visual field

[ˈvɪʒuəl fild][ˈviʒuəl fi:ld]


  • Visual field examination is helpful to the screening and treatment of the patients with high myopia .

    因此,对高度近视眼患者进行 视野检查,特别是对屈光性角膜手术的筛选非常重要。

  • This paper examined the effects of perceptual grouping locational uncertainty andshmulus positions in the visual field on the processing of global and local propertiesof compound stimuli .

    文章研究了 知觉组织、空间位置不确定性和 视野位置等因素对复合刺激中整体和局部性质加工的影响。

  • This paper discussed the effect of visual field colour space and standard illuminants on the calculated value of colour difference of the glass are also analyzed .

    本文讨论了 视场、色空间和标准照明体对色差计算值的影响,建议了一种镀膜玻璃色差的计算方法。

  • The driver 's testing system of dynamical focus point Experiment apparatus is EyeMark Movement Recorder-8B a testing system that can superpose eyeball'movement on the image of visual field .

    驾驶员动视点测试系统实验仪器为眼动仪EMR-8B(EyeMarkRecorder-8B),是把眼球运动重叠在 视野影象上的一种测试系统。

  • Changes in Visual Field and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma

    急性闭角型青光眼急性发作后 视野和视网膜神经纤维层厚度变化的研究

  • The Difference Visual Field and Difference Appearance in Cross-culture ; Modernity has its normal form and alienated form .

    跨文化意识中的异 视野和异形态而现代性又有着它的合理形态与异化形态。

  • Periodic visual field and three dimensional disc examination are important for high myopic patients .

    定期 视野及三度空间视神经的检查在高度近视病患是重要的。

  • Exploring of the Relationship between Education and Human Development under the Limited Visual Field

    有限性 视域下的教育与人的发展关系探究

  • A visual field test may be performed on glaucoma suspects to detect peripheral vision loss .

    对疑似青光眼的患者需要做一项 视觉测试来确定外周视力减退。

  • Study on relationship of MRI manifestation of optic chiasma circum-tumor and visual field damage

    视交叉周围肿瘤MRI表现与 视野损害关系的研究

  • Was also put forward discriminating between the value education in the psychology visual field of culture and social level obviously in the meantime ;

    同时,也提出了明显区别于文化和社会层面的心理学 视野中的价值观教育;

  • Focal neurological features including hemiparesis sensory loss visual field deficits .

    局灶性神经表现,包括轻偏瘫,感觉缺失, 视野缺损。

  • Key words : right ( left ) visual field character graph reaction time ( RT ) .

    关键词:左右 视野,文字,图形,反应时。

  • And if you think of the things that you do with your central visual field .

    大家你们想想自己的 视野中心能做的事情。

  • Efficacy assessments included several visual function parameters including best-corrected visual acuity and visual field testing .

    疗效评估包括几个视觉包括最佳矫正视力及 视野测试函数的参数。

  • Intelligent Predictive Control Based on State Analysis of Visual Field for Robot Path Tracking

    基于 视野状态分析的机器人路径跟踪智能预测控制

  • The Progress in the Study of Visual Field in Spatial Attention by Event Related Potentials


  • The way to resolve them is to research these issues from the visual field of modernization .

    从现代化 视野出发研究马克思主义中国化,是解决这些问题的一条合理的思路。

  • In this particular study the priming was for a certain region of the visual field .

    在这个详细的研究中,只有某一 视觉区域才启动。

  • This compares very favourably with the unobstructed human visual field .

    与此相比十分有利的畅通与人类 视觉 领域

  • The visual field defect was chiefly of central or pericentral scotoma ; and the color sensation was severely affected .

    注视着自己的中心问题。 视野缺损主要为中心暗点或旁中心暗点,色觉障碍严重。

  • The thesis work hard new visual field of expand the modern city water view design new way of thinking .

    论文努力开拓现代城市水景设计的新 视野新思路。

  • Because I can expand my visual field growth my knowledge .

    因为它能我扩展我的 视野,增长知识面。

  • The researchers also used a stricter definition of glaucoma than some other studies incorporating visual field defects as well as glaucomatous optic nerve defects into their diagnostic criteria .

    在他们的诊断标准中结合 视野缺损,和青光眼视神经缺损,研究人员也使用了比其他一些研究中对青光眼更严格的定义。

  • Conclusion Neuroretinal RA RNFL thickness and DLS in visual field were well correlated in POAG .

    结论原发性开角型青光眼患者的 神经RA、 RNFL厚度与DLS之间具有良好的相关性。

  • Height decides visual field .

    高度决定 视野

  • Analysis on the Construction of University 's Archive Information Resources under the Visual Field of Scientific Outlook on Development

    科学发展观 视野下的高校档案信息资源建设探析