visual colorimetry


  • SD90762 residual chlorine measuring instrument using photoelectron colorimetric detection principle to replace the traditional visual colorimetry .

    SD90762余氯测定仪采用光电子比色检测原理取代传统的 目视

  • Determination of Trace Phosphorus by Flotation-Timing Visual Colorimetry

    浮选-诱导显 计时法测定痕量磷

  • We examined the fluoride concentration of local drinking water based on Water quality – Determination of fluoride Visual colorimetry with zirconium alizarinsulfonate . 3 .

    第二部分:采用《水质氟化物的测定&茜素磺酸锆 目视 》对当地饮用水氟离子浓度进行测定。

  • Rapid Determination of Trace Lead in the Chinese Cabbage by the Visual Colorimetry of Dithizone

    双硫腙 目视 快速测定白菜中的微量铅

  • The application of visual colorimetry to chromacontrol of soy sauce

    目测 在酱油 色度调配中的应用

  • On the basis of visual colorimetry the other detection was found ; it was cadmium powder detection . Research indicated that the results obtained by these methods are in consistency with those obtained by the conventional standard method ( GB / T 5009.33-1996 ) .

    实验表明,这二种方法与标准方法(GB/ T5009.33-1996)相比较,都有较好的一致性。

  • Rapid analysis of gold in field & visual colorimetry

    野外快速测金& 目视