vital points

[医] 生命点(延髓内呼吸中枢)

  • He who shall rightly understand these is not far from being a master in experimental theology for they are vital points to a Christian .

    能正确了解这两件事的人,便是实验神学的大师,否则也相去不远了,因为这是作基督徒的两个 要点

  • Evra concedes that Owen 's strike was vital not only for the points and to placate manager Sir Alex Ferguson but also to deal City 's cash-powered revolution an early setback .

    埃弗拉认为欧文的 射门不仅帮曼联取得了 分数,也帮了经理弗格森的大忙。也让曼城的金钱革命一开始就遭遇了挫折。

  • This approach would help to extract the vital feature points on human face automatically and improve the accuracy of face recognition .

    眼角的自动定位能够给后续的 人脸特征自动提取和识别算法研究奠定良好的基础,帮助提高人脸识别算法的识别率。

  • Furthermore an optimal selection method is designed to select an optimal aim point by calculating the hitting vital index for all the preestablished aim points and searching for the maximum index .

    设计了通过计算所有拟瞄准 的命中 要害指数,搜索其中的最大值,选择具有最大命中要害指数的瞄准点为最佳瞄准点的最优化方法。

  • In the doubles ' competition volleying before the net and the high pressure ball are vital ways to get points .

    4在双打比赛中,网前的截击和高压球是 得分 重要手段。

  • It is vital to study how to form large and medium charging stations service points for battery change and standard AC / DC charging piles comprising a three-layer service network .

    重点研究如何通过标准电池的流转,形成大型充(放)电站、中型充电站、电池更换服务 网点和标准交直流充电桩的三层服务网络。

  • While the measurement of impedance at meridians and acupuncture points which is an crucial research direction of it is of vital importance for both theory and clinical application and to promote the study on meridians and acupuncture points .

    经络和 穴位的电阻抗特性测量是生物阻抗测量的一个重要研究方向,具有 重要的理论意义和临床价值,也是深化经络研究的重要课题。

  • Using possibility theory to deal with this kind of uncertainty one of the vital points is constructing reasonable possibility distribution .

    利用可能性理论对工程实际中的认知不确定性进行处理, 关键的一 就是要解决好可能性分布的获取和构造问题。

  • Indeed the Toffees have been in fine form of late and the Welshman reckons the South Africa international is the major threat to Liverpool 's hopes of picking up three vital points .

    确实,太妃糖目前状态正佳,威尔士人认为南非国脚是利物浦希望全取三 的最大威胁。

  • Build Forge reduces manual activity at the vital integration points among disciplines while automatically capturing relevant data for compliance governance or project management purposes .

    BuildForge减少了规程之间 重要集成 处的手工活动,同时自动地获取法规遵循、治理,或项目管理目的的相关数据。

  • An approach was proposed to locate the 9 vital feature points on faces automatically .

    提出一种自动定位人脸 关键特征 的方法。

  • Method : Changes of conjunctiva and nail-fold microcirculation in 34 hypertensive patients were observed under vital microscope before and after He-Ne laser irradiation 15 minutes on Renying points of both side .

    方法:用 微循环显微镜观察34例高血压患者氦氖(HeNe)激光照射15min两侧人迎 前后球结膜、甲襞微循环的变化,并量取血压。

  • Excessive competition is the general situation of Chinese pharmaceutical industry . Increasing the concentration ratio lowering the exit barrier activating the surplus production capacity and enhancing the R & D strength are the vital points of the adjustment to the industrial organization policies and laws .

    中国医药制造业整体处于过度竞争状态,其产业组织政策或法律调整的 重点是提高市场集中度、降低退出壁垒、盘活过剩生产能力和提高R&D强度。

  • My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch

    我太紧张,没能有效地传达我 演说 要点

  • Some vital points to be heeded concerning steam temperature regulation and coal water ratio in supercritical boiler are mentioned .

    提出了超临界锅炉汽温调节和煤水比调节应注意的几个 主要 问题

  • And it provises the basis of extracting the vital feature points on human face automatically and improves the accuracy of face recognition .

    该方法为脸部 关键特征 的自动提取和人脸识别奠定了良好的基础,有助于提高人脸识别算法的识别率。

  • Function point analysis is a vital alternative that allows basing estimates on the more technology-neutral concept of function points .

    功能点分析是一个 重要的选择方案,它基于对更加具有技术无关性的功能 的概念的评估。

  • By reviewing and concluding the vital points of the theory of the urban and the rural integration of agricultural multi-functionality of industrial convergence and of sustainable development this paper forms the knowledge of the concept features and types of modern agriculture .

    通过对城乡一体化理论、农业多功能性理论、产业融合理论、可持续发展理论和城市地区农业空间布局理论 要点的回顾与总结,形成对现代都市农业概念的内涵界定及其特征和类型认识。

  • This paper illustrates the factors which are vital in consuming demands points out that we can get rid of the consumers ' worries by adjusting products structure increasing the income of our people establishing and perfecting social security system .

    阐释了在扩大消费需求中 至关重要 作用的因素, 指出 通过产品结构调整、增加国民收入、建立和健全社会保障体系来消除消费者的后顾之忧。

  • Effects of Massaging Meridians and Vital Points on Cardio-vascular System in Different Loads


  • There are three vital points concerning the prose fever : nostalgia scholarship and female sex .

    散文热中的三个 卖点是:怀旧、学问、女性;

  • United still have two games in hand-including tonight 's trip to Newcastle-but Benayoun insists it was vital the Reds did their own job and claim all three points .

    曼联仍旧还有两场未踢的比赛,包括今晚作客纽卡,但是贝纳永强调利物浦能专心致志打好自己的比赛和拿下应得的三 重要的。

  • Automatic Localization of the Vital Feature Points on Human Faces

    人脸 关键特征 的自动定位

  • Bridge roadways edge girders and arches must be blasted so that they are broken at vital points .

    桥上路面,边缘横梁和桥拱,都必须加以爆破,以 保证重要 部位上的破碎。

  • After introducing the vital defects of the traditional method this paper points out the option characteristics in investment decision-making and the importance of applying the option method in decision-making .

    然后在分析了传统投资决策方法的 致命缺陷后, 指出了投资决策中的期权特征和期权方法应用于投资决策的重要性所在;

  • The ENERGISE programme 's vibration massage stimulates vital acupressure points to improve circulation and reduce fatigue while the NATURE music recharges the mind effectively to boost energy levels .

    活力重现模式的舒适振动功能,可刺激 主要 穴位,不仅能促进血液循环,更能帮您舒解疲惫。搭配轻柔的自然天籁音乐,能有效放松心情、恢复活力。

  • Methods On the basis of meridian theory and acupuncture practical experience in clinic selecting the points with the functions of expediting channel and activating meridian invigorating vital energy and blood pressing these points through massage tact and the above therapeutic method was named finger therapeutics .

    方法根据经络学说的理论和针炙的临床实践经验1w_2352,选取具有通经活络、 补气生血作用的穴位,运用按摩手法按压 穴位进行治疗,定名为指针疗法。