them at gunpoint another vitally important principle is lost .

    也许用心是好的,但若诉诸枪杆子则无法坚持另一个 至关重要的原则。

  • Privacy and trust are vitally important .

    隐私和信任 极其重要。

  • This is vitally important improvement and innovation in ways of producing the nation handicraft products .

    提高了生产 效率降低成本 废品 ,是民族工艺品生产方法的改进、创新。

  • So early diagnosis and close monitoring of the heart lungs and kidneys are vitally important .

    因此早期确诊和对心脏、肺和肾脏的密切监测是 性命 攸关的。

  • This is where God 's presence is most vitally alive .

    这才是上帝最 真实的存在。

  • It is vitally important for us to be in this place today working with the children .

    今天我们可以在这个地方与孩童们一起成长,对我们的意义 重要。

  • Interaction with the patient 's family is also vitally important .

    与患者家人的沟通也 重要。

  • Providing a simple way to install your software is vitally important to attracting and keeping users .

    提供一种简单的方式来安装您的软件,这对于吸引和留住用户 至关重要

  • A vitally important innovation in industry .

    一项 具有 重大意义的工业上的革新。

  • What a vitally important innovation for our cause of national liberation !

    这一个创造,对于我们的民族解放事业,该有多么 重大的意义啊!

  • These fields vitally shape the destiny of humankind foe good or evil for time and eternity .

    这些 至关重要的方面塑造命运里人类好的或者坏的敌人,通过时间和永恒。

  • The next season is vitally important to us and we need Steven to be here .

    下一个赛季对我们来说是 非常重要的而且我们需要杰拉德留在这儿。