


  • Languidly and with no thought of going in I watched him his hard little body skinny and bare saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small soggy icy garment .

    我不想下水,懒洋洋 地望着他,他的光裸的身躯瘦小而结实,穿上冰凉潮湿的短裤时,轻微地打起冷颤。

  • Bureaucracy may be said as a disease in our very vitals .

    官僚主义可说是我们的 心腹之患

  • His vitals are good . he 's gonna make it .

    他的 器官 没事。他会做到的。

  • The disease has attacked the vitals -- beyond cure .


  • A psychic rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach .

    灵能游荡者无法偷袭那些有隐蔽的生物,也无法通过攻击那些无法接触 要害生物的突出 部位造成偷袭。

  • She felt stab of pain at her vitals .

    在她 重要的部位感到刺痛。

  • IMC is the result of enterprise fitting in with envion-ment change it emphzsize consumer 's vitals position .

    整合营销传播是企业对环境变化适应的结果,它强调消费者的 核心地位。

  • And his vitals are completely normal .

    各项 生命 指数完全正常。

  • His vitals are spiking across the line .

    他的 重要 器官 读数 已经 超过 警戒线了。

  • He was lucky that the bullet missed the vitals .

    他很幸运,子弹没有 击中要害 器官

  • We have shunned all the defects which unceasingly preyed on the vitals and destroyed the ancient Republics .

    我们已避免了所有那些不停地危及 利害,颠覆古代共和国的缺陷。

  • Patient vitals can be located in a centralized repository which can be accessed and processed by authorized personnel .

    患病 信息可以集中放在信息库,由经授权的人员存取和处理。

  • Fear gripped at my vitals .

    内心 为恐惧。

  • His vitals are fine and he 's stable .

    伤及 要害,现在 情况很稳定。

  • Either vitals had a problem the metropolis is lack of power .

    任一 重要 器官有了问题都会乏力的。

  • Your doctor will check your weight blood pressure urine and other vitals .

    你的医生会查你的体重、血压、尿液和其他 重要 器官

  • And his vitals are surprisingly strong .

    他的 求生 意志 非常惊人。

  • His vitals are extremely irregular .

    他的 主要 生命 规律极不规则。

  • Along with the global economic integrative development the multinational companies have increasingly become the master of the world economic vitals .

    随着全球经济一体化的发展,跨国公司已日益成为世界经济 命脉 掌控

  • Melanie smiled at him through sparkling tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals .

    媚兰眨着泪眼对他笑了笑,然而思嘉只觉得一阵怒火和内在仇恨在狠咬她的 脏腑

  • In market economy Credit is not only a fundamental process criterion as a passport in accountancy but also vitals and soul in accountant profession .

    “诚信”是市场经济领域中一项基础性的行为规范,是会计工作的“通行证”,是会计工作的 命脉和灵魂。

  • Energy is a foundation of the national development and it is the vitals of the national economy .

    能源是一个国家发展的基础,是国民经济的 命脉

  • Vitals were taken through the open window .

    重要的都是从开着的车窗拿 出来的。

  • Large computer systems are increasingly crunching data everything from medical journals to patients ' vitals to recognize patterns .

    大型计算机系统正在持续不断地处理数据&从医学文献到病人的 体征 一应俱全,并 以此 判别 症状

  • You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation but your vitals look good .

    你可能有些外伤后受压或者是方向感丧失,但 要害

  • She kneed her attacker in the vitals ie in the genitals and ran away .

    她用膝盖撞那个袭击者的 要害部位生殖器,然后跑掉了。

  • Can someone make sure that kate 's vitals remain stable ?

    哪位可以检查一下 kate 情况是否稳定吗?

  • Hunger gnawed at his vitals and he thought with envy of the millet porridge with goats ' milk which the mullahs would now be enjoying at the seminary .

    饥饿吞噬着他的 活力,他艳羡地想到,神学校的毛拉们现在可能正享受着羊奶煮的小米粥。

  • She 's still unconscious but her vitals look good .

    她还在昏迷,但没有 生命 危险

  • He rose from the scooped-out red velvet seat with a feeling of constriction about his vitals After about ten minutes he got up and throwing on an elaborate dressing-gown of silk-embroidered cashmere wool .

    他从坐得凹进去的红丝绒座子站起来,觉得五脏六腑都不受用。大约过了十分钟他起床了,披上一件精美的 丝绣羊毛绒睡衣。