voluntary service

[ˈvɑlənˌtɛri 'sɝvɪs][ˈvɔləntəri ˈsɜːvɪs]

[法] 志愿服役

  • Voluntary service done by college students can help to the promotion of harmonious social climate a better social reputation of university and the improvement comprehensive capacity themselves .

    大学生参加 志愿 服务有利于文明和谐的社会风气的形成,有利于提升高校的社会声誉,有利于大学生自身综合素质的提高。

  • Considerations on the Lack of National Legislation on Youth Voluntary Service

    关于青年 志愿 服务国家性立法缺位的思考

  • Sam has participated in voluntary service since he was in secondary school .

    铮森自中学时代开始参与 社会 服务工作。

  • This article discusses the effect and the problem on voluntary service involved in community and analyzes the voluntary service involved in community in terms of type form feature and degree the paper puts forward three kinds of patterns on the voluntary service involved in community .

    本文讨论了 志愿 服务介入社区的效果与问题,分析了志愿服务介入社区的类型、形式、特征和程度,提出了志愿服务介入社区的三种模式。

  • We also hope to celebrate the professional and voluntary service given by millions of people across the country who are working for the public good .

    我也希望能够表彰那些在公共领域工作的,来自全国各地 自愿提供 服务的数百万人民和专家。

  • A Study of College Students ' Rationalization Mechanism for Their Non-participation in Voluntary Service

    关于大学生不参与 志愿 服务的合理化机制研究

  • Construction of Institutionalization of Voluntary Service to School Special Physical Education in Our Country

    我国学校特殊体育 志愿 服务的制度化建设

  • Chinese scholars mainly study brand development from the perspective of enterprises but seldom study the brand development of public service represented by community voluntary service .

    我国学者多以企业的角度研究其品牌化发展,而对社区 志愿 服务为代表的公益服务品牌化发展的研究较少。

  • Voluntary service can promote the participation awareness and skills cultivate the awareness of public responsibility and elevate the moral emotions of volunteers .

    通过 志愿 服务能有效提升志愿者的参与意识和技能,培育志愿者的公共责任意识,使志愿者的道德情感得到升华。

  • With the help of various Youth League organizations and volunteer groups an educational campaign will be conducted in the neighborhoods schools and businesses on the theme that voluntary service adds to the Olympic glory .

    利用各级团组织和志愿者团体,深入社区、学校、企业开展“ 志愿 服务、奥运光彩”主题宣传教育活动。

  • On the basis of conscientious spirit and setting up bright hope in mankind the voluntary service develops with development of the society .

    在人类自觉精神和建立美好社会愿望的推动下, 志愿 服务随着社会的发展而发展。

  • To be compliant to organization arrangements and conscientiously implement the system of voluntary service organizations .

    服从安排,认真执行 志愿 服务组织有关的制度。

  • As a vital social program for public good voluntary service gains increasing attention and support worldwide .

    作为促进公众利益的重要社会项目, 志愿 服务在全球受到了越来越多的关注和支持。

  • Community voluntary service is not getting closer intentionally but a natural outpouring of the mind .

    社区 志愿 服务不是感觉间有意的去靠近,而是心灵中自然的流露。

  • Diabetes cause of voluntary service is an ordinary and great cause is a cause in favor of diabetics all over the world which wins the support of diabetics and their family .

    糖尿病 志愿 服务事业,是一个平凡而又伟大的事业,是一个能惠及天下糖尿病患者,深受糖尿病患者及家属拥护的事业。

  • PTA Choir is devoted to be one of the cohesive voluntary service teams of PTA through choral singing .

    短短的日子,合唱团已逐渐发展成家长教师会其中一队有凝聚力的 义工

  • The society will be encouraged to participate into social assistance and voluntary service to resolve actual difficulties of the masses .

    鼓励社会参与救助和 志愿者 服务,解决群众后顾之忧。

  • Youth Voluntary Service to the Community

    青少年社区 自愿 服务

  • Research on Relationship between Community Voluntary Service of American College Students and Their Career Development

    美国大学生社区 志愿 服务与职业生涯发展关系研究

  • Construction and Consideration of the Brand-Service-Chain among Youth Voluntary Service

    青年 志愿 服务之品牌 服务链的构建与反思

  • Voluntary Activities of Olympic Games and Establishment of Beijing Social Voluntary Service System

    奥运志愿活动与北京市社会 志愿 服务体系的建设

  • The Study On Organization And Administration System Of Voluntary Service In Sport In The University

    高校体育 志愿者组织和管理机制的研究

  • Regional Conference on International Voluntary Service

    国际 志愿 服务 区域会议

  • Once I asked the social worker who was responsible for this voluntary service why not organize the people for action ?

    话说回来,我问了负责这次 义工 服务计划的社工一个问题:「为什麽不将人民组织起来?」

  • To Discuss the Development Direction of Voluntary Service in Post-Olympics Cities

    论后奥运城市 志愿 服务的发展方向

  • The Research on Community voluntary Service Legalization of Post-disaster Reconstruction of Sichuan Province

    四川灾后重建社区 志愿 服务法治化的比较研究

  • Voluntary service playing a role in Hospital International Affairs

    发挥 志愿 服务在医院外事管理中的作用

  • Practical Function and Cultural Significance of Youth Voluntary Service & Taking Wenchuan Earthquake and Beijing Olympic Games as Examples

    青年 志愿 服务的现实作用和文化意义&以抗震救灾和北京奥运会为例

  • The Establishment & Improvement of Long-tern Mechanism of Voluntary Service of College Students

    建立和完善大学生 志愿 服务长效机制