visual power

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈpaʊɚ][ˈviʒuəl ˈpauə]

[电] 视觉能力

  • In this paper the BLOB data type is introduced . Its access and implementation in VC + + programming environment are illustrated . And related accessing methods in other programming environments ( Visual Basic Power Builder ) are also discussed .

    本文介绍了BLOB数据类型,就其在VC++开发工具上的存取实现进行了具体的论述,并且对其在其它开发环境( VISUALBASIC, POWERBUILDER)上相关的存取方法进行了介绍和探讨。

  • A method to implement the interface between visual systems and power grid analysis soft is put forward in system integration . Moreover other key techniques are adopted such as mark figure map sheets splicing and detached island recognition .

    在系统集成方面,提出了 可视化系统与 电网分析计算软件接口的实现方法;在关键技术方面,实现了图形标记,图幅拼接与孤岛识别技术。

  • In addition to an intuitive appearance graph grammars provide a well-established foundation for defining visual languages with the power of precise modeling and verification on computers .

    除了具有直观易见的特点之外,图文法在计算机上的精确建模和验证 能力,为设计 可视化语言提供了一个坚实的理论基础。

  • Study of Digital Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Visual Seeing Resolving Power of Human Beings

    基于 人眼 视觉分辨 的数字影像质量评价方法研究

  • The Condition of Equal Visual Power for Output and Input in Ideal Transformer

    理想变压器输出端与输入 端视功率相等的条件

  • A visual software package of power system was developed based on the computer technique of MATLAB and Visual C + + accordingly .

    为此利用MATLAB与Visualc++计算机技术开发了 电力系统的 可视化软件。

  • The arts visual language power of expression make up visual information pattern and color prevalence of substance information ;

    视觉艺术语言 表达方式,以各种视觉信息形态、色彩所构成的视觉,来表达信息内容;

  • Color as a main visual language has strong visual shock power it can express human 's emotion and consciousness and it conveys the visual effect which influence the functionary and decorated of art design .

    色彩作为一种主要的视觉语言,具有强烈的 视觉冲击 ,可以表现出人类的感情和意识,而它传达给人们的视觉感受又真挚影响着艺术设计的功能性与装饰性。

  • Development of Visual Power Flow Calculation Software Based on Delphi

    基于Delphi的 可视化 潮流计算软件的开发

  • Development of Visual Power System Analysis and Transient Stability Evaluation Software

    可视化 电力系统分析及暂态稳定评估软件的开发

  • The Research of Visual Calculation Software of Power System Based on GIS Control

    基于GIS组件的 可视化 电力系统计算软件的研究

  • This text dispose from power and visual angle that power restrain from set out Through put forward and establish of our country neutrality status of procurator organ and objective just key thought of position it expects to be can to examine police perfection of relation beneficial our country .

    本文从权力配置和 权力制约的 视角出发,通过提出确立我国检察机关的中立地位和客观公正立场的核心思想以期能够对我国的检警关系的完善有所裨益。

  • Realization of Visual Objects of Power Supply CAD System Based on VC + + 5.0

    VC++5.0环境下供 配电CAD系统 可视对象的实现

  • MATLAB and visual software package used for power system analysis

    MATLAB与 可视化 电力系统分析软件包

  • Corporate culture is the sign of corporate visual combining internal power of corporate development .

    企业文化是企业 形象的表征和企业发展的内在 动力

  • The hyperacuity eye model is upbuildt by analyzing the visual resolving power of the human eye and the wavefront aberration of the eye model .

    通过人眼极限分辨 能力和人眼模型波像差的分析提出了超 视力人眼模型。

  • Visual simulation platform for thermal power systems

    动力系统 可视化仿真平台研究

  • Corporate culture is the sign of corporate visual internal power of corporate development combining material of talent centralize activator of management innovating guarantee to gain long period performance .

    企业文化是企业 形象的标征、企业发展的内在 动力、人才集聚的黏合剂、管理创新的催化剂、企业赢得长期绩效的切实保障。

  • Visual Power Flow Calculation Modeling and Software Development Based on Graph-Object-Oriented Programming

    基于图元对象的 可视化 潮流计算建模及软件开发

  • Use the accomplishment of modern new material and new technology fully Pursue has the visual impact power that makes people shocked .

    充分利用现代新材料、新工艺、新技术的成果, 强化并发展刺绣工艺品的 视觉效果。

  • Among them the application of calligraphy art not only has provided the inexhaustible creativity fountainhead for the symbol design but has displayed its unique style with the good visual impulse and the artistic power .

    其中书法艺术的运用不仅将为标志设计提供了取之不尽的创意源泉,而且独具风格,有良好的 视觉冲击力和艺术感染

  • The article studied the principle of LCD and touching screen and designed the demonstration module and the touching screen control module of embedded visual system including LCD power design LCD control circuit design and control circuit design of touching screen . 5 .

    研究了LCD原理和触摸屏原理,并设计了 视觉传感器的显示模块和触摸屏控制模块,包括LCD的 电源设计,LCD的控制电路设计以及触摸屏的控制电路设计。

  • Visual Computation of Power Flow and Var Optimization in Power System

    电力系统 可视 潮流与无功优化计算

  • Design of Visual Power System Complex Fault Calculating Software

    可视化 电力系统复杂故障计算软件的开发

  • A visual analysis of the political power can be generalized into the whole emotional activities of the humans .

    政治 权力渗透到人的感性生存实践的各个方面,成为人们视、听、言、动的根据和规范;对 权力 视觉分析可以推及到人的整个感性活动之中。

  • Visual Studio Productivity Power Tool a set of tools to improve productivity such as solution navigator Tab well UI Searchable Add Reference Dialog and etc.

    VisualStudioProductivity PowerTool,这是一组用于提高生产力的工具,像解决方案导航器、带有改良的标签页的用户界面、可搜索的添加引用对话框,等等。