visual literacy

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈlɪtərəsi][ˈviʒuəl ˈlitərəsi]

[计] 直观读写

  • The main robust and methods of the survey the survey results and the visual literacy of students of the analysis of the status quo .

    主要涵概调查对象和方法、调查的结果和对学生 视觉 能力现状的分析。

  • Visual Literacy Training in Vocational Education University

    职技高师学生 视觉 素养培养实验研究

  • The Research and Practice of Visual Literacy Training in the Teaching of Information Technology in Junior High School

    初中信息科技教学中 视觉 素养培养的研究和实践

  • Analysis of Cultivation of Educational Technology Professionals ' Visual Literacy

    教育技术专业人才 视觉 素养培养探析

  • In the age of picture reading visual literacy is a new and important research field .

    在读图时代, 视觉 素养是一个新的重要的研究领域。

  • Therefore this article has chosen to infiltrate the visual literacy into the education of information technology .

    因此,本文选择了把 视觉 素养教育渗透到初中信息科技教学中,让 学生提高 信息 素养的同时也 提高 视觉 素养

  • Thirdly giving a definition of visual literacy it states the relationship between visual literacy and media literacy cultivation of aesthetic .

    第三章本文介绍了 视觉 素养这一概念,并就视觉素养与媒介素养、审美艺术修养的关系进行了阐述。

  • The Research on the Development of Visual Literacy in Animation Apreciation

    动漫欣赏中 视觉 写能力的培养研究

  • The Research on Strategy of Training Students ' Visual Literacy

    培养学生 视觉 素养策略的研究

  • The visual literacy become more important along with the advent of the age of visual culture .

    随着视觉文化时代的来临, 视觉 素养的重要性不断凸显。

  • On Visual Literacy from the Viewpoint of Multiple Fields ; Multifocal electroretinogram in concomitant esotropic amblyopia

    多维视角里的 视觉 素养:内涵、视野及意义共同性内斜视弱视眼的多焦视网膜电图分析

  • At the same time carried out in practice to try and instructional design through the analysis of cases middle school based on information technology training courses in the practice of visual literacy model .

    同时在实践中进行了尝试,并且通过教学设计案例的分析,提出了基于初中信息科技课程 视觉 素养培养的实践模式。

  • Visual Literacy refers to a group of vision-competencies a human being can develop by seeing and at the same time having and integrating other sensory experiences .

    其中文翻译为: 视觉 素养是人类通过观看,同时整合其他感觉经验,发展出一组 视觉 能力素质。

  • This thesis points out two strategies of visual literacy training : that is the training of visual reading ability and the training of visual expression ability .

    本论文提出了 视觉 素养培养两大策略:视觉解读能力培养和视觉表达能力培养。

  • The third part is the visual literacy of students and analysis of the survey .

    第三部分是学生 视觉 能力调查与分析。

  • However in my opinion visual literacy training not only enhances the students ' understanding and creative ability of the visual information but also improves the ability using visual information to exchange and solve problems . We should permeate visual literacy education into every course .

    而笔者认为, 视觉 素养培养不仅要提高学生对视觉信息的理解和创造能力,还要具有运用视觉信息交流和解决问题的能力,应该把视觉素养教育渗透到学生的各门课程中去。

  • And I will shed light on the decoders like Brian Kennedy the curator at the Toledo Art Museum who has developed a curriculum for visual literacy .

    另外我还将介绍一些解开视觉语言密码的人,比如托莱多美术馆馆长布莱恩o肯尼迪,他专门开设了一门 视觉 语言课程。

  • Through literature research the curriculum in our country which carried out the study of visual literacy training is few and most are in arts education .

    通过文献调研,在我国学科课程里进行 视觉 素养培养的研究还很少,并且大多分布在艺术教育学科。

  • This gave us a challenge to education : how to train students in visual literacy ? According to research the training of visual literacy can be achieved through the creation of visual literacy courses and subject courses .

    这就给我们的教育提出了一个挑战:如何培养学生的 视觉 素养?根据国外研究现状,视觉素养的培养可以通过开设视觉素养课程和与学科课程整合来实现。

  • He has published 27 books and numerous articles and papers on visual literacy cognitive styles instructional design computer-based learning hypermedia constructivism constructivist learning environments and cognitive tools .

    乔纳森教授发表了27本专著以及大量的文章、论文,其研究领域涉及 视觉 文化、认知风格、教学设计、基于计算机的学习、超媒体、建构主义、建构主义学习环境以及认知工具等。

  • Through literature study the author defined the connotation of visual literacy analyzed the domestic and abroad research and the latest progress of visual literacy researched the feasibility of visual literacy training in junior high school information technology teaching .

    通过文献研究,界定了 视觉 素养的内涵,分析了国内外关于视觉素养的研究情况及最新进展,探讨了在初中信息技术教学中进行视觉素养培养的可行性。

  • Visual literacy education has become an integral part of quality education for junior high school students .

    视觉 素养教育已成为初中生素质教育不可或缺的部分。

  • The era of visual literacy and the change of technologies tools and culture is the characteristic of our social .

    视觉 文化时代的来临,技术的变革、工具的变化和文化的变迁, 视觉性的 弥散和审美化的生存,成为社会的基本特征。

  • Finally through the analysis of the case this paper concludes visual literacy training implementation mode that based on junior high school information technology which provide theoretical and practical certain basis for junior students ' visual literacy education .

    最后通过对案例的分析,归纳总结出基于初中信息技术课程的 视觉 素养培养实施模式,为初中生视觉素养教育提供了一定的理论和实践依据。

  • Firstly by the way the questionnaire Panshan high school students for the visual literacy of individuals conducted a survey of the basic situation .

    本文首先采用调查问卷的方式针对盘山县高级中学的同学的个人的 视觉 素养的基本情况进行了调查。

  • And taking it as a guide design some teaching cases of visual literacy training try it in information technology teaching in middle school .

    并以此为指导,设计出一些 视觉 素养 培养的教学案例,在初中信息技术教学中进行了 视觉 素养 培养的实践尝试。

  • Then the author invested the junior high school students of Donggang District in Rizhao City . By analyzing the investigation the author got the basic situation of visual literacy in junior high school students .

    以日照市东港区初中生为样本进行问卷调查,通过对调查结果的分析,掌握了初中生 视觉 素养的基本情况。

  • Visual literacy course design is one of the good ways to develop undergraduates ' visual literacy in Educational Technology .

    设计针对教育技术学本科生的 视觉 素养课程是帮助他们发展视觉素养的有效途径之一。

  • What we 're researching is how to cultivate students ' visual literacy in photography education .

    如何在摄影教育中培养学生的 视觉 能力就是我们研究的课题。

  • In order to fill this gap in school education to try to foster visual literacy of students to appreciate the teaching animation breakthrough .

    为了填补这一鸿沟,尝试在学校教育中培养学生的 视觉 能力,以动漫欣赏教学为突破口。