



  • Plus we looked at the various supporting tools such as interface maps and visual snippets .

    另外,我们还了解了各种支持工具,如接口映射和 可视化代码片段。

  • By default header and footer toolbars are assigned the a color swatch to show visual hierarchy .

    默认情况下,系统为页眉和页脚工具栏分配了a色板来显示 可视的分层结构。

  • Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art .

    绝大多数设计师都默认这样一种观点,即时装是 视觉艺术的一种有效形式。

  • He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects .

    他因发明了神奇的 视听效果而出名。

  • His designs have a strong visual appeal .

    他的设计在 视觉上很有感染力。

  • However the functional perspective overlooks the visual and aesthetic aspect of urban form .

    然而,功能观点忽略了城市形态 视觉和美学方面的重要性。

  • RUP Modeler is a visual tool used to modify and manage the core model .

    RUP模型设计是修改和管理核心模型的 可视化工具。

  • Coloration provides a visual cue for the identification organization and management of key process elements .

    着色为辨别、组织和管理关键的过程元素提供了 可视化的提示。

  • But for Web 2.0 technology dynamic content and fancy visual effects can make accessibility testing very difficult .

    但是,对Web2.0技术来说,动态内容和出色的 可视效果有时会让可访问性测试难以进行。

  • Typically these products offer tools for modeling Web development and visual design .

    通常,这些产品都提供用于建模、Web开发和 可视化设计的工具。

  • He has a visual impairment in the right eye .

    他右眼 视力有损伤。

  • Music mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions

    音乐、哑剧动作和强烈的 视觉影像在表演中产生了强烈的效果。

  • So in Visual Studio we create a win32 dll project and insert the header file above .

    因此,在 VisualStudio中,我们创建了一个win32dll项目,并在其中插入了上面的头文件。

  • I found this during my visual .


  • There are three conference rooms each of which is equipped with a screen flipchart and audio visual equipment .

    有3个会议室,每个会议室都配有屏幕、活动挂图板和 视听设备。

  • Using this style of code is a strong visual indicator that it 's an immutable class .

    这种代码风格的使用从 视觉上给出了一种强烈的指示:该类是一个不可变类。

  • The visual analyzer allows you to quickly create charts graphs and other common reports of the data .


  • The code generator also generates a sample for the visual part of XAML project defining all UI elements .

    代码生成器还为XAML项目的 可见部分生成一个示例,其中定义了所有用户界面元素。

  • Visual Studio supports debugging of text templates and of the transformation process but it is not straightforward .


  • When people think of Ajax and Web2.0 they mostly remember the visual elements of the user experience .

    当人们想到Ajax和Web2.0时,他们通常会想起用户体验中的 可视元素。

  • They marked out the boundaries of our visual universe

    他们标出了我们 视觉经验领域的界限。

  • The cl compilers in both Visual C + + and GNU g + + come with several options .


  • It combines both the visual and textual aspects of the process in one single entity : the model .

    它将流程的 视觉方面和文本方面结合在了单个实体中:模型。

  • This further refines the visual style so that it reflects key behaviors and information .

    我们进一步使 视觉风格完善,从而可以体现和反应关键的行为和信息。

  • This opens the vi editor unless you have specified another editor in the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable .

    这会打开vi编辑器,除非在EDITOR或 VISUAL环境变量中指定了另一种编辑器。

  • We work on improving visual acuity .

    我们致力于提高 视觉的敏锐度。

  • We toured the overall programming model and various supporting tools such as visual snippets and mapping .

    我们介绍了整个编程模型和各种支持工具,如 可视化代码段和映射。

  • Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message not detract from what you are saying .

    要记住, 使用 视觉 材料是为了使表达的意思更加 清楚明白,而不能分散对所讲内容的注意力。

  • At the required level of visual verisimilitude computer animation is costly .

    要使电脑动画的 视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵。