visual range

[ˈvɪʒuəl rendʒ][ˈviʒuəl reindʒ]


  • His visual range is still confined to the range of his arms .

    他的 可视 范围局限于他伸手可及的地方。

  • Visual range is a primary tactical index and has decisive influence on the design of system .


  • The luminance gain has a great affect on the visual range of LLL night vision systems .

    亮度增益对夜视仪的 视距有很重要的影响。

  • Research for Visual Range of Low Light Level Imaging System Under the Laser Aids

    微光夜视系统在激光助 下的 视距研究

  • The alien ship is entering visual range captain .

    外星飞船进入 可视 范围,舰长。

  • Spatial-Temporal Super Resolution Algorithm of Multi-Carrier-Frequency MIMO Radar Analysis of Influence of Datalink Time Delay on Beyond Visual Range Air Combat

    多载频MIMO雷达的空时超分辨算法数据链时延对超 视距空战影响的分析

  • The car built-in mirror is helpful for expanding the visual range of a driver during driving and can reduce the visual blind area and effectively improve the driving safety .

    便于扩展驾驶员行车中的 可视 范围,减少可视盲区,有效提高行车安全性。

  • Visibility : There are three sets of runway visual range transmissometers located at the runway of the Hong Kong International Airport .

    能见度:天文台在香港国际机场跑道上安装有三套跑道 透射表。

  • The main form of future air battle would be featured by multi targets BVR ( Beyond Visual Range ) .

    多目标超 视距空战将是今后空战的主要形式和发展趋势。

  • The relationship among visual range minimum blind area of photoelectric transformation system emitting energy of lasers and distance from the instrument to cooperation target was gained .

    导出了 能见 距离、光电转换系统的最小盲区、激光器的发射能量以及仪器与合作目标间的距离四者之间的关系。

  • Based on the existing beyond visual range air fight established the attack tactic assistance model .

    基于现有超 视距空战攻击战术,建立了攻击战术辅助决策模型。

  • Dual Range Missile is an air-to-air missile capable of all-aspect target interception at very close range as well as beyond visual range .

    双射程导弹是一种既可近距又能超 视距全向拦截目标的空空导弹。

  • The Affect of Luminance Gain to Visual Range of LLL Night Vision Apparatus

    亮度增益对夜视仪 视距的影响

  • Research of Possibility Position Area of Target out of Visual Range During Submarine Attack

    潜艇超 视距攻击中目标可能位置域研究

  • Generally air combat is broken into three regions : beyond visual range ( BVR ) within visual range ( WVR ) and close-in air combat ( CIAC ) .

    一般地,空战被分成三个区域:超 视距、视距内和贴身空战。

  • This model and method is simple and easy to implement . It can not only help to achieve auto-testing 3-D visual range but also use 3-D visual range to carry out safety assessment .

    该模型和算法简洁直观,易于实现,为自动检验三维 视距提供了实现手段,同时也为利用三维视距进行安全性评价提供了技术支撑。

  • This approach can be used to process the larger visual range of information .

    该方法可一次处理较大 视觉 范围的信息。

  • Also the analysis of visual point and visual range makes the relation between the size of perspective view and it effect more obvious easy to control and adjust .

    通过对视点、 视距的分析,使透视图的大小与效果之间的关系清晰明了,易于控制和调整。

  • Analysis of Influence of Datalink Time Delay on Beyond Visual Range Air Combat

    气象监测数据的时空特征分析与建模数据链时延对超 视距空战影响的分析

  • They are cheap have a good visual range and are fast .

    他们便宜,拥有好的 视野 范围,并且行动迅速。

  • It is referential to evaluate visual range of night vision system through analyzing the results .

    计算结果对夜视系统 视距估算的修正有较高的参考价值。

  • Cleared to land RVR ( R / W visual range ) 200m .

    可以降落,跑道 目视 距离200米。

  • Research on Beyond Visual Range Target 's Information Simulation Test Technology


  • The differences due to the different descriptions of visibility terms described by various countries and international organizations are introduced especially the difference between meteorological visibility visibility demanded by aviation and runway visual range .

    着重介绍各种能见度术语以及部分国家和国际组织因对能见度描述用语的不同而产生的差异,尤其是气象能见度同航空要求的能见度与跑道 之间的不同。

  • Optimized choice of emitting energy of lasers in transmission detection instrument for visual range was studied .

    本文研究了透射式 能见 距离测量仪所用激光器的发射能量的优化选择。

  • A new kind of the measurement instrument for runway visual range using laser is presented . This instrument consists of three parts : optical emitting and receiving system signal amplifying and controlling system and display system .

    后向散射式跑道 能见度激光测量仪主要由光学发射与接收系统、信号放大与处理系统及显示系统三部分组成。

  • Analysis of Influence of Datalink Time Delay on Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Mathematical model and feature analysis of chain ring overrunning clutch

    数据链时延对超 视距空战影响的分析链环式超越离合器的数学模型和特性分析

  • The Beyond Visual Range ( BVR ) air combat of stealth fighters was studied theoretically taking the foreign stealth fighters as the objective .

    以国外隐身战斗机为对象从理论上研究隐身战斗机超 视距空战的问题。